This doesn't make any sense, huh?
2011-06-29 09:44:48 UTC
You're on Facebook and you see these quizzes like this:
x) you are funny
(x) you are pretty
(x) you are insane
(x) id dance with you
(x) you are cute
() you are ugly
() i like you
() i used to like you
() i hate you
(x) i miss you
(x) i love you
(x) you're nice

See there's one that say's " I like you." But that person didn't "x" that bubble. But they did one for " I love you." ( And these girls are just friends, about 13)
And I say this about every quiz thing, not just this one. It makes sense to say I love you, insead of I like you.
I'm sorry, but does this make sense for anybody?
Five answers:
2011-06-29 09:55:45 UTC
It doesn't make any sense at all, the word "love" used to pack a punch. Now every other sentence spoken by people contains the phrase "I love (insert person or object here)" basically this is destroying the value of an "I love you" because now it seems that that's a very common thing. So I agree with you, this makes no sense at all. But then again, in the eyes of a 13 year old this would seem normal. So the only time it won't make sense to you is if you actually think about it, if you're fine with it, it means you don't think before you speak
2011-06-29 09:51:20 UTC
No it doesn't really make since. But girls say they "like" a certain boy when they have a crush on them. They don't say they "love" him. I guess the girls have been close for a while so they're not going to say they like each other, they're to close for that. They have friendly love for each other. They don't say i like you because i guess thats how they pertain to boys & if the girls say they love each other then they have to like each other too. You don't love someone you hate, so they should have marked both, but then again they are young :)
Purple Helen
2011-06-29 09:51:47 UTC
Sorry - it just means Facebook is a great big waste of everyone's time - why not get out and actually meet people??!!
2011-06-29 09:47:52 UTC
When they say I love u tht means like a friend like means how they like a boy
Some Lady
2011-06-29 09:48:04 UTC
I love everyone in my family, but I don't like them all (especially the in-laws). Maybe it's kind of like that?

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