What is a 'jejemon' and why the sudden popularity?
Y! Philippines Editor
2010-04-22 21:08:23 UTC
This has been one of the top search queries in Yahoo! Philippines ( . So what is a "jejemon?" Is this supposedly new term related to Jar Jar Binks? Is this another emerging Filipino pop culture, similar to the the "jologs" phenomenon? Share your thoughts.
379 answers:
2010-04-23 02:19:28 UTC
The word "jeje" was mostly used in Spain or Hispanic Countries. The word "jejemon" is a combination of "jeje" and "Pokemon", but loosely related to both.These 'jejemons' are somewhat similar to the 'jologs phenomenon'.

The say that the word is pronounced not as "hehe" as some might think, but straightly "jeje". It originated from the laugh used by these "jejemons" instead of "hehe" they use "jeje", which is somewhat in contrast to the pronunciation.

I can say that the two main characteristics of a jejemon is as follows:

1. Sporting any clothing worn by Gangsters and Emos, but not limited to. It seems particualrly unappealing to many, as such the hate.

2. The tendency of intentionally misspelling words and adding letters that will somewhat make the word longer. They also use many symbols.

Here is a definition taken from a group of anti-jejemons:

"Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG games such as Ragnarok and DotA."

This phenomenon, this internet meme if you will, originally was mentioned on one particular Filipino Facebook group which contained a photo of a certain person who wore such attire. It soon became widespread and popular, gaining a cult following as you can notice from the several pages on Facebook dedicated to the said cultural phenomenon. This is why it became so much popular, a gathering of those who antagonize such culture, and those who are part of the said culture. The digital photo of Gibo Teodoro merely grabbed the attention of those who were not in the know of the phenomenon beforehand.

Obviously, it is a deviation of the term jologs, which also is similar to the description. It's mainly a sort of update of the term, with some added things such as giving names to what they wear, such as the jejecap and certain hand signs.

Well, It occurs to me that this phenomenon is a growing sign of Filipinos becoming more aware of the possibilities the Internet may bring. On the other hand, it shows how Filipinos develop cliques and in a way become racists.
2010-04-24 23:42:29 UTC
Jejemons are those who are dumb enough to make simple words like "hello" become more complicated in terms of spelling like "e0hwzH". They are also those who do not know how to wear a cap properly. They don't actually wear the caps but simply place it on top of their head loosely like they want the wind to blow it away. Also, jejemons are the feeling-gangsta people. There are multiple descriptions for jejemons but one is common among all: cause of stupidity or lack of leisure leading to doing things which are "jologs". If you go to social networking sites like Friendster and Facebook, you'll find plenty. Friendster has been their breeding area for years, even before the term jejemon was coined. However, due to its popularity, Facebook turned into a new hot spot for these jejemons. Many pages in FB have jejebusters. Many people hate jejemons and some are not aware of their existence. And there are people who are aware of their existence but are not aware that they are part of the jejepopulation. The spread of the jejedemic must be stopped because it may cause the destruction of keypads, of Shift keys in keyboards, and the minds of the youth who have caught the jejevirus. The most prominent characteristic of a jejemon is its Jejejejeje laugh...
2010-04-24 05:31:47 UTC
The term "Jejemon" is actually quite vague. It may sometimes refer to the people who use a really weird way of texting or typing. An example would be "eOww pOhwwzzz kmUstAah n pOoowwz b kyOoO?" This is also known as "Jeje Speak", where people purposely capitalize random letters, usually vowels, adding w's and z's at the end of a word if it has the sound -ow at the end. It is also evident that the letters are typed repeatedly. Most probably, they became so popular after the term "Jejemon" (probably called Jejemon because they type "hehehe" becomes "ajejejeje", and the "mon" from "Jejemon" probably is short for monster) was introduced because the way they type or text is very irritating, and it came to the point that not many would even want to look at something written in "Jeje".

The other group that "Jejemon" refers to is the group of people who wear clothes in a weird way. Take the "Jeje cap" (link: as an example. The "Jejemons" only place this above their heads; they don't actually wear them. There are some people who discriminate them, probably because of their manner of clothing. Though, I don't really know why they got called "Jejemons", probably some of them also use "Jeje speak".
2010-04-23 10:26:50 UTC
Forgive me if I answered only now. Forgive me also for not answering the question. 'Tis more of a rant.

My main rant here is this: WHY?

Anyway, what kind of god damn stupidity has Filipinos done? If they have a cellphone, they the must have been well-off enough to go to school. If they have a computer, then I'm sure they could have also gone to school. Probably the only exception here is when people are at cheap Internet shops. Anyway, to the point. Since they were at school, I AM SURE THAT THEY STUDIED GRAMMAR AND SPELLING. I mean, if Filipinos keep on doing this, we'd be perceived, in general, as (profane) stupid.

Jejemon sounds so poor. Wow. I mean really, Jejemons? What kind of (profane) term is that? I know the meaning; people who keep on saying "jejejejejejejejejejejejejeje" or people who add an extreme and unnecessary number of h's and z's. And some Filipinos can't even pronounce the letters right. "Etch". "Zay". What the (profane). It's an all-time (profane) low for us.

I just wish there was a policy saying that texting and chatting should be proper. Not the extensive z's crap. Of course, however, that would be silly.

If we let the foreigners know about this, then all Filipinos would be stereotyped as dumbasses. If you can't properly send a text message (meaning proper grammar, correct spelling and proper punctuations, including colons and hyphens), then you are likely to write and talk the same. Of course, anyone wouldn't say "jejejejejejejeje" or "pohzzzzz" literally, but somehow as stupid as that. I'll say this in Tagalog: Sayang naman yung mga magagaling mag-Ingles. We need those people. We need English for us to negotiate to other countries. Yet, though some can be good, foreigners would probably say "Ah, you're merely a Filipino. What the hell can you do?".

That's why, when applying to a job, managers should first give them a test about these; if you can text properly, write properly and speak properly. At the very least, it has to be understandable. Schools have to be more strict about these, either. Somehow, the teachers have to know their ability and progress in speaking/writing.

I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty young. Incoming first year high school only, at that. Yeah, I know, I'm not allowed here, but let's get to the point. I know how to write essays with flair. I've written two stories. I know the meaning of "discombobulated". In fact, I'm a wiki editor. I'm even staff at some. Do you wanna see my user page? Nah, maybe not.

So, if I can do this, anyone can.

Let me connect the government, though, with this. I would want someone who would focus on education. Education is the key to less corruption, in my opinion. Make most people, if not everyone, fluent in language. Build more schools. It will really help, in some way or another.

Again, I'm just disappointed at the people here. Why couldn't you fix yourselves and have good grammar? You even put more letters when you say "jejejejejeje" and "pohhhhzzzzzzzz", so laziness isn't the thing. Also, if you use shortcuts, you'd be used to it, and would know the right spelling. Heck, I know an adult who can't spell the word "phone" and "text" properly.

I end this here, though I felt my rant above was still highly lacking, though some of you may deem it long.

I used "(profane)" for profanity. I'm not sure if it's allowed here an Yahoo! Answers.
2010-04-25 00:49:21 UTC
I just found out there is a term for those who use "jejeje" in their messages.

Jejemon is becoming more and more common on social networking sites and SMS communications. Considering it an "emerging" pop culture seems appropriate as its usage increases.

I don't think those who are part of the jejemon culture are stupid or idiots. They may even have a higher IQ than any of us. Maybe they just do not want to spend too much time and effort in sending messages to CLOSE FRIENDS. After all, they know what it means.

Those who get to read the messages due to public access to them should not really bother with the spelling or styling. If you are not the intended recipient or it's nothing official, then let it be. Complain if it is submitted to you on paper in performance of official function. Otherwise... keep quiet. :D

Filipinos unintentionally become trendsetters. It's sad that those who didn't think of it first are upset.
2010-04-23 16:03:56 UTC
Jejemons already exist during the dawn of Friendster era (circa 2004). Based on extensive research and analysis, the Commission for Internet Sciences concluded that Jejemons have mistakenly identified computers as cellphones that's why they type in shorthand messages; the switching of upper and lower case is just for the shiznit.

Jejemon language should not be compared with 1337 because the former is just a pure epic crap. Either way, Jejemons can be killed with fire or pr0n. If all else fails, call a nuclear strike.
2010-04-23 07:15:41 UTC
For a more comprehensive study of Jejemons, read the academic discussion of the phenomenon at:

It starts, thus:

Jejemon: What Are They?

A Jejemon is basically a variation of homo sapiens sub-species Jeje that originates in the Asia-Pacific island nation the Philippines. Jejes on the other hand are of the pure and original form and is claimed to have originated in what we know today as Latin America. This post will discuss the Jejemon strain of the Jejes.

Jejemons (Jejemonus Filiponensis) are creatures of the night. Their activity period ranges from 8pm to 4am local time. They have been discovered by the world-renowned Filipino adventurer Juan dela Cruz in the early start of the millennium.

It is said that Jejemons are often seen clustering around social networking sites such as Facebook and Friendster. They are also spotted in massive numbers in television chat rooms albeit they were just starting to flourish at the time of Juan dela Cruz's discovery of them. To date, there is an estimated 7.4 million Jejemons thriving in the Philippines. They have since started booming proportionally with the fast global progress of technology
Justin Lau
2010-04-25 08:44:47 UTC

The way they talk: Truly annoying to read, pretty hard to understand when you're reading a Jejelord's (Jejemon Pro) text/chat/etc., in the long run? You'll just laugh it off your irritated head.

The clothes they wear: The "Jeje Cap" worn just right above the head is a must for a jejemon. They would either go for the hip-hop gangsta frat look with the big clothes and some blings (and the Jeje Cap), or the Konyo look with the skinny jeans, body-fit clothes, white leather shoes or the vans slip-ons or the weird colored shoes. (of course, the jeje cap is a must) And there's the typical emo look (or emo wannabe look), with all dark (possibly all black) clothes with the "Death/I wanna die/Gothic Room/EmoRocks/etc." print, and their eye liners with their bangs insanely stretched down to their faces.

How to know if you're already talking to one: In texts/chat, the jeje talk is there. In actual talking, the jeje wear, or at least the "Jeje Cap" is there.

Note: Don't misjudge a person if he/she is a Jejemon. That doesn't prove he/she is a bad influence. But be careful, you might be the next big one. :)
2010-04-25 08:43:15 UTC
Jejemons are the current "SALOT NG LIPUNAN".

As a matter of fact, I don't know how they emerged or who started to text the whole"jeJeje" thing, it's a pain in the butt.

All i know is...

They are (*excuse me for the term that i will use...) BASTARDIZING the language used by Filipinos.

These jejemons are causing a lot of people trouble in reading and understanding text and chat messages. They are causing too much complications.

For example:

*Instead of typing: "Po"

they type: "pFwuOh"

Now tell me, what's the point of doing that? That's just bulls**t!

The word "Po" is used as a sign of respect to some one you're talking to.

I think these jejemon creatures or whatever the hell they are, are uneducated!

They don't know how to use their own language. They are making fun of the Filipino culture.

Jejemonizing is not a pop culture, it is destroying the language of Filipinos!
Corista Girl
2010-04-24 23:47:24 UTC
The Jejemon are the type who did not receive a good education, not because they are lacking in life, but because they do not communicating with attention to importance of education, not always present in class, exotic dress, wearing what they call “Jejecap” , and mostly black, are intoxicated by some vice, yet cute, and only the most salient quality of them is the way they write, maps on the internet, MS Word, and what other applications, especially in the text messaging with their respective snatched the cellphone. Many NGOs that established the anti Jejemon, the reason they should not support it because their wrong wrong way Typing of letters, if you examine well, nothing wrong with their form, the only disgusting is only jeje their text which will see mixed letters and numbers that serve as part of their sentence.


This class started in mid 1999-2000, during revolutionary of the cellphone mobile in the Philippines. Along with being trendy mobile phone is Text Messaging, and one of the most effective way to Highest Communicate with people you be fond of looking a message in the inbox. For complex letters on a Cellphone Keypads, usually we just removed some of the vowels of a word or increasingly will replace letter vocalic parts of a word. They make the word complicated.

Jejerassic Period (2001 – 2004 A.D.)

They emerge in late 2001”s, when you see them you can say “WOW”. They can text while walking, wearing more “gangster” and they always keep their Filthy both Jologs (Ancestors of modern-day Jejemons ). 2002-2004 was also, there seem to sprout the strange messages, started all that to the aliases of the Filipino gangsters such as “El Burrito” or “Lady Zuplada. So they look cool, they added the silent letters, their names, such as the letter “H” and “J”, and “Lady Zuplada” became “Lhady Zupladah”.

Jejretaceous Period (2004 – 2007 A.D.)

Jologs learned of the word “jeje” from Spain, which means “lol” in enlgish or “hehehe” in Tagalog. They used to have one word for cute in their appealing, and for excessive use of expressions, devise the Pioneer Jejemons named Lhil Zupfhladouh (will be known as “Lil” later on) to expand yet the slogan of Jejemons. The use of synonimity a similar letter s and z, q-c and k, o-u and w, and spread their language all over the Philippines. Examples of these words:

ahm1sHo0pFouH – I miss you po

l4bsZzyUh – loves you

kHanKanGan tEoh – we are the K ******

2006 when included in the official letters, numbers them as alternative to I, A, E, and T.

Revolution (2007 – Present)

Many are not compliant by this type of communication to another person, the cause is poor mind, stupid does, and does not look good on a Philippine exposition of this kind of sentence or internet map site. Thinking that readers too illiterate Filipinos when it comes to writing and reading. Worse yet is the support of several celebrities, actors, politicians, media and others.

Jejemon see some networking sites like Friendster, Multiply, MySpace, Facebook and Youtube and led some of Jejeologists noted. Friendster was only one million million networking sites they making frivolous area. Some Non Government Organization’s exposed networking sites Jejemon and counter to the way they speak, but not stop the invasion Jejemon the brain of every young Filipinos who need proper education and culture.

Not be prolonged further sink the country for this year, the fall of the Philippines vs. stocks abroad, deported Filipinos seeking life in Dubai, Italy, Canada and others. The reason? Illiteracy, because most foreign businessmen and government is the stereotypical Asiano, the Jejemonism is just worsening the posture of our country and think of the people.
2010-04-25 06:01:21 UTC
Obviously, "jejemon" is another way of creating a source of individuality. Like the "jologs" of the past, most of the "jejemons" are trying find ways of separating themselves from the "rest of the common lot." A simple combination of high school student-invented language plus some text-type spellings produce the "jejemon" language. It should be noted that "jejemons" are not stupid people, they only like to have their own identities and creating a new language is one of them. They might even create their own set of norms. The only problem is that the language and norms that they have invented is not viable with the present society as a whole. Their invented language should only be used between them and should not be used in official transactions.
Live and Die for Love
2010-04-25 01:36:51 UTC
Basically, a "jejemon" is someone who tends not to type properly. They use improper capitalization (in their case, they use capital letters mostly in the middle of a certain word) and tend to overuse letters to give words a "spiced-up" effect. I think the term "jejemon" is derived from the term that they commonly use which is "ajejeje"

This is how a jejemon types: hElOoWHhh thEhREhE,.,.,,.jejeJEjE.,.,.,

The reason why jejemons became suddenly popular is because people have been scrutinizing them in terms of the way they type. They sort of condemn them because they think that jejemons are illiterate people, not using proper capitalization, proper spelling and all that. I think "jologs" and "jejemons" are correlated to each other, so I think that the "jejemon" phenomenon is quite similar to the "jologs" phenomenon.
2010-04-24 07:13:56 UTC
How did it instantly become the top search term? Thanks to the striking photo of Presidential candidate Gibo Teodoro flashing a statement saying, 'I'll bring back all the Jejemons to Elementary' (Ibabalik ko lahat ng Jejemons sa elementarya).

Now, what exactly is a 'Jejemon'? It is a word that seemed to be a combination of the expression 'Jejeje' and and an informal suffix -mon (short for monsters). Jejemons are people who prefer typing in posts in a lazy and awkward fashion: H3yo PfoHh!..,

This embarrassing phenomenon more probably evolved along with the boom of SMS technology, wherein one can send messages with a limited length. This 'limit' somewhat enabled Filipinos to use an alternative form of expressing their thoughts, creating the txtspk along the way.

Please, this is the worst trend that I believe have ever emerged in our country. If this is just a fad, please let it die quickly.
2010-04-24 02:44:43 UTC
Jejemons or there are coined as the speaking aliens.. I don't know much why there are called speaking aliens.. maybe because of the spelling situation as hellow pfou mztah kah nah.. blah blah blah. Jejemons are fluent in the letter "H" (even that coined word does not include the letter H) They sound like gangster.

example: (this is not a real conversation, it serves only as an example)

mhiz_shuplahditah : miss nah kitah. jejeje

and uses the number "3" as letter "E" like "ta3" ( that is a bad term in english language if it is translated in that language)

also jeje name is after the term hehehe or hahaha (laughing sound)

(in a normal english keyboard, letter J is beside the letter H., maybe that is a factor why jejemons are born)

some people called jejemons as jologs.. ( jologs = out of fashion sense)

facebook users can experience out of the the mind language of jeje

in the account settings of Facebook, there is a language called "Leet Speak"

(i have tried it at it cause me a thousand headache in understanding that)

also what is a jeje cap

jeje cap is a net cap with a rainbow design piping with black net.

that ends my answer..
2010-04-23 19:32:54 UTC
You probably have the idea of what a jejemon is just by reading the previous comments. Basically, it comes with the form of writing, the addition of letters or other characters to make it seem cool. Yes guys you heard it right, for them it is cool. That is the reason why they were doing it on the first place. As far as i can remember it was 7 years ago when i saw a Jejemon kind of typing on the net for the first time. You guys maybe surprised but the people whom i saw typed like this at first where teenage Americans, even my ex gf got part of that culture since she was living in CA and we were in a long distance relationship. I got the chance to view the blogs of her friends and there it was. Currently some of them still does, you can see it on youtube comments... am guilty for busting their asses on social networking sites but i just do it for fun. I realized something though, it wasn't really their fault, it was brought about the interests which was shaped by the culture around them. You would notice that these people are on a Social Class C - D type or it may be a 10 yr old kid and under. My conclusion is that they saw these kind of typing on the net on foreign individuals and emulated it in an exaggerated way because they thought it might be cooler. Or it just got up to them? or it may be both? we don't really know the exact reason, Although I have something to back up my theories haha. It will definitely be a FAD because the real craze right now is the JEJEMON BUSTERS and PEOPLE BEING AWARE of what a JEJEMON IS. Jejemons have been there for quite sometime now and its just now that we really got our full attention to them. Soon they will realize how people are mocking them and they will feel embarrassed...then boom they will be gone. Soon you will see previous jejemons busting other jejemon breeds. Honestly i somehow feel sorry for them, it just occurred to me that this is somehow becoming a social discrimination of some sort but not direct. Have you seen a guy riding a Porsche who texts or types like a Jejemon? tell me when you do cuz that is definitely fucked up. Or Imagine Sharon Cuneta texted like this "HI P0wh WE~ WiLL HAvE~ a~ SHoOTNg l8R WITH~ my FrIENdsHIPz RUFFA nD KrIZ aQUIn0H AT tAGyTAY~ ". see. hahaha

Mansour Cayco

Stratosphere Productions
2010-04-23 07:27:59 UTC
Well, this new term doesn't intrigue me at all. Perhaps, most answers here were correct in terms of using these words and coined them for easy typing or communication, whether text or chat. It saves time, but it limits ones knowledge of vocabulary.

The Philippines may have a poor education system right now, and with the incorporation of these words which most citizens are becoming use to, plus all the dramas they watch on TV, many of our new generations will become incompetent, and have a hard time to learn English such a case of speaking and comprehension. Many of our graduates still act and respond to interviews and ordinary conversations ineffectual. They cannot express themselves in straight Tagalog or English.

Taglish was an issue before, but with this Jejemon, I guess, we have to go back to what we learned from our home and school. Let us act educated (even if some finished just grade school or high school) and be competitive with our neighbors and worldwide. Define Filipinos as intellect and hardworking people, and not just playful at all times. And certainly, not an imitator or an inventor of a fad and brainless language.
2010-04-23 06:40:13 UTC
Jejemons are those people who type with weird spellings. Instead of typing apple, they will type @pPl3 or AaFpPLe.

We all know that texting is very popular in Philippines. I bet this all begin through texting.

Before, texting has been shortcut since sms have limit number of letters per messages. The shortened messages have evolved. It became longer because they think it's cute/cool to text with some "art-e".

The name originated from the way they laugh(in messages). Instead of using, hahaha, or heheheh, they use jejejeje.

I'm amazed how fast they can type with added letters and shifting of letters from small to big. I'm actuallly slow at texting, that's why.

But at the same time, I don't like it. It's not cute. It's actually annoying. It gives me headache whenever I see jeje messages.

Jejemons are not only those who typed with such "art-e" but some also called people with weird taste in dressing as Jejemon.

People who wear the jejecap qualifies the title jejemon.!/photo.php?pid=3630603&id=347727728891

Also those who have weird shirts and scarf are also now called jejemon by some people

I think you're are right, it's a new term synonymous to jologs.
2016-02-27 03:37:07 UTC
Well, just because there are questions on here does not mean that they are becoming popular it is mainly people just asking about them to see what people would say they are not actually considering buying them it's very immature. And then the slim chance of someone acctually considering it would have to be new at hunting and they think they can handle any gun and figure that hunting with an AK or a Sniper they will go out to the woods and get a shot at an animal from over 400 yards with the sniper and if they do use an AK they would probablly end up shooting the animal 20 some times and destroy the meat and hide.
nanding dems
2010-04-24 18:14:42 UTC
With the emergence of hi-tech tools for communication like cellfones, personal computers, lop top, etc. jejemons use shortcuts of communicating to others who only use and understand the contents of their messages because there is a very limited space in these tools to express their intentions such that it can reach the receiving end in the fastest time possible. They can text or chat with ease in a very less expensive manner and only jejemon literates are using this. This Filipino pop culture cannot just die out easily. Perhaps it will take another new invention of higher level of communicating gadgets to emerge and use another form of language before this will be eliminated. What one learns in school on the correct and proper use of communicating can just be preserved and use in the appropriate situation.
2010-04-24 17:28:53 UTC
The jejemon is a crowd of people that took something that is so annoyingly stupid and thought that it was actually cool. They go far more than just texting, they have they're own style of clothing that are basically failed attempts at looking gangsta, they also have a trademark cap called a jejecap that is rainbow colored. It is not worn by the jejemon, instead they just place it on there head without even pushing the cap all the way down. I can say that this culture is by far the most stupid of all.
2010-04-24 03:44:13 UTC
I have to disagree regarding a lot of comments regarding the intellectual capacity of "jejemons" I know a lot who does "jejemon" talk from an online game. And they can speak also in fluent Filipino and English. This is how they express their creativity or individualism. This is a generation that takes customization of such things like talk, cellphones, hair and etc. Not every creative thing you do in your life will be appreciated by all people. But since it has become popular, there must be merit to this culture. Kindly respect what is beautiful to others. You call these people stupid and immature... but isn't disrespecting this way also immature and foolish? Just because a person talks in another way doesn't mean his/her IQ and communication skills sucks. Like for example, I do this kind of talking also. I just haven't mastered using alternate small and big caps. I use it for emphasis. Like, hayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - means badtrip hays; or eow - shy hello (smaller hello). I actually admire people who do the caps thing because that is fast typing and that is something I can't give my time to do. Oh and I think what you think "jejemons" are... they don't have themed outfits. ^_^
Fayrene C
2010-04-23 23:05:37 UTC
"Jejemon" is a combined word from "jeje" and "pokemon."

Jeje is an alternate way of expressing laughter, as in, "hehe" but taking from the Spanish alphabet (since the Philippines has been greatly influenced by the Spanish culture) the letter "j" which is pronounced as "h." Jeje therefore is pronounced as 'hehe' and not "diye-diye'

However, since Filipinos do not use the Spanish pronunciation of "j", some found it annoying and irritating to read 'hehe' as 'jeje'. In my personal experience, I have a classmate who texts like "ejejeje" and I was actually ignorant/unaware that it is like 'ehehehehe' so I was...pissed! But it wasn't only me, there are a lot of other Filipinos that are irritated with this form of text until the term jejemon finally arise.

JEJEMON now is the term created to call someone who uses the "jeje" plus types in a manner where they substitute some letters for numbers, use the sticky form of typing, change the proper spelling of words and even use greek and russian letters in place of the alphabet. For you to experience the JEJE LANGUAGE, I recommend you go to this site:

All the other answers are also true. Since I do not play online games, I did not know the origin of the "jeje language." However, though Filipinos coined JEJEMON to other Filipinos, there are other races such as the Spanish, Mexican, Brazilian, Latin who got offended by the term. I actually understand them, owing to the fact that "jeje" is how they actually speak as it is their language. But just to point it out, they should not get offended because they are not the ones being criticized.

This jejemons -in effect- gives off a bad impression to Filipinos as it degrades the quality of our education (in spelling and grammar), our social image especially the young generation.
2010-04-23 05:07:29 UTC
i would agree with the rest of the answers but to put it simple. Jejemon is just another term for jologs.

You know, like Emo's from Emotional, or Prankster from the word "Prank" and other informal words coined.

the word itself is not a problem, because as u can see, there are many words, in different languages all around the world coined or created to produce a name, or maybe a synonym..

like, did u know that the word Jennifer was a cornish name coined from it's original version/spelling "Guineviere"

But obviously it's not just about the word.

Technically speaking, we idealize that these people are uneducated.. but, yes, general classification has it's limitations. So the word "jologs" was coined to classify them. even i don't know where that word came from.. probably during the old times when rearranging the syllables in a word used in a langguage was "in"

example: barkada=dabarkads, mother=ermats, father=erpats ..i'm thinking, maybe an overdone trans-assembling of the word "loko" or some other word.. i'm not sure of it anyway.

but.. yes, so far.. that description in the urban dictionary says it all.
Confused Girl
2010-04-23 02:45:13 UTC
Jejemons are those who spell words unnecessarily elaborately, usually with sticky caps. They are kind of like the "jologs" people except that nowadays being jologs is equated with being game for everything or being low-maintenance which isn't really that much of a bad thing. Being a "jejemon" however is frowned upon as it confuses and annoys whoever the jejemon is speaking to.

EX: EoW pFuH, mUsZtAh nAh PfUh KeoWh!?

(LOL, I'd just like to point out how spell checker made a big fuss when I typed that out. SEE? Annoying as hell, those jejemons.)
2014-06-30 16:51:11 UTC
There is nothing wrong with writing in short cuts or acronyms; just so long as you don't write the whole novel in your text message. I guess this is why young people resort to "jejemon" to save the number of characters resulting to longer text messages. Just write the important bits and revert back to "good, old but effective way of communicating" like talking face to face or on the phone....Gals & guys, even whilst I was typing the word "jejemon", the computer was trying to correct it because of course, the word is just very stupid even the computer won't accept it! See!
2010-04-25 00:36:43 UTC
it was not called "jejemon" from where it started, just plain and simply "jologs".

the term "jejemon", IMHO, originated from the so-called "jejeje cap", the trucker hats that has a bright rainbow color on the back,.

they stereotyped people who were wearing the "jejeje cap", usually low-class filipinos living in the slums, filipino "gangstas", bums, or just any other person who thinks it's "cool"

usually those who were said to be wearing those was the people who were texting/typing in a very different manner than everyone else, even the "gangstas" are now considered "jejemons".

i don't know how the term "jejemon" started, and how they thought of em' "pokemons" as one of the foundation words for it.

people, this is one of them FADS, this wouldn't last long like any other FADS that came through our society.
2010-04-23 19:42:34 UTC
A jejemon is a person who spell tagalog and english words like these : hmMPF , eiOw pFoueSzX , aCkqOue ?

and many many words they make longer . They also mix numbers to the word . Example : h3Ow pFo3sZxs sX3iO ... k4mUsZxsTh4H c4H pFoe ,... ? aQckOu3 oKeiY lh4rn .. 6uSxZtuOeH cOeh pUmUnt4h sX3 iNiYuOh ... pW3d3h vBh4 ?

Many people hate them . They are popular because many people notice them . They were mentioned sometimes in a TV show that they are the hate of people . However , There is some "JEJEBUSTERS" who busts jejemons . There is some fan pages on "facebook" that busts them . Jejemons started from friendster until went to facebook and other social networking .
2010-04-23 09:05:33 UTC
I think jejemons are people who use text lingo in a more fussy way, sometimes also using sticky caps. (Ex.. "Hello! How are you? Haha." becomes "e0w stAh nA poH u? jeJeje"). I guess jejemons were born the day when text messaging emerged. And I guess, too, that more and more people are getting peeved by such act, someone just had to coin the term. "Jejemons" are are considered "jologs" but not all "jologs" are "jejemons".
2010-04-23 08:05:38 UTC
The first time I heard the term "Jejemon" was last night on MYX. VJ Nikki was talking about this and then it became clear to me. I think this phenomenon originated also from the anime, J-pop and K-pop scene. I don't know, if you are familar with the japanese word "Kawaii". meaning "Cute". So they try to be cute by writing that way.

I just hope that this jejemon thing will soon be forgotten because it's just too ridiculous. And I also have to confirm the previous statement that these "cliques" hang out in mall all day long and observe other mall-goers. I noticed this especially in Sta. Lucia mall. These people all dress the same...talking about self-identity.
Paul S
2010-04-23 06:47:42 UTC
Basically, Jejemons are "jologs" or the trying hard people. The term comes from the jeje or hehe an the mon well from the word monster or pokemon. Most of them are of low class but there are some also in the middle class because of influence. Most of the gibberish comes from the people in rural and squater areas who have cell phones. And if you noticed, their way of typing "eOw PhOzZZ$" or something like that is like an error code that comes from basic program errors or viruses. They also dominate sites with their jeje talk. For example, they dominated friendster now facebook. On the way home there was this time that I heard from a jejemon "pact" the "leader" told his other jeje friends "Yo! People Whe ahr weh going. What ah we going to do?" (pronounced as is). It is really irritating to see those major changes. Before its not much of an issue but to type like this: "eOOw Pf:hoZx aaHjejhejeh" (Hello hehehe) Its outrageous!!!!!!!
keano b
2010-04-25 05:46:18 UTC
To put your Question in simple Answers :). Jejemons are Filipino's who type or talk in a manner of Grammatical Nonsense and spell words with barely audible spellings. Also know as "Jologs". One sure fire way to know that a person is a Jejemon is if He or She wears what we people like to call "Milo Caps". The cap with the multicolor backdraft. Also another way of knowing if someone is a Jejemon is if He or She wears his hat as if like he just placed it on top without any re-assurance it won't fall of, meaning it can easily fall of. :)) Because it's too high!
2010-04-24 22:49:43 UTC
As stated countless times above, Jejemons are people who talk/type/text using numbers, capital letters, and meaningless punctuation marks. Jejemon was derived from the two terms "jeje" and "Pokemon." There is no REAL relation between the two terms though, bit one can possibly view jejemons as "Jeje Monsters" since Pokemon is just a short version of "Pocket monsters."

Jeje originated from a "joke" version of the laugh "hehe." It is pronounced Jeje, not hehe.

Now for some minor points I wish to bring up:

"Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG games such as Ragnarok and DotA."

This is something I spotted many times in answers. I would like to bring up the fact that NOT ALL JEJEMONS are "trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos." Trust me, they are nothing more than people who are either people that are trying to be cute, or are just people who have been caught in a "new meme" (a rather annoying one at that.)

Note this part too: "Latino-Hispanic fags." This immediately points to the fact that people have begun to discriminate such Jejemons. We must not forget that no matter how annoying they are, they too are human. Calling a person a *** for such is improper.

Several people above have also mentioned that Jejemons are a sign of deteriorating IQ or knowledge. THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY TRUE EITHER. I have friends (a valedictorian friend is one), who speak in Jeje ON RARE OCCASIONS. This is not a sign of stupidity, rather it is just a way of them trying to mess around with a new meme (they speak jeje only as a joke, heck even THEY are annoyed by it), so do not assume all who use jeje are stupid.

The "jeje" phenomenon will pass eventually, just like how many other ideas die out when people grow tired of it. My friends grew bored of the whole jeje idea after half a day, so it WILL die out; we just have to wait for the die-hard fanatics to finally give up...
euge the scrooge
2010-04-23 05:44:28 UTC
Jejemons are your local overly needy social network friendlies that grab every opportunity to join in on a forum/wall using a distinctly bastardized communication form reffered to as (*Jejemonics - ie. Love = Luv, Sa iyo po = Saiyo Paw...). Jejemonics theoretically evolved from the need to abuse the human opposable thumb in order to communicate text messages on mobile phone interfaces. This form of texting was then moronically adapted to forum and social network messaging communications in complete disregard of the optimizing opportunity that two hands and a computer keyboard present.

Behaviorally, Jejemons reflect their neediness and attention craving in the way they present themselves in the social networking environment. Male Jejemons usually post pictures without their tops showcasing physique. While the female species would often post in blatant seductive poses

Jejemons are not endemic to the Philippines. They can can be herded into the same quadrant with American "Loltards"
2010-04-23 04:07:46 UTC
This "jejemon" term came from the "jejejeje" text messages.

It's their "laugh" when they do texts and from there on anti-jejemon people called them

JEJEMON. They use this kind of text messaging: "HeLlow PHoWwz, Txtm8Te GUyzz?" :|

And it looks and sounds pretty weird and wrong, right?

It destroys grammar and all those languages stuffs.

Sudden popularity?

They're started mostly in text messages and in some social networking sites.

With their type of language some people were irritated with this and came up with such

JEJEMON term. Probably if you go on their side, they might say because it's cool enough or something well, it's not.
2010-04-25 05:40:31 UTC
It is an emerging pinoy pop culture ranging from low to middle class filipinos maybe some upper class too, it somewhat originated on text messaging, creation of somewhat a social text chat circle called a CLAN.

"Jeje" from Jejemon originated from somewhat a vague laugh ending in there messages

"mon" is simply taken from the hit TV anime "Pokemon" somewhat implying that "Jejemons" are another species or entity.
2010-04-24 23:20:13 UTC
Let's not become judgmental again at this point in time. I admit, reading texts like the jejemons are quite annoying. But, stereotyping these people by saying they have Low IQ's, Less educated, Jologs etc. is not right. Let's just respect their preferences on how they will deliver their message/s on their own preferred way. However, if this will affect their communication skills, especially in spelling, well, that's their problem anymore. :)
2010-04-24 21:53:31 UTC
We can trace the definition by first defining the much earlier expression (though not that early in the Philippines) "jejeje" or "jeje". It was a term used by English speaking online communities (such as those in online gaming and instant messaging) where in Hispanic races (Brazilians, Spanish, etc...) use "jeje" in place of the standard "hehe", due to the phonetic similarities of both j and h in their language (junta, jota, jabon, etc...) apparently it was used as an insult to these races, given the amount of racism one finds in the internet communities outside social networks.

For an unidentified reason, "jeje" found itself in txt lingo, thus the earliest form of jejemon language being a small part of the txt-speaking community. This phenomenon evolved through constant use, especially among the "gangstah" Filipino communities, expounded by the altErNatInG usE oF bOtH lOwERcAse anD uPpErCaSe letters, or by m1x1ng b0tH l3tt3Rs aNd nuMb3R5 (an old practice known as leet "1337" speak).

jejemon, then is more of a language trend than an actual culture. The recent antagonizing groups in social networks such as facebooks tend to put the label jejemon on "gangstahs" (making the jejecap and the scarf references.)

The word itself, "jejemon" is a cross between "jeje" and "pokemon", signifying a sort of "creature who uses the jeje language".
jay b
2010-04-24 09:29:46 UTC
Perhaps jejemon has become famous all of the sudden because of the Jejebusters like Gibo who posted something on his wall in Facebook and those people who made a big deal in jejetyping.


A group of internet grammar vigilantes, typically Filipinos, dedicating their internet lives towards the eradication of jejetyping and jejemon existence. Having dangerous links to the grammar nazi, jejebusters enjoy humiliating a jejemon by posting his/her profile on a social networking site, while everyone on the internet laughs, causing unwarranted embarrassment towards the individual caught jejetyping.

Hey jejebusters! I caught another jejemon! LOL, so funny!
2010-04-23 18:01:25 UTC
Actually, jeje language isn't a growing trend to filipino youth today. Most people today, wants to humiliate those jejemons, and also to destroy. Have you ever been a fan of "GOTTA KILL 'EM ALL JEJEMON! :)))" on facebook? Most facebook users aren't jejemons, cause facebook doesn't allow names with sticky caps and many signs. Friendster is filled with jejemons, like 80% of filipino friendster users are jejemons. Mostly the ones that live in the ghetto side of the ph.
2010-04-23 09:27:34 UTC
I like the Jar Jar Binks relation. haha!

It is perhaps some jologs phenomenon that is just effin' irritating. Probably someone took Spanish and got himself/herself using J instead of H with regard to hahaha or hehehe.

I don't even care to read quotes sent through SMS, keyed in jejemon language. BECAUSE IT'S EFFIN' IRRITATING!!!
2010-04-23 07:27:54 UTC
i don't even know how to read this correctly! is that "hehemon" or "dyedyemon"?? I came across those weird words first on facebook, and yes, they are really really annoying!

At a time when text messaging cost P1/160 characters, people were dying to really shorten the words into 1 to 3 letters. And now, because text messaging has unlimited service, the jejemons could afford on spelling a word as longer as possible. they add z's, w's, f's, x's, v's, numbers, symbols, etc. a simple two-lettered word is spelled with five letters or more! how annoying could that be!? grrrrr... Jejemon language is complete and utter stupidity!
2010-04-24 23:05:38 UTC
aside from all the language-related definition provided by our friends own definition for a jejemon is a person who wants to be "in"... like "in" with the new. for example, you can easily spot a jejemon by the way he/she dresses up. for the guys, a jejemon is someone who wears the jejemon-must-have "jejecap". the jejecaps are the famous baseball caps that jejemons never wear properly. they just put it on a certain angle so that the brim never covers a single portion of their face and that's it. i don't know how they do it but no matter how the strong the wind blows, the jejecap is never blown away. just recently, as i was riding a jeepney to school, i saw this jejemon neighbor of mine who hopped into the same jeepney as mine and the vehicle immediately sped off as soon as he was able to hung unto the bars. i swear that the jeepney was running really fast and that the jejemon surely was receiving all the wind as the jeepney made its way...but i never saw the cap fall off his head.
2010-04-24 16:40:19 UTC
Jejemon is not related to Jar Jar Binks and It is likely "jologs". Jejemons are the filipinos who texts or types really weird and really confusing like this: H! My NaM3 1z J3j3m0N, jejejejeje. and they replaces the letter "h" to a letter "j" in use of laughing like: jejejejejejejeje. and finally their clothes are really large and their hats have colorful lines at the back and they dont put their hat really in the head, they wear it "over" the head.
JC John Sese Cuneta
2010-04-23 20:22:25 UTC
Jejemonism is old. The first time I encountered it was way back in 2000, at first it was ok but it evolved and is now irritating.

I don't like 1337 talk but I'd rather read 1337 than read Jejemon sentences. I'd rather read IRC-talk and gamer-talk than read Jejemons.

Jejemonism is the worst in its category, the so-called "language corruption" category. And no, it isn't an emerging Filipino pop culture, it is a destruction, a corruption, a disease that must be eliminated, erased, deleted from existence, our history, and the people's individual and collective memories.
2010-04-23 17:13:54 UTC
A jejemon for me is someone who complicates typing, they randomly capitalize the letters of the word and add unnecessary letters to the word. Perhaps, jejemons are the more elite era of Jologs. One things for sure with all the jeje's... the EMO era was outlived. Well, jeje's better than the suicidals.. =P
Ben T.
2010-04-23 15:19:08 UTC
Jejemon comes from 2 keywords jeje and mon.

"Jeje" comes from the person’s excessive use of “Jejeje” which came from “Hehehe.” (laugh) Jejeje came from Latin/Spanish speaking places were “j” is pronounced as an “h” (ei: Jose=ho+se).

“mon” comes from the word monster. “mon” is used here to signify a “being” as popularized by the Anime Series and Movie Pokemon.

Jejemon, thus, literally means someone who uses “jeje.” But in context, Jejemons are people who modify the spelling of words and grammar of a sentence.

Spelling changes includes inappropriately using upper and lower cases, special characters and punctuation marks. (ei: EoW pFuOh!=Hello po.)

Grammar changes include omitting words, taglish and other adaptation of the English language into the local dialect. (wEr n@ U? aDi2 nah M3.)

Jejemons are mostly hated because their messages are very hard to understand. Jejemons have also contributed to the demise of our country’s Grammar and Spelling. The Jejemons themselves were the first victims of this as they were so accustomed to changing their grammar and spelling that they have forgotten the correct way to do it. Other people are also being affected when they receive messages from jejemons very often because it confuses their current grammar and spelling. The young generation are the ones who really suffer the consequences because they are still at the level of education where their Literacy is still being developed and scrutinized.

This “in” thing mostly has negative effects. The only positive effect of this would be to solicit a “cute” reaction to whoever the Jejemon sends his/her messages, but even this is highly questionable as most who read their messages would most likely just be irritated with the complexity of even the simplest message.

The bottom line? It is highly irrelevant.
2010-04-23 08:33:11 UTC
Jejemon is gay and stupid. It's a dumbed down version of an otherwise normal english conversation. Very popular among idiots with very unhappy lives and most teenagers with some sorta mental retardation. It may be caused by lack of attention coming from other people, or parents (mother never hugged them that much, etc.), or just plain stupidity. Avoid them like the plague. It's a disease of the hippocampus. Like watching too much variety shows and television drama turned their brains to swiss cheese. People who are into this jejemon idiocy should lifehack themselves by looking for crotch bulges on the internet or just literally shoot themselves in the head.
2010-04-23 07:38:47 UTC
Jejemons are people who are trying hard to be like American or Latino gangsters.

The word "jejemon" is coined from the word "jeje" and "pokemon/monster".

Most of the people "tHyPz LyKe tDiz" on social networking sites like Friendster, Multiply and Facebook. These people also appear in online games available in the country.

They are known for wearing fake Walux rainbow caps/jeje cap*, very loose t-shirts and pants/shorts. They are always seen in computer shops, malls, streets within the low class areas in the Philippines.

An "ORIGINAL" Walux /jeje cap costs NT$1280 or ₱1,800+ while a fake jeje cap cost ₱70-150.

They have designs from Ripcurl,Quicksilver,MAGIC BLINK,Hurley,BAPE,Supra,New Era and others.

*Walux is a Taiwanese apparel company. They are known in China, Hong Kong, Japan and other Asia Pacific countries. The rainbow design was launched in 2008.
2010-04-23 07:28:24 UTC
Since language is developing and progressive, new Filipino coined words are "invented everyday, especially that Philippines has been tagged as one of the countries that used texting as a way of communication (aside from the fact that Pinoys are really sweet and "maarte" in terms of messaging)

Jejemon is a combination on two words "JE JE" means "he he" ( a laugh) and "MON" from "monster", so using this definitions, we can simply say that JEJEMON is a language monster that creates havoc in Grammar World for them to express their feelings in a more personal and intimate level. They may one helluva language destroyer but Filipinos love this kind of communication mostly, teenagers who have a lot of time to type in their text messages. This practice of changing spelling into a more complicated one develops the relationship of friendship because it makes the receiver more special.
2010-04-23 04:05:40 UTC
It's really stupid. I can't believe it even became "cool" to communicate like that.

There's even an online translator to translate regular words to jejemon speak.

Here's an example of how utterly stupid it is. This is the Yahoo Editor's question in Jejemon speak courtesy of the said link.

wT IZ A 'jejeMOn'ndWHY D SuDdeN pOPuLrIty, N0H?

thiZ hZ bEen One of d toP SeArCh quERIez in YahoO LoLZ! philippINeZ (httP://bIt P0WH.Ly/cijlOu) . so wt Iz a "jeJEmOn?" Iz tHiZ SUPPOSeDLy NEw tERm REL8d To jar jar bInks? iZ thiZ nuTheR EMerging filipIN0h pop cUl2rE, SimILR tO d the "JoLogs" PHeNOmenoN? sheyRur thoughts.
2010-04-24 17:23:40 UTC
This is my first time to hear about jejemons but I think this has been created to name those people who uses such kind of words instead of the correct grammar. I have seen many comments that are true..this wont help filipinos to be more aware of speaking and writing in english grammatically correct especially the new generation. I have received texts like this and i find it unethical and poor. Please..think correctly...let us not go onto the backward mentality. Be competitive otherwise we're gonna be left behind by the neighboring countries. Remember that we are the third largest english speaking nation in the world..
2010-04-23 21:01:35 UTC
What is Jejemon?

I think this site has a good explanation

Why the sudden popularity?

Because jejemons are poor in spelling and grammar, however, they need to use a certain language.

So using the "jejemon language" covers up their flaws.

Next time, if you are not sure of the correct spelling, just try to be a jejemon and intentionally spell ridiculously to avoid embarrassment.
2014-06-09 03:44:45 UTC
They are kind of like the "jologs" people except that nowadays being jologs is equated with being game for everything or being low-maintenance which isn't really that much of a bad thing. Being a "jejemon" however is frowned upon as it confuses and annoys whoever the jejemon is speaking to.
2014-11-13 16:45:14 UTC
Basically, Jejemons are "jologs" or the trying hard people. The term comes from the jeje or hehe an the mon well from the word monster or pokemon. Most of them are of low class but there are some also in the middle class because of influence. Most of the gibberish comes from the people in rural and squater areas who have cell phones. And if you noticed, their way of typing "eOw PhOzZZ$" or something like that is like an error code that comes from basic program errors or viruses. They also dominate sites with their jeje talk. For example, they dominated friendster now facebook. On the way home there was this time that I heard from a jejemon "pact" the "leader" told his other jeje friends "Yo! People Whe ahr weh going. What ah we going to do?" (pronounced as is). It is really irritating to see those major changes. Before its not much of an issue but to type like this: "eOOw Pf:hoZx aaHjejhejeh" (Hello hehehe) Its outrageous!!!!!!!
2014-10-23 21:32:56 UTC
Basically, Jejemons are "jologs" or the trying hard people. The term comes from the jeje or hehe an the mon well from the word monster or pokemon. Most of them are of low class but there are some also in the middle class because of influence. Most of the gibberish comes from the people in rural and squater areas who have cell phones. And if you noticed, their way of typing "eOw PhOzZZ$" or something like that is like an error code that comes from basic program errors or viruses. They also dominate sites with their jeje talk. For example, they dominated friendster now facebook. On the way home there was this time that I heard from a jejemon "pact" the "leader" told his other jeje friends "Yo! People Whe ahr weh going. What ah we going to do?" (pronounced as is). It is really irritating to see those major changes. Before its not much of an issue but to type like this: "eOOw Pf:hoZx aaHjejhejeh" (Hello hehehe) Its outrageous!!!!!!!
2014-10-11 08:08:21 UTC
Basically, Jejemons are "jologs" or the trying hard people. The term comes from the jeje or hehe an the mon well from the word monster or pokemon. Most of them are of low class but there are some also in the middle class because of influence. Most of the gibberish comes from the people in rural and squater areas who have cell phones. And if you noticed, their way of typing "eOw PhOzZZ$" or something like that is like an error code that comes from basic program errors or viruses. They also dominate sites with their jeje talk. For example, they dominated friendster now facebook. On the way home there was this time that I heard from a jejemon "pact" the "leader" told his other jeje friends "Yo! People Whe ahr weh going. What ah we going to do?" (pronounced as is). It is really irritating to see those major changes. Before its not much of an issue but to type like this: "eOOw Pf:hoZx aaHjejhejeh" (Hello hehehe) Its outrageous!!!!!!!
2014-10-03 03:51:14 UTC
Basically, Jejemons are "jologs" or the trying hard people. The term comes from the jeje or hehe an the mon well from the word monster or pokemon. Most of them are of low class but there are some also in the middle class because of influence. Most of the gibberish comes from the people in rural and squater areas who have cell phones. And if you noticed, their way of typing "eOw PhOzZZ$" or something like that is like an error code that comes from basic program errors or viruses. They also dominate sites with their jeje talk. For example, they dominated friendster now facebook. On the way home there was this time that I heard from a jejemon "pact" the "leader" told his other jeje friends "Yo! People Whe ahr weh going. What ah we going to do?" (pronounced as is). It is really irritating to see those major changes. Before its not much of an issue but to type like this: "eOOw Pf:hoZx aaHjejhejeh" (Hello hehehe) Its outrageous!!!!!!!
2010-04-24 22:45:32 UTC
What is Jejemon?

1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.
Lou Co
2010-04-24 22:17:47 UTC
All are free to express themselves, however there is the great risk that the basic and traditional elements of Filipino culture that include Filipino language are set aside. In the extreme case, there may be a danger that the Filipino tradition will forever be lost and forgotten when the time comes.

I am not an expert on Filipiniana and history. I only appreciate the many timeless and profound features of our language and culture, the sawikain, salawikain, bugtong and many others.

I think that if all Filipinos especially the young generation learn about our rich culture, we will discover that we should be proud of the same. It also strengthens our identity as Filipinos. More importantly, it may make us love our country and ourselves more as Filipinos.
2010-04-23 18:21:31 UTC
Spanish speakers do not use the letter "h". Instead, they use "j" which is read as [h].

Even in the Philippines when we were still under Spanish rule, words/names that have an "h" now were spelled with a "j" back then. For example, the family name of "Buhay" was then spelled "Bujay."

Therefore, when Spanish speakers type "jajaja" or "jejeje", they are not being cute. They are actually laugh-typing as we would be when we type "hahaha" or "hehehe".

As for jejemons, well that's a whole different species altogether.
2010-04-23 17:18:03 UTC
The term "jejemon" may just be an amalgam of the terms "jeje," "emo," and "pokemon." And like what many have mentioned here, it refers to the emerging pop culture, known for the use of language that gives priority with aesthetics over functionality.

The term "jeje" may pertain to how "jejemons" laugh, or it could also be a derivative of the term "J.J.," short for "jumping jologs," teenagers who participate in concerts like the UP Fair by the masses (haha I lol'd).

I don't really want to discriminate them. As my buddy told me last week, "hoy, wag naman kayong maging masama sa mga 'orcs.'"

light and L
2010-04-23 06:56:13 UTC
I'm asking everyone to please BE CONSIDERATE! Like Elvis, Jackson, Email.... and every other fads coming along the way, this 'jejemon' thing is also just another fad that will have to die sooner or later. I admit, I myself am not using this style (because if I use this, I know my English skills will deteriorate at a faster pace). However, if you'll keep accusing Filipinos of try-hard gangsters, and you yourself a Filipino, then doesn't it make you counted for that phenomenon? If you can use the Internet like this, then it does mean you're part of that generation that also created this 'jejemon', so don't dare blame your own generation for that! If you're a foreigner (and an American), then will you just shut your pie holes, because you're the one to blame!, exerting your air over here and placing the Filipinos in your make believe world of Emos and Gangsters. Come to think of it... cellphone, emo... gangster... THOSE WERE FOREIGN INVENTIONS! AMERICAN AT THAT! At first, WE DIDN'T ASK YOU TO BRING THOSE HERE! Think before you speak, people. Be careful. The typical Filipino youth isn't those you see, but instead those who have a strong sense of duty in the family and compassion for friends, a family and friends person. What deviates them from that ideal are things foreign-made. I repeat, think before you blame and besmirch the Filipino name. We're also a country, like USA or those in Europe, what differed is that we OUGHT to be nice people, but what turned us to evil are those who took advantage of us.
2014-09-05 20:10:02 UTC
I think these jejemon creatures or whatever the hell they are, are uneducated!

They don't know how to use their own language. They are making fun of the Filipino culture.

Jejemonizing is not a pop culture, it is destroying the language of Filipinos!
The Neutral
2010-04-25 07:48:56 UTC
Jejemon is a term of a person who is using text language like "syur fouh, jejeje!".

And the people who are policing those Jejemons are called the JEJEBUSTERS!
2010-04-25 07:15:05 UTC
"jejemons" are Filipino texters (especially the youth) who use 'jejejeje' to express their lols. most of the time they will send messages like: "Cnu pd katExt jn? jejeje" or "Eow poh! xno ede katx?" they are the people who abbreviates text messages in a somewhat demure or what we call "pacute' way.

I am not against these people. Because I also have friends who are 'jejejemons' too. But the thing is that, I do not agree with the way they use this fad in sending text messages. Because it might cause confusion especially with the children. They might think that is the correct spelling of the word which is actually erratic.

Yes it may look good if you are sending the message to people close to you, because the message may seem sweet and thoughtful and creative, but it may also cause wrong grammar and wrong spelling of the words if you get used to it.
2010-04-25 00:47:06 UTC
jejemons are those person we can call some kind of a jologs hahahaha. "jejejeje" this is only a reaction for the new generation and this is only a one of the few reaction we created. "Jejeje" reaction think cute for some other Filipino, when it comes in text line, as we all know Filipino very creative. Creating some "PA-USO"
2010-04-24 22:29:30 UTC
I beg to disagree that "jejeje" is a replacement of "hehehe". It's as simple as going back to the history of our dialects which ties us back to Spanish/Hispanic words, like "entender". It's hehehe that is a modernized 'variant' of jejeje not the other way around. And knowing our penchant for coinage, the word Jejemon came out (mon supposedly from pokemon), which apparently sounds an inappropriate term because Jejeje is in the first place never strange if we only remember our history. With Spanish education being revived in the country, I hope using/sayng/writing jejeje will never be classified with something that has shallow meaning. Light and fun meaning, but not shallow. Entiendes?
2010-04-23 17:51:23 UTC
Why does it seem like only non or anti jejemons are answering these questions? Why does jejemons remain silent?

Maybe they realized that what they were doing isn't cool.

I have this feeling that there will be less jejemons because of all the partialities posted against them. They may have been ashamed of what they were doing and couldn't accept that they are one of these people.

Result? Remain silent and just correct the way they spell words.

Or... hide themselves by posting anti-jejemon words.

Tingin ko lang ha. hehe. :)
2010-04-23 05:27:29 UTC
As other before me had stated, 'Jejemons' are a new craze among Filipino culture. It reportedly stemmed from the typical spelling of 'hehehe' by the 'Jejemons' which is 'jejeje' and 'mon' from the popular abbreviated form of monster such as pokeMON and digiMON. Thus it can be summarized that the term Jejemon came from their manner of typing and their overuse? of it.
2010-04-23 03:51:07 UTC
My concern is that.... what will happen to the next generation if the popularity of the jejemon thing becomes so serious that youngsters opted to follow that jejemon thing without minding and really knowing the right spelling of the words they use. I hope its not as serious as what I am thinking considering that cellphones and internet are widely used....
2010-04-24 15:54:17 UTC
I looked on a site where they translate Filipino words into "jejemon" and when I compared it to the jologs translator, they were (somehow) exactly alike. I think this is just an "upgraded" version of jologs and a sign that more Filipino people are getting bored at staying inside (yeah, thanks to global warming).
2010-04-24 10:41:31 UTC
Jejemon: Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.

Do you still remember Pokemon? Obviously the terminology Jejemon is derived from that famous anime title which denotes Pocket Monsters which simply means that Jejemons are Jeje Monsters. Monsters in a way that there are beliefs that Jejemons are continuously spreading in the whole country.

According to cloud1582 of forum there are four types of Jejemons and they are as follows:

1. Mild – eow pU..MxTa pu? jejeje

2. Moderate – eOw pFow,, Na M1Sz pfOu qTah! mWahXz!

3. Severe – 3ow pfU!,…aN3u pfOW gW4 n3O? tX tX nUa lHarN sZa mEna GziNg pFa!

4. TERMINAL JEJENISM – “3Ow pf0U m3N4 p!p0L! nUa M1Xz k0 pF0u K30 nU4n z0bR4 wUaCk k30nG M3k A4Ng4Sz sXa b0SzX nu4 tuLad kW0
Let's Scythe The Imbeciles
2010-04-23 17:03:02 UTC



- ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE JEJEMONERS (LOL AGAIN) WERE NOT GIVEN 'PROPER' SHOW OF LOVE (OFTEN VICTIMS OF CRADLE-LOVING) WHEN GROWING UP - THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO TOUCH & BE TOUCHED (explains why they try to be 'creative' or stupidly cute so they can attract other people with their same IQs/bad experience as a child/adolescent)

- ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE JEJEMONING/JEJEMONED OR WILL TRY TO BE CUTE THROUGH JEJEMONS LIVE A SAD, MISERABLE TWISTED LIVES (why reverse your IQ? so that you can get back to that time when your parents often hits you in the noggin because you are a retard already?)




2010-04-23 06:48:37 UTC
Before we discuss....

-What's a jejemon?

1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.
2010-04-25 09:39:38 UTC
jejemon is just how some people type, it is frustratingly annoying!(what i'm saying is true to many, ask anyone!) AND it is popular because a lot of people are annoyed by this jejemons and i'm one of them!
2010-04-25 11:11:35 UTC
Jejemon refer to someone who uses unconventional and oftentimes, tedious spellings and/or syntax in written, or more commonly, typewritten language. It may also refer said spelling and/or syntax. It is usually found in electronic media like SMS and online chat. Although similar to SMS language, jejemon differs due to the reason that the objective is not to abbreviate, but to apply a perceived personal taste or aesthetics, or to apply stress to a statement.

The term jejemon probably originated from the combination of the onomatopoeia "jejeje" used by jejemons to substitute "hehehe" (a laughing sound), and the character Jijimon from the Digimon franchise.

Jejemon words are pronounced as they are spelled oftentimes with exaggeration. The syntax may range from alternating uppercase and lowercase letters, to the replacement of letters with other characters that are perceived to look similar.


"dhUh qW!k vr0uwN phF0uX jumf$ 0v3r t3h L@izey dhouG"

("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")

Jejemons are looked down upon by most people as poorly educated and/or of bad taste mainly because of their deviance from conventional spelling and syntax, the tediousness of their language, and the difficulty of deciphering the same.
2010-04-25 01:43:39 UTC
Jejemon = Jologs.
2010-04-25 01:34:33 UTC
The term Jejemon is a Filipino neologism that refers to a group of people or a person that sends text messages or writes posts in a very unique but a seemingly universal manner (the Jejemon language, referred hereto as jeje-speak). It came from the Jejemon/jeje-speak translation of a Filipino laugh variant, "hehehe" or "ahehehe", which is "jejeje" or "ajejeje" (see feature 4 below), appended by a neologic prefix, "-mon", a shortened form of "monster" (term came from the Anime series titles Pokemon and Digimon: Pokemon = "pocket monster/s", Digimon = "Digital monster/s", though its usage in "jejemon" suggests that it basically refers to "a creature or being". many non-jejemon may beg to differ, as they really perceive them as annoying monsters).

The term earlier refers generally only to people that use the jeje-speak, but its definition developed that it now refers to a new Filipino pop culture, a vague conglomeration of Jologs, Emo, Gangsta, Highschool teen pop, and many more in between, all using the jeje-speak. (Once, not all who speak jeje are jologs). Nowadays, the term not only refers to the language they use, but it also refers to their fashion style, a mix of gangsta, emo, jologs, and tambay, commonly accented by the infamous jejecap, commonly a black and white and rainbow/neon cap which is literally put on top of their tinted jejemon heads.

Jeje-speak. Jejemon are mainly characterized by their uncanny internet and SMS language, the jeje-speak. It is quite similar to l33t-5p34/< and LOL-speak, as it is also a text-based language. Jeje-speak features include but are not restrained or limited to:

1. Forming highfalutin, pretentious words and sentences by the following means:

2. Excessive and unnecessary use of the letters "h" and "z".

3. Transforming bilabial stops into their fricatives ([p] becomes [f], [b] becomes [v]), and transforming [s] to [z].

4. Transforming the letter "h" into "j".

5. Unnecessarily and redundantly adding, removing and/or varying some letters/sounds that usually does not really ruin the inferential perception of the communicated word (but does confuse most non-jejemon).

6. Writing words as they are pronounced/read, and of course accompanied by the alterations mentioned earlier.

7. Adding too much unnecessary, and sometimes inappropriate, punctuation marks.

8. At times, deliberate usage of wrong grammar (or is it?)

9. Replacing letters with numbers and other special characters, but not as exessive as l33t5p34/<.

10. And most specially, random(?) alternating capitalization within words.

And again, this jejemon phenomenon(referring to jeje-speak) is universal, a person does not learn it, but surprisingly, two jejemon from different places who haven't met before write/"speak" very similarly.
2010-04-24 21:54:58 UTC
Jejemon stands for Jeje Monsters. This new way of communication is rapidly viral. In fact, it has been circulating for years now and has come to notice just recently. Unlike Lady Gaga's monsters, these Jeje Monsters are causing destruction to language by replacing letters with numbers or symbols found in the cellphone key pad.
2010-04-24 08:36:12 UTC
Another emerging trend mostly done by kids who doesnt learn any better..

Jejemons describes those short-cut typos with mixed capital and small caps letters that are so irritating in the eyes when you read it..

And its another modern way used when you express a laughter (e.g.: jejejejejejeje)

Only teenage kids who expresses their own way of uniqueness use this new way of lingo. Which in normal/educated people, are so irritated at..

This is becoming a virus and should be avoided at all times....
2010-04-23 19:16:14 UTC
Short texting, abbreviating and character substitution can be cute, cool, childlike and funny. Jejemon most likely started off from people who wanted their SMS messages to be cute and funny (there's absolutely nothing wrong with that).

What people should be concerned about is the degrade on the quality of English that Filipino people speak and write if they get used to this.

I've heard people say, "SMS is one of the double edge swords of technology, helping us out in communication but also it can be the death of English grammar and spelling."

My point is, one of the strength of the Filipinos is their good command of the English language. I hope that the younger generations would not lose this great advantage, especially if they want to compete internationally.
2010-04-23 06:59:50 UTC
First off, these so called "jejemons" stupefy themselves by using their own language which they themselves only seem to understand. I'd like to give the option of "live and let live", but I've got to be honest, they bring shame to both Tagalog and English language, bot verbal and written. Perhaps this is the result of the Philippines being the text capital of the world? Uneducated boors.
2010-04-23 05:49:40 UTC
A JEJEMON is a either a trying-hard gangster that looks more nothing than a geek or a person that thinks tYpInG lYk DiSZ iZ k00L. It isn't.

The gangster wannabes can be typically seen wearing the JEJECAP, a cap that looks like a modified trucker cap and IS NEVER WORN, but instead PLACED ON TOP OF THE HEAD(caps were never meant to be balanced on the head...). They also wear oversized shirts(even if they're not fat), sagging pants and other very ridiculous accessories such as large handkerchiefs, toy guns and cooking knives.

As for all types of JEJEs, they can be known as they tYp LyK dIsZ for reasons we will never know...

This is one of the reasons why the Philippines is degrading from its once beautiful standing.

These creatures are ferocious, yet easily beaten as they don't even know what they are talking about. They threaten you with guns that don't even have magazines in them, they claim they'll rape you even if their penises can't even enter our body orifices and lastly, try to make your head explode with their impossible-to-understand language. (None of these even work) :)
2010-04-23 05:26:36 UTC
the word jejemon is derived from the, so-called word, "jeje" which is the word hehe turned "retard" due to the laziness of those to press the number four (while texting) two times in order to make the letter H appear and thus reaching for the single press of five which brings out the letter J. their logic is simple enough to say that J, in that context sounds, like H. Like the letter J in "Jose".

the "mon" part came from "digimon", the anime series. the sound jeje sounds close to digi. using digimon as the vessel for the term it sounds more solid and memorable, thus the term jejemon came to life.

jeje is the signiture of these "people" who text with sticky caps (alternating upper and lower case letters) and even worse, type with that style too.

not to generalize, but the people who type or text like this are mostly those who come from the "slums" or the squaters who, as one other user said, "try hard" to be cool and think that typing/texting like that IS cool.

a jejemon is not solely linked to texting and typing though that is one of their greater descriptions. jejemons can also be described as people wearing shirts that are too big for them, shorts that reach their foreleg, and a cap that just sits on their head (yes, they do not actually "wear" the cap). thus another term can be a "figger" which means a Filipino trying hard to be a ****** (pardon for the word), ****** being a gangster and what not.
marcial bonifacio
2010-04-25 09:43:11 UTC
Many have given the right response to the question. Exchanging letters for the right spelling of words is LITERATURE MORTAL SIN!

Not only does it make one look and sound stupid reading them, this practice literally deprives us Filipinos our right to practice good grammar! Carabao english na nga ang iba atin tapos idadagdag pa ito!

It's not helping one to communicate better. Heck, it's not even cute! A moron is a moron, and most of the time a moron isn't cute! A puppy qualifies as cute, an idiot doesn't!

So please, to those who dream of writing (be it an email or a novel) NO TEXT SPEAK PLEASE!

And, If I could only get hold of the very first person who started this "jejemon" (@#X%$!!, just writing the word gives me the creeps!) I WOULD WRING HIS NECK and HANG HIM OUT TO DRY!!!
2014-11-17 19:26:10 UTC
r local overly needy social network friendlies that grab every opportunity to join in on a forum/wall using a distinctly bastardized communication form reffered to as (*Jejemonics - ie. Love = Luv, Sa iyo po = Saiyo Paw...). Jejemonics theoretically evolved from the need to abuse the human opposable thumb in order to communicate text messages on mobile phone interfaces. This form of texting was then moronically adapted to forum and social network messaging communications in complete disregard of the optimizing opportunity that two hands and a computer keyboard present.
2010-04-25 11:00:25 UTC
Jejemon, i believe, is someone who uses profane and unnecessary words or elaborate set of characters into their messages in order to project a so called "cute" image of the sender. This is a deliberate act of the sender which also constitutes the necessity to omit a letter or even a word that will also manifest a similar understanding to the correct message..
Aldrin C
2010-04-24 06:36:51 UTC
another brain termite. ask these "jejemons" to write an essay, i am sure that more than 80% of their words is wrong spelling.

Our country is already suffering from "brain drain" because our Government is exporting our 1st class teachers and professors and now here comes another "termites", the "jejemons". what is happening to Philippines? I hope that this chaos will end soon before we find our literature is in the edge of deterioration.
Edgardo C
2010-04-23 18:21:19 UTC
I think they just want attention to themselves, trying to create an "exclusive" band (Pinoy tweens and teens mostly) who type in a certain manner that leaves you wondering what's it all about. The output consist mostly of random capitalization and even numbers within a word. Example: GuDD MWnInG PoWh. mUZZT^ We3RH FYn nMAN HirHH.

They are currently popular and being searched in the net. This renewed popularity stemmed from a comment by a Philippine presidential candidate, Gilberto "Gibo" Teodoro. He said that he will send all the jejemons back to elementary schools. Try searching it within Twitter, and people are having a grand time bashing/defending them.
Niko S
2010-04-23 03:47:33 UTC
nope, jejemon was not a new term! we used this since the start of the cell phone texting, those stupid person who used different letters instead of the correct and adds useless letters are the jejemons! they are called jejemons because they are like monsters (pokemon, yeah actually the real jejemons look like pokemons with their caps or hairstyles, so weird!) and they usually end their text with a laugh that is jejeje! instead of hehehe! it became so popular this week because of cute picture of gibo teodoro suggesting that jejemons should be sent back to elementray again! look in the facebook, it is so funny! hehehe! but i believe they should be killed since they are the "latak ng lipunan".
2010-04-24 09:43:48 UTC
What is a jejemon? To me it is SOMETHING that shows us parents that something went wrong with our education system. I am not a genius. I did not even finish my studies, but it angers me when I encounter jejemons and their jejemon talk. Everytime I open my facebook and my teen-age pamangkin posts something on my wall, I see red. Many would say I over react to this jejemon thing because I literally head over their house and give her a pece of my mind. Bakit nga ba nagkaganito ang karamihan sa ating mga kabataan? Calling the attention of all English and Pilipino language teachers! Please! Save our youth from this stupid craze!.
2010-04-23 07:21:50 UTC
From what I have observed, Jejemons or jejemonster are teens/young adolescents who dress weird and types/spell weird. I really can't understand why they have to type words in a different manner, or literally just put their caps on their heads. But I guess they think they look cool if they do things like that.

I really do not believe that they spell the words in a weird manner due to lack of education, although it's one of the factors, I think they just want attention or from what I mentioned earlier, they feel that they look cool if they do that.

Honestly, I hate them, whenever I try to read their words my eyes squint so hard but still I cannot understand it. Why can't the Filipino people stay normal? Its just sad.
2010-04-23 02:34:07 UTC
Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.
2010-04-22 22:05:09 UTC
like @cocoy mentioned last Wednesday, people were just blowing steam off. Jejemon talk was caused by a digital photo of Gibo Teodoro holding up a sign mentioning Jejemons. Jejemon syntax (widely used in chat clients & SMS in RP) resemble LOLCatz and Leet Speak, where normal spelling is replaced with different/additional keyboard characters. has a translator that you should try out if you're curious.

Be careful & informed before you judge. ;) Peace! ☮

Posted tweet from Rico Blanco:
2010-04-25 01:37:46 UTC
Like what is said by Vice Ganda on Showtime last Saturday..The word Jejemon came from the common texting of filipinos like the "jejeje" which means hehehe and other shortcuts of texting.
2010-04-25 00:58:41 UTC
I think it's a plain & simple way of bastardizing the common, normal, easy english can anyone enjoy putting up words that instead of making it easy for others to understand, have them experience terrible migraine & extreme pain in the head!? I hope people who are followers of this "jejemon phenomena" would be enlightened and put an end to this craziness!...
Super K
2010-04-24 21:35:47 UTC
wow! love the mention of Jar Jar Binks. I bet Jejemons had to 'google' that one. Scums of the earth TBH. It's so annoying. Jejemons think what they are doing is cute or's not.It's annoying. It makes them look stupid. They act like they can't spell or something.
2010-04-24 14:44:27 UTC
I am just as clueless as you are as to why the "jejemon" phenomenon came about. But I can only say one thing about this: blame all this on the SMS function of our mobile phones. Before SMS, everybody seemed to be typing the words right. Thanks also to limited memory at the time, it has become convenient for most people to misspell their words for as long as they were understood.

I hope our English teachers out there, especially in the elementary levels, be made more aware about this disturbing trend in our popular lingo. Its one reason why the minds of our youth today are getting dumber by the day.
2010-04-24 01:11:42 UTC
The jejemon phenomenon is another example of the fondness of a lot of Filipinos to adopt outrageous and usually stupid trends, in their desperation to be labeled as ''cool". If everyone is doing it, then they think it is ok.

Trends like adversely affect the evolution of our culture as a nation.
marc nii-sama
2010-04-23 18:28:59 UTC
I think saying those who used "Jejemon" have little IQ is a little off. And I think it's a pretty hasty and a groundless conclusion. Though using these would deteriorate your spelling ability, but I guess that's all there is to it. You'll never grow dumb just using these terms. You can't say you wont be able to do arithmetic when you always used these terms. And besides, there is more to IQ that spelling or grammar. A lot of mathematics major I know are weak in spelling and grammar, but they are exceptional in their fields.
2010-04-23 17:11:12 UTC
1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.

On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!

miszMaldiTahh111: T_T
2010-04-23 10:59:10 UTC
Jejemon is a type of a joke where stupidity and insanity collides! Most of the people hates it, yet, some of the low-life-somebody uses it to get attention!
2010-04-23 02:36:40 UTC
i think a 'Jejemon' branched out from the 'jologs' craze. These are people who have their own language and clothing line that are pretty much distinct. I think they've been around since SMS started because of the shortcut text language but they went mainstream because:

1. their style of clothing are pretty much similar from one jejemon to another

2. they thrived on the internet thru social networking sites
2010-04-23 01:56:22 UTC
jejemon is the new name of persons who text like this: "eLow pFuH ., " instead of hello .. they are also the ones who are very "jologs" they wear so big clothes and blingblings with rainbow cap .. usually they are the "gangsters" with fraternities .. they change the spellings of words with capital and small letters and make the word more complicated to read .. they are usually seen in the streets or sometimes in the mall in group .... at the mean time .. many Filipinos notice this jejemon because it is one of the popular talk .. they start to hate them because there are jejemon haters now and then and they want to be "in" .. before jejemon was discovered .. they hate them but not as much as they hate them now .. JEJEMONS are not noticed before until the fan pages in facebook become popular and there comes out the jejemon haters .. [well, actually im one of the members of the jejemon haters.. facebook has a lot of fan page for anti-jejemons] .. some jejemons are nice.. but their text messages just irritate me so much .. specially the jejemons who creat signs with their hands and post their pictures in net.. and i really hate the girl jejemon who takes a picture of her body and post it in net. :)
2010-04-25 08:21:04 UTC
DISCLAIMER: i am not pro nor anti jejemon... just analyzing things as a linguistics major...

its funny how people violently react to this new "LINGUISTIC PHENOMENON"... with the advancement of technology (computers, mobile phones, etc.), language use has evolved. These changes in spelling of words in SMS, electronic mails and others are actually morphological transformations in computer-mediated communications. This is actually one creative way of using a language.

A number of studies in the field of Sociolinguistics focus on CMCs or computer-mediated communication. Please refer to empirical studies on language phenomena before you judge or criticize. Please be open-minded as well. This type of phenomenon may or may not be in existence a year or two from now depending on the users if they continue to use jejemon or not.

By the way, this can be a good research topic for sociolinguistics... Peace be with you all!
2010-04-25 03:24:00 UTC
It's just a group that people made just to catch attention.

I, a Filipino, NEVER USE TEXT LANGUAGE EVEN IN TEXT MESSAGES! I'm so ashamed to people using these type of language! Surely it is understandable if it is in an emergency, short cutting. But this? NO! We would allow this when they only use it at members only, but in the experience said by Jeffrey, oh come on give us a break! I would like to try that as well..

This turned into a comment to the group than an answer...Sorry about that...
2010-04-24 04:30:10 UTC
Jejemons = Knights of the Antichrist.
2010-04-23 11:03:05 UTC
On the laughing matter. The "jajajaja", it maybe a typo.

H and J are beside each other after all. I sometimes have the same typo.

Reminder: Not all Filipinos are 'jejemons'.
2010-04-23 08:48:07 UTC
Answer #1. Simple -- those people who uses that "jejemon" means they are just f*cking emo bastards.

#2. Now I understand that using shortcut words in english makes you DUMB on spelling words correctly ei: filing inlove -- like what in the hell do you mean by that, right?! people will surely laugh at you coz they'll think that you mean sorting some kinda files? or filling up water in a glass or something like that? blah blah blah....

#3. Trying hard to be COOL! And now it's like an infection/virus words as I may say! hahaha...that's how it became popular.
2010-04-23 03:09:21 UTC
"J"uan, "J"unio, Mo"j"ave, Mari"j"uana, "J"usto <--- I don't think marijuana should be part of that. Anyways, get it? "Jeje" is as common as "hehe" it's kind of a Spanish "hehe". You're a jejemon if you use "jeje" instead of "hehe". as simple as that. Sudden popularity? In the Philippines, perhaps, yes. But not as sudden as you think it is. It's sudden because one big company took notice. Yahoo! Ph, that is.

One more thing, This is Yahoo! Answers, not Yahoo! Say Something Else Insted. Get it? Answer questions, not make topics out of it. Please, if you don't have anything good to say or if you plan on saying stuff against someone, something, do it somewhere. Make sure to research before you answer properly as well. Don't let the "popularity" of something become the truth. Give a doubt. Thanks
King Marffy
2010-04-24 03:10:22 UTC
JEJEMON is the term used for people who doesn't spell words properly and also who doesn't use proper grammar when typing through phone, mail, chat, etc.

Sometimes, they use that kinds of words so that it would look cute or different. But they don;t know that it only makes them look dumb or stupid. I don't know who started it but I must say that he/she is good because it blast out like an epidemic virus, most of the people use it to make themselves different.

Well, this "JEJEMON FEVER" should be stopped. Because it doesn't only makes you look dumb, but it makes you a LOW IQ person.
e-queue O
2010-04-23 03:06:18 UTC
This is one of the many reasons why youngsters nowadays are very poor in their English spelling & grammar; whoever pioneered this so-called "new way of communicating" is just plain lazy if not stupid to start such a fad. Yes, this is just a fad as most people who uses proper language would know. I'm proud to say that in my work place, my colleagues (most of them are English-born, thus speaking in English) praise my ability to speak & write proper grammar and spelling even-though it's not my first language. There is nothing wrong with writing in short cuts or acronyms; just so long as you don't write the whole novel in your text message. I guess this is why young people resort to "jejemon" to save the number of characters resulting to longer text messages. Just write the important bits and revert back to "good, old but effective way of communicating" like talking face to face or on the phone....Gals & guys, even whilst I was typing the word "jejemon", the computer was trying to correct it because of course, the word is just very stupid even the computer won't accept it! See!
2010-04-23 01:55:12 UTC
There's a time and place for everything including this jejemon. I hope its a passing fancy and will not lead to death of existing language --- or else just junk english or filipino language class in school.
2010-04-24 05:43:32 UTC
The first two syllables of the word Jejemon, "Jeje" is the root of all this term. It originated when text messaging was at the peak of it's prominence around half a decade ago. Rather than typing in "hehe" to express laughter through text, most "Jejemons" resort to "jeje" because, if you will notice, the letter "J' is more accessible since you would only press number 5 once as opposed to pressing number 4 twice for us to be able to type the letter "H." As a matter of fact, we could theorize that technology created this reality, as humans tend to keep their typing at pace with their speaking, with the use of their cellphones, chatting (mostly through Yahoo! Messenger), or using as another medium, just because resorting to this means of communication is cheaper, as compared to calling or talking personally especially when the respondent is situated on a land far away.

Then came those "Jologs," mostly comprised of the uneducated, gangster-like, lowly members of the society. Taking advantage of this phenomenon, they devised their own way to do it, making it extravagant and eccentric as it could get. Their mentality is like, the more decorated the better, although most of us would agree that it is uncomprehending, because of the omitted letters replaced mostly by numbers or even those rarely used ASCII codes. Most people who have a friendster account could correlate with this because they themselves, used to be like this, me included, at least at a lesser extent one time on their life.

Try browsing some friendster accounts for you to further understand. This travesty started with text messaging, and then reached the net, and carved unto most people's (Filipino's) heads, making them prone to contribute further to the demise of our dying language. Either way, this has got to stop.

Summarizing it, Jejemon is a combination of the Jeje people with the hit animé series, Pokémon, with whom, the main guy, which is a Pokémon hunter, catches and collects Pokémons to further train them and prepare them for battle. Although, Jejemon hunters just aims to annihilate all Jejemons.
Annicka S
2010-04-23 17:18:45 UTC
It's similar to "Jologs"

"Jejemons" are people who types/texts like this "EoW poWhzZz"

They sometimes add the letters : W,H,Z -> thinking it's cute or just to make the word longer,

They alternately use the shift buton to make it ei.ther capital letters or small letters.


Ako - Aq

Musta? - mUztA poWhzZz U?

Goodbye! - Go0DBye ( they sometimes change a letter to a number as you can see)
2010-04-23 12:07:03 UTC
Jejemon is a popular term Filipinos use for people who are irritating and who spell incorrectly through texts and other paraphernalia. They use extra letters to words to make it look fancy. This is how Jejemon users type their words, for example, when they laugh, instead of using HA HA HA 's, they use, jejeje. When they say sorry, they say, i'M sOws s0rRy phowSz.. (I'm so sorry po.)

iT'sZ beTtaH' t0o sZay gUdBaii tO yOuH.. I lUrbk yOuU!!

(It's better to say goobye to you.. I love you!)

They sometimes use more than one points (! , . ? ' )

And yes, this is similar to Jologs Phenomenon
2010-04-23 07:21:11 UTC
a jejemon is a person who talk and type words unusually which seems to be that they were descendants of some sort of aliens from outer space or some kind of teletubbies.. which talk the same way they do like, 'e-ow'..

most of the jejemons talk this way, "e0ow poeh.?.. uZtahH poeH ke0h.?.., fWendZ q0h poeh..,."

and they are really so disgusting talking that way.. It seems to be a manner of exaggeration to look cute or what but as of what i can see, they really talk and type so stupid! like all the idiocracy in the world was caught by them..
2010-04-23 06:17:36 UTC
They're the type of people who flock social networking sites (or probably the ones who spend hours sitting their lazy butts and burning their fingers on chat boxes), and swarm the texting community. They put the word 'grammar' unto oblivion, and make 'spelling' obsolete. It's either they make people mad by their alienated words, or they really just don't how to spell things right, having formed an utterly confusing language of their own. People whose hobbies involve putting irrelevant numbers and letters next to words (which makes every conversation a bit harder), and could be the ones setting trends, or just really want to fit into this newly formed pop culture made up of...

It's sudden popularity is probably from mutual connection; friends 'infecting' their own friends. It's lifestyle is somewhat disturbingly good, and people just want to be with the crowd. Now it's a topic in many areas, because of it's insanity and regretful attention it's having. Seriously, who made that word itself anyway? It's annoying and irritating.

Simply, people who are hooked in to this newfangled kind of stuff and spread this sort of movement like a virus... word by freaking word.
2010-04-23 06:14:38 UTC
a "jejemon" is someone "hu typs lyk dis"..... for some youth it is the new trend.... if some of the previous answers are looking for the root cause we can blame it on the very expensive cellphone charges. people are forced to type in "shortcut" to save space in a text message thus saving money. true it does sometimes affect peoples ability to spell correctly but with proper discipline i dont think this will be a problem...
2010-04-23 05:35:20 UTC
The term jeje is actually the misspelled "hehehehe"... For me it is a simple pesky mistake of users of social network sites, (such a s friendster and facebook) because if you gone to computer shops you can see that users tend to touch type (without looking the keyboard) and if they make a mistake they are lazy enough to hit the backspace key and type it correctly...

Also for me this mistakes originated in MMORPG because as a player myself when chatting during in-game, I tend to be careless in the correct spelling of words and just hurrying to express my feelings ( "jeje" term can be a disdain or a praise) as you all know these type of games are time crucial...


**** Hey be fair to Filipinos, a site says that ==>Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.<==.....**
2010-04-23 04:28:11 UTC
jejemons are people who are... well, lets just say a "little" degenerate..

they call this that are annoying "Cool" by using a different way of typing words in their sentences..

for example:

the sentence "How are you?"

its typed like "How are you?"

normal right?

jejemons have a different approach..

"h0w r U,.,.,?"

does it look cool?

and by the way, jejemons thrive in the philippines.

also, the "jeje" in the jejemons are "hehe"..

because when they laugh at something they always use "jejejeje" instead of the normal "hehehehe" or "hahahaha".

does that answer this question?
2010-04-24 23:51:45 UTC
If "jejemon" is the symbol of amf jologs, then the wanna-be presidentiables should be aware on this matter. If not, this is the big mess for our country.
2010-04-24 23:01:08 UTC
A 'jejemon' refers to a person/character that uses the term 'jeje'.It sprouted somewhere in the text chain, where they usually place 'hehe'. Filipinos are trendies, we find anything that can be potentially big, we spread it and call it our own. We can text fast without looking, hence 'hehe' became 'jeje'. It spread, and a lot of lewd trendies who think it cool do not find the lack of sophistication (to put it VERY lightly) disturbing.
JUstine Louis C
2010-04-24 02:21:52 UTC
Jejemon are those people who type like this "eOuwh pHoE .. KhAmHuszThA ?" This could be worst!

And jejemons also, can be determined by their clothes .. usually they lie their cap on their head, putting handkerchief on their neck and/or sometimes putting another handkerchief on their head together with a cap, a loose shirts and pants, a huge shoes etc.

2010-04-23 22:39:51 UTC
well,through the spread of technology,jejemon actually is already a part of the texters (pertaining to people who used cellphones). sometimes the leading cause of it is because of the laziness to type long words and willingness to change such spelling. jejemon actually are the persons who changes the actual spelling of such words to unfamiliar and shorten version but have the same tone when you read. yes maybe,it is a part already of pop filipino culture. because we all know,most filipinos have already cellphones and of course the social networking through internet. that,s all
2010-04-23 16:40:18 UTC
That's a very weird term!!! "jejemon". When I first heard it from my mom saying "Te (short for ate = big sister ^^), open mo 'yung Yahoo! Philippines tapos basahin mo 'yung 'Jejemon' ", I laughed like, A LOT! I thought it was jus a PLAIN and SIMPLE replacement (stupidity comes in...) for the "hehehehe" used in SMSing..Come to think of it, would you really understand what he or she is trying to say when his/her so called "language" (which is jejemon) is totally "incomprehensible"?! Try talking to someone like that and it will really get on your nerves...
grammar demonoid
2010-04-23 16:25:35 UTC
@ Roman: And you're supposed to be what? A holistic name-dropper? Get a life buddy, be a man! Least that you can do is to speak well of others, you're one of the pathetic ones that couldn't live with the golden rule. Jejemons are humans like coñitos and coñitas, let them live the life they're happy with.
2010-04-23 15:03:57 UTC
@FAIL: It is true that Filipinos speak or spell words like in a different way; but, that does not mean they can spell or write. It does even mean that they don't have the ability to work as well as other. Just so you know, most Americans don't know how to spell right either. What can you say about that?

Filipino language can evolve and that's a fact. You can call it slang or whatever you want; but, it doesn't mean they're can't do great things.
2010-04-23 05:33:21 UTC
In my opinion.. The jejemon, the are the people who thinks that kind of typing is cool and "in" which is not good. I hope this "jejemon" trend disappear ASAP... Do not forget the jejecap! haha
2010-04-23 01:47:14 UTC
1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.

On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!

miszMaldiTahh111: T_T
2010-04-23 17:57:51 UTC
@ Kit_cebu: your comments regarding your fellow Filipinos as stupid tagalogs are derrogatory and prejudiced. Note jejemon is a NATIONAL tragedy. Do you Osmena brainwashed Cebuanos have to be that xenophobic in order to feel good about yourself and your crazy provincial accent ?? Bisdak my ***.

No matter how much you try to be like Manila, you guys are just pretentious probinsaynos. That's how you come across to me after living for 2 years in your sorry excuse of a provin-city.
2010-04-23 12:14:12 UTC

What is a 'jejemon' and why the sudden popularity?

Jejemon language vs. Klingon Language. Compare and contrast.
Kokoy no Dance Site
2010-04-23 09:35:00 UTC
Well unlike the Jologs phenomenon.... This is quite irritating, I mean this folks that try to be cool (even if they look like morons) are also the once that will either (if your a Guy) will Punch you with no reason at all or (if your a Girl) be teased and call names... Perwisyo po sila, ano pa ba ang matatawag niyo sa mga yan.. sa mga MMOR they are the Pinoy Trolls... Sa labas ng bahay niyo, sila yung mga napapabalitang mga magnanakaw ng manok or tirador ng mga bunga ng puno niyo or even worst nambububog kapag lasing! Eradication of this Abonimation is the ONLY ANSWER!
2010-04-23 04:26:25 UTC
jejemons, were the people who are trying hard to cope up just to become popular but it is never as they thought because once you are called a jejemonster it means that you cannot afford the original ones. That is only for my personal opinion. :)
2010-04-25 02:36:06 UTC
well I guess this whole issue about jejemons and jejebusters is absurd. Whichever side an individual is on, I don't think we should argue and show our argumentative sides on this one. its their preference so let them be. Be the jejemons or jejebusters. There's more to life than these kinds of absurdity.
2010-04-24 23:20:35 UTC
I completely agree with Fail and Paolo. Of all the things that young people can come up with, this is the most stupid. Why corrupt the already bastardized Filipino language? This is the main reason I taught my son English as the main language and later on ill teach him the 'proper' Filipino language. I don't want my son or any kids, growing up speaking the ever evolving gay lingo and writing this DUMB way.
2010-04-24 23:00:44 UTC
I believe it has a deeper meaning than just creating a new type of lingo. It is a sad attempt to become cute, or express one's cuteness in terms of how they spell words. Due to increased traffic on Facebook, the lack of the new generation's interest in investing on their minds, and that the only hope for Filipino people to get ahead in life is to become an "artista" or to marry a rich guy or girl, these people try in every way, even through spelling these simple words, to become cute, or might as well say to become attractive. Have you ever wondered why most Facebook girls like to post their profile pics that were shot at an angle from above their heads and even in their bikinis or underwear and androgynous fashion is in for guys?
maureEn :]
2010-04-24 22:36:53 UTC
- a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s pfOuh..

whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS pfOuh..eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON.

- (noun or adj.)---a person who is very expert in typing..

- a person that nevr gets tired of typing consonants in all of his comments...

- people with very LOW IQ

- a person that destroys the morale of language in any typing media like internet,cellphones...etc...

- a person you want to **** off and kill

- an emo/gangster who owns all the possible negative qualities of a person.

- is the derrogative term used for a certain categorized kind of people.They type JEJEJE or JEJEJE when they want to express laughing in written words, which happen more than often. This is why we call them jejes.

JEJE-Similar to hehehe but more like a naughty chuckle coming from the back of your throat.

For instance, used while plotting an evil plan.

EX. 1. I'm going to make that guy look like such a zaris..JEJEJE

ex. 2. "omg! my sister farted" jejeje

ex. 3. 3Ohw phOwh eVeR1yBhOodY! jejeje!

ex. 4. pFroUwd 2 b @ jEJ3mOn!


Sign that it is a jeje you are dealing with is that he (they are most commonly masculine) seems to have low intelligence.

This is because

1. they can not express themselves in the English language as good as an average person

2. it seems that their kind is simply dumber.

3. Their names are also often begun with "El" then followed with a random spanish or portuguese word.

4. they put too much letters and symbols in everyword they say even in their god damn NAMES or ALYASES.
Charles Guilmore
2010-04-24 21:25:57 UTC
Well, im not trying to protect those who speak in jejemon, but usually, it comes also as an advantage to those who are texting, they use it as way to type faster messages and send it as quicly as possible. Still, it isnt also right to use it as a new from of writing.



2010-04-23 09:35:23 UTC
'Jejemon' is a product of multimedia trends and these same media propagate them. A passing trend, I hope... What is its extent? The reach of cellular phones. While cellphone is already part of the modern culture, I hope best that that kind of 'language' not be propagated more. It is already creeping into hastily done term papers, reports, and in essays during written exams.

Lester Toralba
2010-04-23 07:13:33 UTC
Jejemon - a trying-hard Asian who is actually a brown race people who thinks he/she is better of being a gangsta or a member of a clan, and dresses, talks dirty, acts dirty like some misguided Afrikaan race. With respect to the good, educated dark-skinned people, I am only pertaining to the violent ones.
2010-04-23 05:39:27 UTC
For me "jejemon" is another stupid things that filipino doing its wasting time no wonder were poor in english and our accents "WOW" and a reason why we need to take IELT before study in English speaking country. Look if new generation want to emerge new Filipono junk words well its up to you Pedro beacuse your idiot.
2010-04-23 05:02:07 UTC
Jejemon emerged from the time saving effort of most , it is ok as long as it will not be applied in Academic subjects such as English and Tagalog subjects .

Nag lilibang lang ang mga kabataaan , Let us not over criticized them , we went into the same , remember ?

I am sure it will just dis appear when the cost of airtime drops , and do you believe if we are 95% texters there are countries which are 95% callers?

It is also a one kind of mind exercise like puzzles and chess.

Also it helps in confidentiality , try answering the spam mails and yahoo spam YM with wrong spelling and you will see the effect nahihilo ang machine na sumasagot .

Ok lang yan mga Hiha and iho's , pag patuloy ninyo yan , mas madaming language mas matalino .

Pero careful .............If you respect your parents then avoid using that jeje monns also to your Lola and LOLO 's

Thanks !!!
2010-04-23 04:42:29 UTC
It's what we call people who unnecessarily stylize their texts, with exceptionally misspelled words that are excessively flashy and very hard to decipher. Some users that answered this query have provided examples of such texts. This is usually, but not limited to, alternating capital and small letters with the substitution of letters for numbers and special characters. Far worse than simple text lingo that's aimed at maximizing the (now almost non-existent) 160-character limit for the SMS. Unlike simple text lingo, jejeness is simply pointless.

Forget the zombie invasion, this is worse.
2010-04-23 03:09:05 UTC
Jejemon is the name or term you refer to a person who likes to use "jejeje" as a replacement to the common laugh word expression of "hehehe".
christian george
2010-04-23 01:22:41 UTC
"Jejemon" is an example of a coined word which does not contain a clear meaning in the Filipino language. An expression that anyone can use as a statement filler.This can be considered as an emerging pop culture with regard to language development and dynamicity. This is also what we call the Popularly Modernized Language (PML)" which is in existence and could die easily if no one will use it.

Christian George C. Francisco

Associate Professor 3, DLSU-D
2010-04-24 23:14:02 UTC
heeey(: JEJEMON or JEJEMONSTER are the people who type like this

Muhzta nauh? / they put letter H or Z and some other letter that are nonsense in a word XD

Acquh okai langh,, ickaw?

and they put "JEJEJE" instead of "haha"

they tryin` the words hard! XD

In my opinion I should say STOP bein` JEJEMON :) because it's ANNOYING right? X))
rodge Cantos
2010-04-23 18:42:12 UTC
jejemon very popular in chat rooms, text msg and in social network such as facebook etc...

well using jejemon terms in chat, text or other form of communication seems to be fun.... but careful not to use it often or it could ruin your grammar building and spelling.

maybe use jejemon terms if your just having fun with your friends or family but not as like regular language...
2010-04-23 10:16:04 UTC
Simple, it's "txt speak" (word shortening in SMS messaging) turned worse by replacing the remaining letters with similar looking special characters and numbers like:

@ for a

4 for A

6 for G

7 for T

9 for g

w8 for "wait"

it's like the LEET characters in computer talk but most widely used in text and now starting to spread on the net. also, you have to know how to read jejemon before you can even type jejemon quickly.

in the case of why filipinos, yes it can be attributed to some but not all. Filipinos are fond of texting since its one of the cheapest forms of communication because of cheap non-qwerty phones (like nokia's 3310 and other models), sim cards, phone cards and the best deals in unlimited texting like Sun Cellular's P25 (around $0.50) unlimited text AND call for one day (there are other promos which get cheaper if you purchase the longer duration, its like buying cheaper when in bulk). Why filipinos are fond of jejemon, is because they are just simply showing off creativity at it's best (more like worse)

I am a Filipino and I encounter people who speed-text "jejemon", with the best conversions than you can possibly imagine (but the worst to read). Even their phonebook name entries are "jejemon-ed"

but jejemon is not a "just now" phenomenon, it's been there. the farthest i can remember seeing a person who typed jejemon was like 2005. it wasn't that great before but since the cheapening of regular cellphones, well, its a form of creativity for these types of phones.
2010-04-23 03:34:08 UTC
jejemon is the shortest way in typing words wherein only people with smart brain can read it. So wonderful. You can just imagine they can read those shortcuts words and understand the meaning of the sentence. These emerge to all celphone holders in sending messages. Hey! dont exempt yourself and dont make me laugh...i know you also adopted it. Pakunyari pa kayo...ganun din ang pagtetext ninyo.
2010-04-23 02:10:33 UTC
Jejemon is what you called to a person who writes in a very disturbing way:

1) Lengthens word spelling with f,z,h,q,etc. (ex. hello=heowhz)

2) Use of uppercase and lowercase (ex. hello= h3oWhZ)

3) Use of punctuation marks a lot (ex. hello= heoWhZ!!!!!.....('',)!!!! )

Jejemon is also a person who wears a cap just in top of their heads literally.(search jejemon in facebook and you will see the famous jejecap and how it is supposedly wear)

Sometimes they are annoying for the mere fact that they are really just annoying.
2010-04-25 07:33:38 UTC
Wag nyo seryosohin yang jejemon term na yan. Expression lang yan ng mga ngtetext o online communication. Baka mabaliw kayo pag naghanap pa kayo ng scientific explanation.

You're either Nexus or you're against us
2010-04-25 04:49:08 UTC
Jejemons are filipinos who try to be 1337, but they can't, so they TyF LyK DiS ajejejeje.

And they don't have the letter H on their keyboard.
2010-04-24 05:29:45 UTC
Jejemons are yea..jologs too.

they type like they are panting :))))) it's like they have asthma =)))))

they make the words complicated by repeating the letters over and over again, and sometimes adding "U" to the words.

they are called JEJEMON because of their laugh :D the "jejejejeje" instead of "hehehe"

they just love J :))
2010-04-24 01:58:40 UTC
Jejemon is like EoWhz pOWhz MuStAz PoWhZ kEozx!?
2010-04-23 23:47:59 UTC
Jejemons are people who speak like this: "E0wH PfHouH sZaH 1NyOw,.,, ajejejejeje!" it means(in normal filipino language) hello po sa inyo hehehehehe. Jejemons use jejejeje because they think they're lating gangsta, jejempns are wannabe gangsters. They usually have low IQ because they can't speak english normally so they write like that instead.
2010-04-23 23:42:22 UTC
based on Urban Dictionary

1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.
2010-04-23 07:27:21 UTC
Not all people who uses "JEJEJE" are ***, stupid or whatever you may address them, instead of complaining in this blog why don't you talk to the person who is using it and educate them of what is correct. If you are a friend then be there to help. As we all know not all people are educated in the same level, you may go to the same school but it doesn't mean you have the same IQ level and each one wants to be called "IN" in the society they are currently at so that's why they tend to blend and use words they are using. Don't be too foolish to judge people like those who use the word because remember NO ONE and NO ONE is perfect.. Even you guys who is answering this Q. So be open minded and help instead :)
2010-04-23 05:50:10 UTC
JEJEMON [n] [pl: jejemons] -- are people who TyPe LyKe ThiZzs. they're fond of using different symbols as a replacement for letters. [ex: h3Y gUysZ! whA+'s uP?]. they also has a habit of typing in aLtErn8 LeTteRzS. [ alternate letters ]. they thrive on social networks. [ex: facebook, friendster, myspace, plurk, or twitter, etc.] JEJEMONS can also be referred to persons who are trying hard gangstas. or people who place "miss", "super", "mr" in their names in a funny way. [ MiZsz zHupLadiTa, Mr rOmaNticKoh.] other species of JEJEMONS has a habit of putting "H" into anything or repeating the letter they're saying/typing. [ex: wHazSuPp!] Lastly JEJEMON caught their name because of the replacement of "H" by "J" when typing laughter. [ hahahaha ]
2010-04-25 06:22:57 UTC
jejemons are those people who write like this:

1. eloW! kmUsxTah pfOeh??

2. an6 xWeEt mHu nMan...2loG nua kUu..

3. they use the dirty middle finger with that kind of a nude gangster picture (showing their bras, sandos, etc)

their words are very difficult to read because they treat typing as a lousy art. It's still art...but lousy and destructing our grammar, phonetics etc..

another one is some believe that they would look pretty, cool, astig, or gangster if they type or act like that...but not really..

it's nice to hear many Filipinos had open their eyes to the right form of writing. i really thought cellphones would really divert our hands to the right form of writing...and more Filipinos are becoming aware of their attitude even in the world wide web...

nice one Pinoys...:)
2010-04-25 02:55:22 UTC
Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by JEJEbusters or the grammar nazi.

On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!
2010-04-25 00:44:30 UTC
Jejemon. Based on my own experience chatting with them before, they're Filipinos trying to be cool in their own disgusting ways. They think we're pleased when we read that kind of texts. When you see them personally, they were usually dressed like cheap gangsters, uneducated annoying creatures.

In my opinion, they were really cheap.
2010-04-24 08:14:37 UTC
Jejemon is very viral on the internet and they are invading the virtual world.Jejemon are the type of people who are wearing gangster-like outfit with a very colorful cap on their heads. You can buy those cap on divisoria or baclaran for a very cheap price.
2010-04-23 20:20:44 UTC
The Annoying Jajaja (er jejeje) Generation

I can identify a new generation of people populating the streets of the metro nowadays. They ruined the goth look, ruined emo (imagine taking the punk look and taking it to the ‘laslas’ convention), ruined rock, ruined r&b, dipped their hands at otaku feast, pretending to be a cast of Gossip Girl, ruining the corporate look, ripping quotes from fashion magazines and calling it their own, donning faux brands and the easy identifier, you get SMS from these Jaja geners with the extra letters between words like ‘x’ ‘q’ and ‘h’ where it’s not just grammatically incorrect but absolutely inappropriate and they laugh like… well… jajajajaja. *eyes rolling up* annoying!

These kids try sooo hard to look mature, but really it is a FAILED attempt. I remember going through college with beer now and then, and fun meant hanging out, listening to good music, and playing billiards and just keeping things cool. It never involved chatting up about some other person and plan on stalking them or dishing ‘em out, hooking up with older men, selling yourself on bargain or creating this imaginary vision of ourselves. How did this happen? Is this generation caused by the falling economy? Lack of guidance from the basic unit of society? How bad is education these days? Is this because of bad tv? Fashion magazines?

If the youth would be like this, what kind of future would kids have 10 to 15 years from now? You can’t expect good fruits from bad seeds, and how could the jajaja generation can ever be good leaders of the country. I dread to live the day where a Jajaja Gener will run for president and run the country with ‘Pxenxa n p0h, d me tlga q0l cmlec chair pra ask s v0tes,ch0wi p0h..jajajaja’ — WTF!

O’er the discussion i have with a Gen X-er (the generation born after the baby boom ended, with earliest birth dates used by researchers ranging from 1961 to the latest 1980)… i concur, the jajaja generation suck. They pretend to know a lot but obviously are empty heads. Very pretentious. Jobless. No real college. Living beyond their means. Awful taste. Psychotic. No class. Very cheap. Bad spellers. No offense meant, but they all look the same, they all look like transexual entertainers from Japan.
2010-04-23 17:26:16 UTC
jejemons are the Philippine gangsters-emos or something like that.


1.)typing like this:

eOw pFouwXzzZ jEjEjEjE

2.)Wearing bandana over the mouth with sunglasses

3.)Wearing the jEjE cap....

The jejecap is the cap that has various striped colors...

4.)Wearing a shirt that is totally oversized..

There you have it, a jejemon...
2010-04-23 17:00:42 UTC
jejemon is a group of stupid people.. who are bird brains.. and yes, they are "jologs"

they think the way they type words are cool.. which is not.. i believe that they haven't even read a dictionary before.. GRR.. NO TO JEJEMONS!
plain and simple
2010-04-23 16:23:41 UTC
'jejemon' is a disease of some Filipino people. Even when used for fun, you'll eventually suffer from lack of communication, good use of grammar and even spelling. One who does it definitely is one heck of a stupid and retarded person. Think again!
2010-04-23 08:13:01 UTC
WHAT IS A "JEJEMON"- For starters, "jeje" is a SMS version of "hehe" "haha"or "hihi"-- the sound of laughter, which puts my giggles in my sentence. Since i'm texting, i'd like to interject my sunny personality in the text, e.g. "pwede bang makikain jan, jeje"-- which i found pleasant to express a rather awkward request than "pwede bang makikain jan" period. i mean, hey, don't you wanna soften up your approach with a smile? "JEJEMON" is a person who is fond of using "jeje" to lubricate his message-- an awkward "palusot" (bluff) or just plain saying a very happy "hi".

WHY SO POPULAR? Like putting "please" in your sentences or flashing your sweetest smile when you ask, "jeje" encapsulates that in texting and gives the same effect. Further, "jeje" is WAY easier to type in the numeric keypad than the smiley icon ":-)" or the LOL.
2010-04-23 05:48:51 UTC
Being a "jejemon" is not part of our Pop Culture :|

And typing in sticky caps and typing jeje as hehe or haha is considered social suicide.
2010-04-23 05:39:12 UTC
A jejemon (jejemons -pl) is a person who is fond of adding consonant letters to plain words to make it look confusing and hard to read (ex: mMusZtTahH naaa pFoOuEee kAiioE) its very irritating. and they usually use sticky caps instead of formal ones. I hope this will vanish as soon as possible :))
2010-04-25 03:19:17 UTC
For me jejemon is a form of self-expression and a way to compensate or to convey emotions and expressions through words...
2010-04-24 03:33:51 UTC
"Jejemon" is a type of a digimon and the pinoys always use this word in a game called DOTA which is a shortcut code for GG or good game so they just say it after the game "JEJEMON"!
2010-04-23 07:51:57 UTC
"Jejemons" are people who use type the word "Hehe.." into "jEjejEje..", etc.

Given the source of jeje in jejemons, the mons means monsters since they are individuals who attack the standard of languages (conversation, text etc)

So, yes, in short term, they are what we previously call JOLOGS
Papa Alpha Oscar
2010-04-23 07:41:36 UTC
finally, a term has been invented for those people who text or chat in such an annoying way.

short-cut messaging is normal, but it's so bizarre to get messages from people that have the audacity to mix both capital and lower-case letters while messing up the spelling according to the pronunciation.

it just shows an utter lack of written comprehension and class. at least L33tsp3@k is easier to understand.
2010-04-24 22:09:55 UTC
these kind of people using jejemon, are stupid and dont have breeding! ok, they just want to become such idoit that they thought its good to read, these are the worst people with no education and no life at all!, so when you recieve this jejemon messages, just ignore them because they 're not good people!!
2010-04-24 13:42:06 UTC
Jejemons.. like all things in the world, have advantages and disadvantages.. this started after the texting era emerge.. to save money.. people use shortcuts and the like.. like using "q" to represent "ko".. this was not intended to be a form of stupidity.. because of people wanting to be cute and sweet in text messaging words like "po" became "phoe". its cute alright. but it doesnt mean that they dont know how to spell the right spelling given that he/she studied the english language.
2010-04-23 19:18:32 UTC
Jejemons are more likely filipino's living in the slums that text like this : "e0w pohhwzz.. kamxta pohhwzz kau?!,,, jejeje" Jeje meaning "haha" or "hehe"
2010-04-23 12:07:47 UTC
There is nothing artistic about that you jackass. The medium(facebook, etc.) can be an effective tool against this stupidity. There are forums/chatrooms that when an unrecognized word is typed it automatically replaces it with ****.

If those social networking sites have a tool for something like that then it'd be great! Although the problem is we might all be seeing *********** all over. Then someone will come up with another name for that.
2010-04-23 04:48:19 UTC
It's just an easier way of typing jejeje...By the way I think jejemons read it as hehehe.It is really more efficient to us j instead of h, since in the standard cellphone keypad. typing h needs two presses whereas j just needs one.
2010-04-25 09:27:32 UTC
You guys are idiot and suckers!!let them be happy the way they texts!! so, what they use a short terms..magkakasya ba ang lahat ng iitexts sa cp mo? Suckers! I'm not the fan of jejemons!I'm not against of them....try mo itext ang lahat na dapat sabihin sa cp ng complete spellings email me guys kung kasya lahat Suckers!!!u guys are idiot!! Kung ang kano ay gumagamit ng short spellings tayo pa kaya mga filipino (Damn ****! )I don't use the word jejeje yeah its so irritating , its so weird but i'm not against!! u guys hate them if they use caps and small letters but u guys understand the way they texts waaahh..its just 4 fun.U guys are so serious about it...its just a TEXT(we are all use a short spellings)We're not applying for a job to use a correct grammar and right spellings..again its just a TEXTs..we are all having fun so don't be so serious about it!!! Jejeje.....hehehe..hahaha...jajaja...jijiji...hihihi..jojojo....hohoho jujuju....huhuhu
2010-04-25 05:13:50 UTC
jejemon is a filipino way of making words too long like " woooisxxxht" and then using 'jeje' in laughing. h
2010-04-25 00:58:14 UTC
Actually i kept on hearing Spanish(or was it Portuguese) speaking people laugh using that 'jejejeje' way back when i played an online game. And.. here we go again Filipino's trying to coin up something stupid, and quite pathetic. Jologs has been here and will be here.. But wtf 'jejemon'?
margaux lao
2010-04-24 23:25:55 UTC
jejemons are so like jologs.. somewhat banakal. somewhat people hate them because of their idiocy and the way they dress ,( the cap only top of the head/ nakapatong).


>some of them take drugs ,alcholic drinks , cigarettes ...

>these people influences innocent minds that think that what they are doing is good..

>THEY have non-sense songs

>they do stupidity


Q: why do you hate JEJEMONS?

>kasi mahirap basahin yung text na sinasabi nila

>umm. hahaha. yung hindi ko naiintindihan yung mga sinsabi nila dahil sa ibang "language" nila.ay tska pala yung mga pose nila pag magmagpipicture. tska yung mga cap nila.

>Kasi i dont like how they look

> 'di kasi naiintindihan yung words at phrases ng kanilang language.

>kasi marami pa silang kaartehan. Haha. parang paramihan ng period, comma, at iba pang symbols.

>it's their way eh.walang basagan nang trip

>hate ko sila kc feeling cool sila kahit hinde

>i don't like them because they give an air that they should be the center of everyone's attention since they believe, even though it's not necessarily true, that they're fly.

>my brain and eyes rupture of a hemmorhaggic shock due to their cHaAtT sFeAkH.

Olivia Buttcheeks
2010-04-24 19:04:19 UTC
Jejemon is a new filipino word today. It means... this are the people who uses 'J', 'H', 'E' and the like and attach it to a word which wasn't meant to be like that... for example, instead of using 'hehehe', they will do this: 'jejejeje'.

get it?

another example is, when saying 'hi' or 'hello', they will do this: heOw pHoe
2010-04-24 17:24:35 UTC
Language evolves, if you dont see it in your old dictionary then the word must have evolved..

so those who think that jejemons are retards, and emos, and fags, then you should try to consider your choices of words because those adjectives are not even in the dictionaries 20-50 years ago.

and to understand them, you need iq transposing and comprehending the sentence, think of it as a crypt if you may.

jejemon is good, for me, at least we're getting some identity. just like them niggas, say wut now!
2010-04-24 13:51:00 UTC
jejemon refers to people who are using a newly-concepted linggo, so to speak. they construct sentences, phrass, paragraphs, using a combination of upper/lower case letters, ignoring proper syntax, grammar, spelling, prepositioning, etc.

jejemons think of themselves as a new cliche, but in reality, they are people who are irritating, because the way they communicate's so irritating, they do not follow proper decorum regarding conversations...

jejemon= jeje=hehe(laugh) that's how they spell it; they were named jejemon as similar to pokemons..but pokemons are way cuter than jejemons LOL
James Albert
2010-04-24 01:03:03 UTC
It's not just about fellas who communicate (via txts/pms) in a lowly manner. It's about the fact that the Philippine community is already starting to accept these formats of writing. We shouldn't tolerate this. The idea that most kids of our younger generation find it cute bothers me because it's like that the influences of our teachers and the moral sector is already degrading. I wish that our government would do something about this because it might affect the productivity of our country in the near future. "Mahirap n nga ang Pilipinas, kung magpapakatanga pa ang mga kabataan natin, eh d wala na tayong aasahan."
2010-04-23 09:09:36 UTC
They be jejemon because they think that they will be popular to say those words in text messages.

JEJEMON sucks. They teach wrong spelling and words to our teenagers.
2010-04-23 05:13:02 UTC
Probably some kind of new hobby for lack-of-fun Filipinos who just texts messages to any unknown number to get fun and a new text-mate. Just a guess from what the picture in Yahoo! is showing
2010-04-23 01:51:05 UTC
A bit of introduction, jejemon grp. or spelling manner did not just appear out of nowhere. Somehow it has to come from something. And I am most sure it did not come from Filipino's. The origin of the typo manner of speaking can be traced on international online games (valid and private servers) where anyone can join in. There are alot to mention but since international, all nationalities can actually join in. Comes the latin race, specifically Brazilians, who in their conversations and chat always laugh in a weird manner which is very much annoying to Filipino gamers. Instead of the usual "hahahahaa" laugh, theirs is actually with a silent "h" and substituting it with "j" hence "jajajajajaja." At first it is very annoying since laughing that way in online games seems to be a bit of mockery to others who can not understand it. Just like when english speaking gamers gets offended to non-english speaking players when they dont understand what is being said to them (or paranoia). Since the Philippines started to boom in participating in almost all online games, the exposure to the language eventually was absorbed to the local language but altered in a manner to be cuter. So, it was no longer limited to the "jajajajaja" laugh but to other words as well like "eow=hello" The media where it is being used has also expanded from gaming to celfon text and social networking sites. To some, it seems cute especially to the younger generations. But to the people used to the usual way, it is very annoying since texting already forces sm1 to cut short words to fit the limit. Then jejemon spelling makes it more complicated. Im just wondering, is this the same pattern as with the "gay lingo"?
2010-04-24 06:08:28 UTC
Indeed, I really hate those uneducated earthlings who used to create unusual and irritating words on their messages. Such as:

"Hellowh phouw! Pfwedeh pfouw bvang mhakipfhag txt mateszzzz? Khung owkie lng pfow! jejeje."

Geez... Whenever I read these fuckin' words, it makes me quite pissed off. Argh.

"Jeje" is a word that comes from those people who say many jejejeje while "Mon(s)" is the same as the word earthlings or humanoids.

In addition, some people will say "PO" or "OPO" on their messages even though you are younger than they are. Oh, crap! it's really annoying!
2010-04-23 23:23:15 UTC
Actually, I am not really familiar to this word & its maiden of, but "JEJEMON" means, this is a person who spells a single word (especially English word) in his own way
2010-04-23 19:46:49 UTC
Ang Jejemon ay mga taong hindi dapat pag-ukulan ng pansin dahil mababang uri ng nilalang.
2010-04-23 06:52:37 UTC
It's an ingenious product of profound stupidity.

Its a major reason why the generation of today find it hard to feed themselves.

Ever heard of a job requirement "must be proficient in jejemon?"

Really dumb, really dumb.
2010-04-23 01:22:33 UTC
This is text and chat culture stupidity, making Filipinos old and new generation, lose their writing and spelling ability back to 4-year old brains which stemmed out from text-speak trend. Like how text-speak became so popular, this is no exception as they are just the same.

All companies hiring applicants, old or new graduates, should make this a policy to fail applicants that cannot spell properly on exams and essays as this will reflect the companies image when they hire these people to talk to their clients or partners. I know most companies who are strict in spelling skills and I know some people who have failed in their exams. If your family, telecoms or law fails, the company youre going to apply to next will teach you a lesson.
2010-04-25 07:33:31 UTC
.......whether we like it or not (face it!) jejemons exist... how stop it? That's the next question to ponder upon... (waste of time or be the judge)
Joseph Darwin
2010-04-25 04:46:42 UTC
The meaning of Jejemons

1) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with LOW IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.

On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!

miszMaldiTahh111: T_T

- a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s pfOuh..

whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS pfOuh..eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON.

- (noun or adj.)---a person who is very expert in typing..

- a person that nevr gets tired of typing consonants in all of his comments...

- people with very LOW IQ

- a person that destroys the morale of language in any typing media like internet,cellphones...etc...

- a person you want to **** off and kill

- an emo/gangster who owns all the possible negative qualities of a person.

- is the derrogative term used for a certain categorized kind of people.They type JEJEJE or JEJEJE when they want to express laughing in written words, which happen more than often. This is why we call them jejes.

JEJE-Similar to hehehe but more like a naughty chuckle coming from the back of your throat.

For instance, used while plotting an evil plan.

EX. 1. I'm going to make that guy look like such a zaris..JEJEJE

ex. 2. "omg! my sister farted" jejeje

ex. 3. 3Ohw phOwh eVeR1yBhOodY! jejeje!

ex. 4. pFroUwd 2 b @ jEJ3mOn!


Sign that it is a jeje you are dealing with is that he (they are most commonly masculine) seems to have low intelligence.

This is because

1. they can not express themselves in the English language as good as an average person

2. it seems that their kind is simply dumber.

3. Their names are also often begun with "El" then followed with a random spanish or portuguese word.

4. they put too much letters and symbols in everyword they say even in their god damn NAMES or ALIASES.

Don't be a jejemon! they suck!
2010-04-24 22:41:26 UTC
"jejemon"?another stupidity language being used by people I do not know they just want to be famous or

teaching our children a culture that is not ours .It should be stopped or minimize.Look we are teaching our students bad grammar and now a days our students are getting poorer in English language.
Grapes of Wrath
2010-04-24 03:59:59 UTC
So-called "jejemons" are suer-stupid trying hard to be cute cyberflirts!

Whenever I receive "jejemonly" messages either on the phone, email, or IM, I reply with deep sarcasm and tell them to spell their stuffs correctly, and that HINDI BAGAY. HINDI KAYO CUTE!
2010-04-24 00:38:27 UTC
as if 170 plus dialects were not enough to create confusion,now pinoys have THIS?in the spanish language or any latin-based language,the "J" substitutes the "H"...ham is hamon in the philippines while it's actually "jamon" in spanish," these hispanic gamers write "jejeje" instead of "hehehe",pronounced the same way.but,frankly,imo,this trend is just plain sense at all.the mere fact of making the message longer than it has to be,at the same time making the message harder to decipher is just outright thing i have to say to these kids,the human brain is supposed to be used for thinking,not just something to separate the ears for stereo listening....i know stupidity is a privilege,but some folks just abuse that
Rocel Bande
2010-04-25 07:38:08 UTC
jejemons are youngster who usually type their text messages, facebook shoutouts and chat texts in a very disturbing way. they are also unaware that they are starting to look like retards. most of this peoples are within the age group of between 12- 18 year olds. the word "jeje" is from their text conversion of the usual laugh text in manila which is "hehehe" and converted it to their own awful language as "jejejeje" as if its a spanish term or someting where "j" is supposed to sound like "h"
2010-04-25 03:27:16 UTC
Well i think this "jeje fever" started wayyyy back 2003. I was 16 years old back then. One of my friends txted me on this very unusual day. Instead of typing "hehe" she typed "jejeje". At first i dint mind cause i thought it was a typo error or something. But she did it again and again until it came to a certain point that i asked her " where the eff did you get that word? its not cute. " well she said, from "RPG games i guess?". Then the BISHOPS (bisayang hip-hop) as they say, started playing rpg games and adopted it. since then. THE VIRUS SPREAD!
2010-04-24 23:32:01 UTC
i believe that the existence of jejemon is the solution in order for those letters that are not used often are being used. j is equivalent to H and q is for KO or Me in english. it started when vice ganda uttered it on showtime sometime ago.
2010-04-24 18:05:41 UTC
I remember my girl friend in college who used to text me in this way: Eow Poh? WhazzZupp.. nah?

then she heard the news about this "Jejemon" thing on yahoo ph.. she read it.. then she changed her way how she Text now.. super.. out of this world, pop-culture.
2010-04-24 04:22:49 UTC
And because of this, many of them will proceed into a halt and some will try to avoid typing in a "jeje" manner so that they couldn't be branded as such.

Though some might prevail and say "we are who we are and nothing will change that." But just like fashion, the jeje trend will die out in due time.
2010-04-24 02:33:29 UTC

"Jejeje" is SPANISH for FILIPINO " hehehe'. It came from South America and was passed on to the Philippines via the internet and text messages.

Perhaps, call it the global evolution of local / ethnic words ( Latino Spanish in this case) assimilating to other societies accross the world through on-line activities.

When one is in Latin America, to use "jejeje " is ACCEPTABLE, both in formal and informal written communications. I work in South America now and folks in all layers of its society accept the "jejeje" words. It is normal for them.

What is not normal is when, among others, the spelling and pronunciation is wrong. For example, who started to spell PILIPINAS from the world Spanish accepted spelling FILIPINAS? In the global Spanish language, the Philippines is known ( or written ) as FILIPINAS not PILIPINAS.

The Tagalogs normally pronounce and spell the "F" to "P". So OFFICE becomes OPIS. FIVE is spoken as PIVE. FAIRVIEW becomes PAIRVIEW.

" My PADER is PIPTY PIVE years old and he works in an OPIS in PAIRVIEW. "

Fortunately, in Visayas and Mindanao," F "remains "F" and "P" is "P". It is only in Luzon that many has difficulty in pronuncing the "F" properly.

While accents vary from many places which is normal, I think accents are the slowest to change in the evolution of languages. New spellings, new words, new forms appear as the world becomes smaller through travel, the techology highway and mass communications.

WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS: Let us try to keep what is classically pure English as it is MUCH MORE ELEGANT. We can not stop others from expressing themselves in whatever forms they want------JUST DO NOT JOIN THEM AND DO NOT LICK THEM. Their own kind may survive or not. IT IS A QUESTION OF TIME AND PATRONAGE.

Thank you PJ Aranador
2010-04-23 08:10:16 UTC
here is the definition from urban dictionary which describes best what a jejemon is as well as the other related coined words such as jejebusters, grammar nazi, etc.
2010-04-23 07:12:00 UTC
Bah, this is just like "text speak," however instead of shortening the words they place substitutes in order to make them longer yet still retain the text speak grammar (most of the phrases).

Common examples: hehehehe = jejejeje

po = poh

meron = mrwn

Rubbish, similar to text speak, people will talk about it at first but as time passes it will just be ignored as such.
2010-04-23 03:50:29 UTC
i know that jejemons are those individuals that change the spelling of a word to a complicated really annoyed by them..sabi nga ng iba "wlang pakialamanan",pero ang arte nila masyado mag spell,haha..ang hirap basahin ng language nila..ang daming letters..anyway..lately naman i saw some kids na pabaligtad mag spell like (punta = antup)..jejemons din ba sila??
2010-04-23 02:10:38 UTC
I agree to those who said that this is another stuff of pinoy jologs who thought that they will certainly become "IN" using this terms. Personally, when receiving those kind of terms or spelling whatever! in a text message theres a "feeling" na masesense mo na cheap ung katx mo or I righI???

If people really want to use this terms, I just hope that they will not forget the right ones for there will come a time na they might be quoted "stupid" which I don't believe.
2010-04-23 20:58:27 UTC
I agree that it dies quickly.Seriously, I've been using a cellphone since 2000 and I never did that Jejemon thing.For me it looks stupid.And I hope my son's generation will not adapt that.
2010-04-25 06:45:52 UTC
a jejemon is the one who writes in small and big letters together....

and..jejemon is a sudden popularity becoz it is a kind of sytle in typing letters in the computer...
2010-04-24 06:37:29 UTC
The one great thing that happen to all Filipino is the digital communications ( I'm sure everyone remember those years). Because of pure economics ONLY, all of us (cause we're smart) device a way to communicate AS MUCH AS WE CAN for a small fee especially in the Philippines.

This is nothing different in another country. Everyone does it. So, please, stop putting too much in to it
2010-04-23 17:56:19 UTC
People use "jejemon terms" for their "pa-cute" purposes only. Similar to baby talk. Grow up people. ^_^
2010-04-23 16:12:41 UTC
a jejemon is a filipino wannabe "Gangsta" who cant spell and has no future. they have their own language called "Ajejeje" and its used like this

Girl: Hi!

Jejemon: i LlyK YoU!, jejeje, PweDenG mlAmn PNGlAN mo, N0H? u LO0K~ CuTE~ eh LOlz! jeje

Girl: *runs away and calls the police*

They are popular now a days because everybody hates them.
2010-04-23 10:51:48 UTC
They are people who add symbols, numbers, or uppercase letters to simple words like hello po = eLowZ puoh!!!! They are irritating people who do not know how to spell properly. Like this other example of a proper sentence: Hi there, would you like to be friends with me? in Jejemon language = hi THERE, WouLd u LYk tO be fRienDshIpz with Me, n0H? They do not know how to punctuate properly and are grammatically incorrect.


We Filipinos are not stupid or dumb enough to stoop this low. We are taught properly in school how to read and write CORRECTLY. It is a disgrace to other countries for us to be seen spelling or texting in this manner.
2010-04-23 10:41:53 UTC
1) A social and grammar trying-hard moron

2) One whose actions need to be ignored

3) Should be belittled like its predecessors which include the "jologs"

4) Should not be talked about anymore because it's ridiculous and pointless
2010-04-23 09:38:48 UTC
jeje happens when you type "hehe" wrongly.

It's sad if it's going to be a trend. I don't see how "e0w p0h..." can be a trend. Someone who texts/chats like that is a jejemon.

It could probably be synonymous to the term jologs. Book it!
2010-04-23 02:43:29 UTC
Alas, I have only more questions: How do you pronounce "Jejemon?" And how many levels of credibility is there in DLSU that there is an "associate professor 3" in their plantilla? Is there also an associate professor 4, 5, 6? Meron bang associate Jejemon? Jejejejej...
cocoy f
2010-04-25 09:03:56 UTC
Nakaksuka ang mga taong nagsasabi na nakakapagpababa ang mga jejemon sa wikang Pilipino.

Unang una, bakit ka nagsasalita sa wikang inggles kung gusto mong palaganapin/payamanin/paunlarin (o kung ano pang magagandang salita) ang wikang Pilipino?

hindi niyo ba naiisip na ang ibang salita na ginagamit ng mga jejemon ay galing sa wikang espanyol?

bakit ka mapanghusga? diyos ka ba?

mas mukhang bihasa pa ako magpilipino sa inyong lahat (mga taong mapanghusga) kesa sa mga nagaastang magaling sa wikang inggles.

at oo, jejemon ako.
2010-04-24 22:14:17 UTC
It's just another way of excuse to forgive some Filipino's poor English communication and spelling skills
2010-04-24 21:55:23 UTC
Jejemons are those low low low IQ people in the Philippines who spreads their IDIOCY around the social networks and in texting. they think their cool with those oversized dresses. ah $#it. they're nowhere near cool man. when i see them, i barf. rjgalkvrjantoejgceaw.

jejemons, die jejemons.
2010-04-24 12:22:14 UTC
Southern Leytenos used "jejejejeje" in text as a replacement of "hehehehe" in SMS.

Southern Leytenos are popular of using letter "J" in their language.. as Cebuanos mostly use "Y".

"ninja ray mupatay ninjo" popular tease for those Southern Leytenos using "J" . jejejejeje. I am a jejemon. Cool.
Mae Janice S
2010-04-24 08:50:55 UTC
you see, those who do this, are the teens, right? if you;re not a teen anymore, do you remember yourself using jejemon terms, i don't.. due to an adult's usual busy sked... so dont make any noise of it, teens have the time to misuse their text languages because they have extra time to do it... in time when they would be too busy for survival, jejejemon will be transferred for upcoming teens...
2010-04-23 08:46:35 UTC
jejemons are people who adds some unnecessary letters or characters in his/her words. abbreviating or using shortcuts doesnt mean you're a jejemon already -_-
imelda g
2010-04-24 19:35:48 UTC
Example of jeje sentence:

hEiy PeEPfFsZx ! (^_^) WhUzSxUp ????????

Jejemon is a term for those people who types like that.

JEJE - is a exaggerated form of typing
2010-04-24 07:41:31 UTC
A "JEJEMON" is simply a person who doesn't know how to correctly spell a word.
2010-04-24 02:57:38 UTC
a jejemon is someone who makes typing so complicated.they add letters such as "H","S","K","Z", words to make it look "cute" and "stylish" which is probably makes words look so hard to read and type.and their,"hehe" becomes "jeje" and it looks really stupid to my eyes.for example,"hey.what's up?how are you?i'm doing good.hehe." would be,"h3ii.whAtXzS uFpP?hOwWxZ aHr3e yOuU?i'M dOiNg goOdXz.jejeje." i just hope that the jejemon virus would stop spreading.:)
2010-04-23 23:36:03 UTC
my mom said, in ivatan language they use J as a H..

and in the Philippines, we have learned in our elementary days about the "mga ponemang malayang nagpapalitan"..

indeed it is slightly a minus for us Filipinos if this would emerge as our new "jologs" phenomenon..
Lance C
2010-04-23 12:40:53 UTC
guys guys, don't be so judgmental nman...

bah! who am I kidding, mxado lng tlgang pa cute ang mga jejemon. it clearly shows the backsliding state of Filipino education, an affront to the english grammar and filipino intellectuals. di nman po sa di ko mimamahal ung sariling wika natin, pero wag nman sana natin babuyin ung wika ng iba.

personally, "SHINOSHORTCUT" q mga tx q pra mkatpid sa space, tym txka pgod, peo readable nman dba?,...i juz dont c 2 point of extending ur tx msg longer than the necessary and wasting energy changing cases(UPPER and lower). u dH0wnT nEeD 2 tHeXt LHayK dH!s 2 L0oK kHiyUT nMAn dBah?!?!

anyway, take it or leave it, it's just my opinion :)
2010-04-24 22:28:34 UTC
Simply obnoxious. For some, this is another way of prostitution.

Definitely, not to uplift the morality and values. Go on destroy the Philippine's image all around the world. Keep it up!

Just my thoughts...
2010-04-23 12:11:01 UTC
i liked this one.


Jejemon: What Are They?

A Jejemon is basically a variation of homo sapiens sub-species Jeje that originates in the Asia-Pacific island nation the Philippines. Jejes on the other hand are of the pure and original form and is claimed to have originated in what we know today as Latin America. This post will discuss the Jejemon strain of the Jejes.

Jejemons (Jejemonus Filiponensis) are creatures of the night. Their activity period ranges from 8pm to 4am local time. They have been discovered by the world-renowned Filipino adventurer Juan dela Cruz in the early start of the millennium.

It is said that Jejemons are often seen clustering around social networking sites such as Facebook and Friendster. They are also spotted in massive numbers in television chat rooms albeit they were just starting to flourish at the time of Juan dela Cruz's discovery of them. To date, there is an estimated 7.4 million Jejemons thriving in the Philippines. They have since started booming proportionally with the fast global progress of technology.

An average Jejemon resume

It is difficult to distinguish Jejemons from normal human beings solely by physical appearance. They look like human beings, they eat like human beings, they dress like human beings (see: gangster). A Jejemon can only be distinguished by their writing language, the Jejebet. The Jejebet is a combination of the English alphabet and counting numbers which, in a strange mix of character substitution, surprisingly makes words that are understandable only to the Jejes and Jejeologists (normal people that study Jejemons).

Jejemons are generally thought to have very low IQs, although this claim still remains unproven. This might be due to the failure of the Jejebrain to produce and terminate brain cells than that of the normal rate of average human beings. Extreme head heat (which have been thought to decrease brain size) while wearing gangsta caps and gangsta shirts and 24/7 beer diets have been also attributed for the Jejemons' low IQ levels.

Average Jejemons, complete with Jeje hand signs

Below are some of the basic Jejemon words (Warning: May cause severe headache if you try too hard to understand. Patience and comprehension is required):

aQcKuHh - means me/ako

lAbqCkyOuHh - means I love you

yuHh - means you

jAjaJa - garbled words conveying laughter

jeJejE - a variation of jAjaJa; conveys sly laughter

iMiszqcKyuH - means I miss you

eEoW pFhUeEhsxz - means hi/hello

(Credits to Jejeologist Dharwin Chaarlez for the above)

The main media used by Jejemons are both basic and advanced cellphone units, television units and personal computer units.

Just a couple of years ago, Jejemons have started "evolving" their eye color (from the original brown to blue or purple or pink) through their extensive knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and various internet programs. This behavior is proof that they are indeed capable of higher intelligence, an action previously thought of as impossible by many Jejeientists (normal people that study Jeje sciences).

Normal people have since started to act to eradicate the thriving Jejemon population. These normal people identify themselves as Grammar Nazis and/or Jejebusters (started appearing 2 years after the Great Jejemon Infestation; also known as the GJI of 2001). They actively seek and hunt Jejemon communities with only one purpose: to eliminate. Their preferred weapon is the MG13-liLipAdkaAyUohH grammar gun and the BZ-aRayqcKuoHh rocket-propelled paragraph grenade. It is manufactured and supplied by an unidentified grammar armaments specialty group in an undisclosed location in the Philippines. Their equipment is mainly made of S-grade Manila Bulletin Newspaper vests which boasts impressive proper grammar. "Extream Panda" is currently the Grammar Nazi's mascot.

Recently the Philippine Government, spearheaded by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, has moved to the decision considering Jejemons a threat to society and its normal living conditions. With the upcoming elections nearing, presidential aspirants and political parties here and there have been vowing to halt the ferocious growth of the Jejemons. One well-known aspirant, Gilberto Teodoro Jr. has promised to push forward the JSE (Jejemon Specialty Education) into law if voted for president.

Gibo Teodoro Jr. (center) holding a JSE banner

Teodoro was one of the first to recognize the perils of Jejenism (the Jejemon religion; not to be confused with Jejemonism, the belief that Jejemons are superior than normal people) and its undue but very influential teachings. Jejeientists, Jejeologists, Jejebusters and Grammar Nazis have expressed their delight and have stated that they are more than ready to participate in this historic undertaking by stopping Jejemons from learning the Jejenese language (speaking language of Jejemons together with the Jejebet; has been recent
LincoLn Ashley C.
2010-04-23 09:57:04 UTC
Jejemon, they are the "gangsters wanna be". they're making the simple words hard like the word "Hello" then "HeLLhow".
2010-04-23 09:54:51 UTC
my officemates type like this just for fun, it was OK at first but when they started sending group emails in "jejemon" language i started hating it. it's hard to read and annoying. especially when they write "powh" at the end of most of their sentences.. :|
Cesar M
2010-04-23 06:28:00 UTC
Personally, I don't like that way of texting/chatting.. I have nothing against people who do this, but I think this would exacerbate the problem of spelling competency of the youth especially the students.. oh well this has something to do with generation so let them be as long as they're happy with it..
pinay textmate
2010-04-23 03:46:00 UTC
jejemons are those younger generation fun of altering the correct spelling check about them at
2010-04-23 01:23:38 UTC
1.) Usually seen around social networking sites such as Friendster and Multiply, jejemons are individuals with low IQs who spread around their idiocy on the web by tYpFing LyK diZS jejejeje, making all people viewing their profile raise their eyebrows out of annoyance. Normal people like you and me must take a Bachelor of Arts in Jejetyping in order to understand said individuals, as deciphering their text would cause a lot of frustration and hair pulling.


2.) Jejemons are not just confined to trying-hard Filipino gangsters and emos. A Jejemon can also include a variety of Latino-Hispanic fags who enjoy typing "jejejejeje" in a wider context, much to the disdain of their opponents in an internet MMORPG game such as Ragnarok and DOTA.

3.) Basically anyone with a low tolerance in correct punctuation, syntax and grammar. Jejemons are usually hated or hunted down by Jejebusters or the grammar nazi to eradicate their grammatical ways.

On AIM or YM:

miSzMaldiTahh111: EoW pFuOh!

You: Huh?

miszMaldiTahh111: i LLyK tO knOw moR3 bOut u, PwfoH. crE 2 t3ll mE yur N@me? jejejejeje!

You: You are a jejemon! Don't talk to me, you uneducated retard!

miszMaldiTahh111: T_T
2017-02-21 08:36:30 UTC
Jejemon Words And Meaning
2010-04-24 07:10:16 UTC
jejemon is another term for idiot.. well thats how i understand it... this is also liked other words, known for a month and will be distinct after a while,, ^^
2010-04-23 04:07:09 UTC
it only shows how ingenious Filipino are....

1.basically, if you are following proper placement of fingers in keyboard it is easier to press the key for j than pressing h.... and even sending sms using mobile phone as well- you got to press only once for letter j than pressing h.

2.we can easily substitute h to j with the same phonetic sound since we learn from spanish that j is /jota/ (sounds hota) in contrast with that of english that sounds as /j/ ....

3. jejemon letters shows more feelings and emotions you wants to convey! so to speak (duh!)....

we are just making our life easier with what we have and with what we knew. Lets stop downgrading ourselves and our filipino kababayan who usually doing this kind of habit. Who else can uplift our own lahi? at least backhome in there... our society is dynamic, alive and with freedom to grow! Lets just enjoy it!

Anyway try to make a formal letter if you send sms or posting on facebook! let see if youll survive!
2010-04-23 03:31:16 UTC
jejemons for us teens is just another name for "jologs" :)), and those who hate jejemons/jologs are called jejebusters
2010-04-23 08:06:36 UTC
i think this is a fad that must be exterminated in every possible way(including re-educating those feeble-minded stupid people) and in the soonest time possible.

these filipinos(who wear mostly rainbow caps... shiny dangling necklaces... wearing t-shirts as if their bodies are hangers, or emos) mostly hang with others of the same genre(rap or emo music)

usually hated(even i hate them) for using too many letters/numbers for simple words...

this fad makes filipinos shameful
2010-04-23 07:10:49 UTC
jejemon are the people who doesn't know how to spell the correct words,,while they are saving also saving there money for a shortcut mgs...or maybe a gay & girly thing...
2010-04-25 10:31:22 UTC
huh! [lol] :D

the "jejemon" (oh i don't know where it came from)

but you know what ?!

i think it is similar to the word "baduy","jologs" & "maarte"

but wait ! i read one of the answer here ...

you know!? it doesn't mean that if you're a "jejemon", you're uneducated !


see this?

diZ tYpE oF tExT iz xOo aNnOyin 2 rEad !

Filipinos are being so "maarte".

like in texting.

other people make their text so short just to save load.

but filipinos were unique! :)

esp. teenagers! they put many "kaartehan" in their text esp. in texters clan! (kasi yun po uso sa pinoy teenagers)

"PO" became "pfoueh"

"KAMUSTA?" became "uXtanEsZx? jejeje .."

haha! in other words ..


haha! but even though Filipinos are "jejemons"

for me its funny! cute! and definitely unique! :D

here's a link. here's "Jologs-inator" click this to learn "HOW TO BE A JOLOGS"
2010-04-25 05:25:55 UTC
ang jejemon ay hindi pagiging stupid ng isang tao to begin with...

The term came from " hehe " na mali ang pagkakatype.

Tignan nyo ang keyboard nyo, magkatabi ang "H" at "J"

imbis na "hehehe" naging "jejeje" nangyayari to kapag

hindi gaanong bihasa ang nagtype sa keyboard at nag-


At uso ngayon sa mga kabataan ang pagsasalita na

parang bata, hindi dahil T@ng@ sila or BowBO kundi

sinasadya nila to para maging cute ang dating nila.


behbeh = baby

opoh = opo

musta poh = kamusta po

san na u? = saan ka na?

bhaybeiGurL = baby girl

hindi to ginawa para maaccept ng lahat just like sa

g@y people meron silang sariling language which is

hindi lahat ang nakakaintindi.

Para sa mga taong naiirita pagnakakakita at nakakarinig

ng mga ganitong language, why bother if it doesnt concern

you hindi ba?
2010-04-24 05:57:42 UTC
heheheheh jejemon we are the jejemons~!!!! jejejeje aym paroud op beeeing a jejemon! jejejeje join us jejejeje byebye pfuesz jejeje
2010-04-23 08:13:26 UTC
jejemons are the modern hooligans in the philippines, they used leet languange, feel kasi nila cool basahin yung mga words na ginagamit nila. normaly posers and gangstas uses this language, jejemon words are very awkward to read, para daw may accent ang mga txt messages nila, hindi naman sila mga kano.ginagawa lng nila dahil ang totoo ay hindi sila marunong mag spell ng english kaya iniiba-iba nila ang mga spelling ng words nila, kaya pag may natatanggap akong txt na gumagamit ng mga salitang ganito, hindi ko nirereplyan kasi na bwbwisit ako. malalaman mong jejemon ang tao if he wears a colored net cap na pinapatong lng sa ulo. mabaho silang tingnan tlga!

2010-04-25 03:09:52 UTC
well, actually, it means JEJEMONSTERS just like POKEMON (pocket monsters). it's rooted from the Pinoy version of LOL which is hehehe which, those typing monster maniac spell as JEJEJE. these type bugs people so much that it made them call those as monsters. so JEJE + MONSTERS = JEJEMONS!
jehan teodoro
2010-04-23 18:39:19 UTC
i saw picture of gibo in facebook with "pababalikin ko sa elementarya ang mga jejemons." placard.

i got curious and search it on the net..

i think many of gibonians didn't know what's the meaning of jejemons, like me, many has googled/yahooed it, jajaja!! :-)!/photo.php?pid=5241143&id=103173344186
mikhail lorraine r
2010-04-23 11:22:15 UTC
enough with the negative feedbacks.

I think that there is nothing wrong with 'jejemon'

though it may really hard to read some of their words, but its not right to say something that drags the majority of the Filipino...besides, you all are Filipinos too.

Think otherwise instead, its just the other way of Filipino's artistic side of expressing themselves.

It doesnt kill nor harm you?ayt? so stop the fire now.

2010-04-25 02:24:06 UTC
Its just an expression derive from pokemon-jejemon......
2010-04-24 23:34:24 UTC


2010-04-23 23:42:07 UTC
this thread shows how crab mentality works in Philippine society.

majority of the responses are all hate related.

diba ang mga talangka,

kapag nilagay mo ito sa timba,

naguunahan umakyat at naghihilahan pababa ang mga ito?

ayan kayong lahat, mga talangka!

stop complaining and start re evaluating yourselves!

21st century na, utak stone age pa ren.

ang lupet niyong lahat!
2010-04-23 21:07:38 UTC
just because you do not understand what they are saying does not mean they have low IQ. it is their own way of expressing things. what is very disturbing are the people who are trying to be someone when they are not. Gets! if you didn't get the point of my message check your IQ. we Filipinos are multicultural people and those things help us discover the depth of our nationalism. Because one thing is constant in this world and that is "change".
2010-04-23 17:40:13 UTC
Pinoys (Filipinos) laugh with a sound "hehehe.." and i think some of them (texters) were bored with the spelling and tried changing it to "J".......and it clicked! (to some) but to others, NOT. in all honesty, I NEVER USED THAT WORD, i wasn't a FAN, but who cares? as long as it's not hurting anyone and the original spelling is acknowledged , LET IT BE!
2010-04-23 09:03:57 UTC
ang jejemon ay ang panggagago ng mga salita, spelling barok na puro pa capital! na ang hirap intindihinna tipong mga gago at bobo lang ang gumagamit.


eOw Poh... FHw3de mhUkiPUg KhilHALah? SINgle PoH q... MuzTAh na POh zlaH!


hello po... pwede makipagkilala? single po ako. 'musta na po sila!

ang labo teng!
2010-04-23 04:47:26 UTC
@ricoblanco, ok lang sila-sila mag-usap ng ganun. basta hindi nila ipapakita sa ibang tao. Hindi babasagin ang "trip" nila (na kabobohan naman) kung hindi naman nila inimpose sa ibang taong sumasakit lang ang ulo kapag binabasa ang mga tinatype nila. Wag kang high and mighty.At hindi lahat ng taong galit sa Jejemon, panay ang OMG OMG.
2010-04-23 02:56:34 UTC
"Jejemons" are "pa-cute" or "feeling cute" people. they think typing like this " h3ow pFüoh! " (hello po) will make them adorable. but they are really irritating. i'm very disappointed that many Filipinos like me are jejemons. :(
2010-04-25 08:24:22 UTC
people, its unfair for latins to be criticized as you just did with their jajaja & jejeje's. they say H, as "a-che" and they say J, as "jota". J to south american people, as well as spanish people is like H to english speaking countries. don't judge quickly that someone in your online game says jejeje that he is a ***. thats so prejudice. its how they are. as the same goes if you go to their country that you say coňo to a person here in latin america, they would think your mean, because that word is bad in spanish, and Filipinos use it as a different meaning. so watch it before you judge spanish/latin people.
2010-04-25 05:03:31 UTC
Jhay Sola said : wHaGh nYouH nMaNh pFowH cLaH AwAyheen xheh maBhaBha-iT nManH pFowH cLaH ii... peace jejemons..i love dedemons.. hahaha..

Respect their rights.. hehe.. seriously, just let them do what they want.. haha
2010-04-24 18:23:51 UTC
I have read all answers and I find it third world. Any way we all just need to deal with it & let them be. I would say this is contemporary Filipino culture!
2010-04-24 07:46:37 UTC
Another nonsense topic that quickly emerges by hearsay... People are like sheeps that goes with the flow, even though they dont even know the roots of this things..
2010-04-24 01:10:00 UTC
2010-04-23 17:22:20 UTC
What's the fuzz? This is just another stage in Filipino Popular culture, remember coño days?

Read on: From Conyo Ka Pre by Yano:

paano magmura ang conyong ilokana? (ukinamshet)

paano magdasal ang conyong relihiyosa? (lord give us naman some bread)

how could you be so.

what happened to my stuff-ed toy, its important pa naman you make destroy

ikaw ha you naughty boy, ill donate you to manong boy

how could you be so.

paano magrecite ang conyong kolehiyala? (ma’am, dunno the answer)

paano magspeech ang conyong congresista? (alam nyo, u know?)

how could you be so.

hey guys come on! lakwatsa naman

tomorrow pa our exams

take it easy wag ka ng magcram

watch a movie and go shopping na laang


Floyd Jr. M.
2010-04-24 23:58:24 UTC
Yeah Filipino are low in IQ
2010-04-24 19:16:00 UTC
anu nanaman yan,,media? sause, alam nyo naman ang mga taga media, may hindi lang magustohan sinisiraan na sa ere, puros mga walang kwenta nanaman yang pinapauso nyo nah yhan, parang JOLOGS word lang yan ng channel 7 eh, I'm not sure kung channel 7 nga yun galeng but wala na kung pake alam dun basta walang kwenta yang pinauso nyo nah yhan. your just using the power of media for your own good. wag kayong mag pa uso ng mga ALIEN words, baka hindi nyo magustohan ang itatawag sa inyo ng mga tao the other day. hindi ku kayu tinatakut huh, I'm just waring you people. dont play the power of Media, you dont know what awaits you outside your offices and homes..
2010-04-23 22:09:11 UTC
whatever it is..its not helping the depreciating quality of our language education. im a bad speller myself but i hate text messages sent to me spelled in an idiotic way. if you are an educated person why would you spell a word like a moron does...i can tolerate those colloquially spelled messages from my household helper whose educational level I'm aware of, but coming from an educated person? no its a big turn off.or whatever educational attainment you've got if you can spell correctly then be a responsible communicator.
Francis Ladores
2010-04-23 18:42:44 UTC
jejemons are people who try to employ baby talk in written communications such as SMS, or shoutouts and postings in social networking sites such as myspace and facebook in order to portray themselves as being “cute.”
2010-04-23 04:59:21 UTC
instead of taking the effort to type a single word with upper and lower case letters with special characters to match, just spell it correctly, man. let the simple diplomatic HELLO be as it has been for centuries. it's just destructive -even worse than ghetto. and it's not cute.
2010-04-23 03:38:43 UTC
jejemons are also known as "jologs" and talk(or type) like this

eOw pfOe, uZzTaH u?, jEjEjE.
jane meets tarzan
2010-04-24 06:04:53 UTC
All companies hiring applicants, old or new graduates, should make this a policy to fail applicants that HAVE WRONG GRAMMAR AND cannot spell properly on exams and essays as THESE KIND OF APPLICANTS MAY CARRY OVER THIS HABIT TO THEIR PROFESSIONAL/WORKING ENVIRONMENT AND WILL reflect the COMPANY'S image when they hire these KIND OF people to talk to their clients or partners. I know OF SOME most companies who REQUIRE THEIR are strict EMPLOYEES TO HAVE GOOD in spelling skills. I ALSO KNOW OF SOME and I know some people who have failed in their APPLICATION exams. ???? If your family, telecoms or law fails, the company YOU'RE going to apply to next will teach you a lesson. ????
2010-04-25 04:37:37 UTC
Hey, we JarJar Binks fans are called JarJarmons.
2010-04-23 03:51:19 UTC
This language came from Twilight fan girls so it's not really probably originated here in the Philippines.
Dennis Fritz - Boy B. Cabas-an
2010-04-25 07:49:16 UTC
Ang alam ko kasi, ang word na "jejemon" ay yung mga taong gumagamit ng "jejeje" sa text. example, nagtext ng joke sa'yo ang friend mo, ang reply mo, imbis na "hehehe" or "hahaha" ay "jejeje"
2010-04-23 01:31:54 UTC
I want to be a JejeMon trainer. Imagine being able to partake in a jejemon cockfight... in a coliseum.. "LiL' ZupLadO used Sumpak!" - "It's super effective!"
2010-04-24 23:54:25 UTC
it is a emerging dialect in the Philippines which insults our original language. they are annoying and surely making a bad image thu out the world!
2010-04-24 21:46:03 UTC
ah... so that's what they're called. To all kids: its not cool to text or write like that. You'd probably be doing your brain ten years worth of alcohol-induced brain damage or worse if you continue doing that. And it gives other people the impression that you're either stupid or uneducated.
2010-04-24 02:06:13 UTC
As a Language Teacher sharing similar thoughts with other teachers who have posted their reply here - I agree - let's hope that this dies fast!
2010-04-23 03:24:18 UTC
jejeje is the spanish translation of hehehe , spaniards still influence us filipinos. no need to search it in the net. common sense. simple. easy. no brain cells use. and stop licking the english language "dahil pilipino tayo".
2010-04-25 09:10:29 UTC
oh! you guys you probably are just making unnecessary fuss about this thing. "jejeje" is the equivalent of "hehehe" in spanish since letter "h" is mute in spanish language and letter "j" has the sound of the English alphabet letter "h" (just a bit guttural) got nothing more productive to write, yahoo? im laughing my but off! jejejejejejeje!
2010-04-24 00:25:15 UTC
Jejemon are use mostly to those who are not educated or those who are "bobo".
2010-04-23 08:59:19 UTC
ganyan uso ngauN!! and ndi nman ibig sabihin pag ganyan magara n or retard or something like stupid!

i bet nman naging ganyan din kau sa txt pati sa mga chat and etc. dba??


sa buhay ngaun! imposible pang walang maging ganyan!!

ako aminado naging ganyan nuon!

pero mas trip ku padin ung ndi "jejemon"

nasa tao lang ean mga paps or bossing!!

basta importante nakakausap naten isat-isa!

stupid lang para saken mang husga dahil lang sa ganyan!!

and sa txt or chat lang nman ean lumilitaw ang pagka "jejemon"

pero pag kausap muna harap2x nalalaman mubang "jejemon" sila?

nababasa b naten sinasabe nila kpag kausap naten sila harap2xaN??


matang lawin lang may kaya nun kung saka2li!

and kung ndi sila edukado!! bkit sila marunung mag txt, mag basa, etc.

2010-04-23 07:20:44 UTC
jejemons are those people whose very uneducated and maybe doesn't even finish elementary school that's why their words are just pure stupidity, why popular??? damn! coz they're just everywhere!!!
john s
2010-04-23 05:00:18 UTC
Isang malaking kabaduyan! Akala ng mga gumagamit nyan cool sila. Mukha silang TANGA!
2010-04-25 01:33:50 UTC
OMG!! What the hell!!! I've never heard of this word until I saw it in Yahoo news. My maids usually text that way. hahaha.. Never fails to give me a major headache after finally understanding what the hell their saying.
2010-04-24 22:34:54 UTC
jejemon language is how our maid texts
2010-04-23 22:20:46 UTC
i wonder why they want to make the word "you" into 5-10 letters.. it's annoying..

and when did number "4" become "a" and "3" become "e"

total nonsense, haha.

mas ok pa magbasa ng forwarded quotes eh.

just my 2 cents
2010-04-23 04:21:37 UTC
Tanong lang po..! kung ganon ang ways of saying / typing of jejemon.. ano naman ang tawag sa taong ganito mag text..

San na U?..

Kanina pa me dito.. hintay me sa U...

Kain nA U?..

2010-04-23 07:42:56 UTC
no offense ha sa mga jejemons pero pasa sa akin kau ay uneducated, trying hard at, TANGA.., ksi po una- ganun ba ang mga tinuro ng mga teacher? ung mga ganitong spelling "AqKoUh" yan ganyan..,

pangalwa- kasi nagpapakahirap kau sa pag tatype nio na indi naman dapat.,

pangatlo- TANGA kasi sa tingin nio ba lahat ng tao maiintindihan ang mga spelling niong iyan? oo pede pa namin maintindihan kaso pahirapan pa!!! indi na ba kau naawa sa amin na pagod na pagod sa pag-iintindi ng mga txt nio???

they are annoying! because of their style! nakakarume!!! napapaghalata kaung walang pinag-aralan!
Sahlee R
2010-04-23 02:18:17 UTC
Yeah, this is an emerging pop culture among lazy blup-blap imbecile lingo.
2010-04-23 12:26:00 UTC
para sa nagmamarunong na taga taft: may meaningat logical origin po yan. on your keyboard, if you chance upon it, the letter 'j' is next to 'h'. gamers and chatters who type at high speeds often press 'j' instead of 'h' when they "hehe." The result is "jeje."
2010-04-23 04:41:19 UTC
I don't think it will emerge completely..this is only with chum youngsters...but adult educated people who transact business by text messaging has to be somewhat professional even at least with their grammar.. specially when dealing with people you don't completely know yet.
akame = <3
2010-04-23 03:41:55 UTC

1 - Jejemon

2 - Jejemarumon

3 - Jejemarumaxumon
2010-04-23 17:54:33 UTC
parang ganito lang yan e

70's - hippies

80's - punk / hardcore

90's - headbangers

00's - hiphop

2010-04-23 07:17:21 UTC
bakit ba maraming pakielamera at pakielamero dito? pati pagsasalita ng ibang tao pinapansin nyo? ano naman ngayon kung may bagong way of writing na nauuso? inggit lang kayo dahil wala kayong talent para mag create ng sarili nyong spelling. hindi porket gumagamit ng jejemon ay mababa na ang pinag aralan, ang tawag sa mga taong ito ay mga taong ini-exercise lang ang kanilang kalayaan sa pagpapahayag ng kanilang mensahe sa kahit ano p mang pamamaraan. wala akong nakikitang mali dito, kundi ang kakitiran ng mga tao sa panghushusga sa kapwa nila. bhelaaat! =)
2010-04-23 04:24:45 UTC
jejemon make filipinos even more stupider...
2010-04-23 02:20:13 UTC
i hate texts using words or should i say bonjing words like "jejeje" , "Muztah Pow" , "xe " etc.. etc.. i have a 3year-old niece and she can pronounce the word "Kamusta po?" very clearly.whats happening ? it is not cute, it is so so hard to understand it sounds so uneducated. i dont reply simply because im not bulol that's why i cannot relate
2010-04-23 11:58:01 UTC
I saw this question and i just had to share the experience i have with the word, "jeje".

First time i saw the word "jeje" was from the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. Whether it was for mockery, letter "J" which can be read with the sound of "H", or just because "J" is near "H" on the keyboard; simply a typo, using the "jeje" was almost normal in the online world. It was widely used and it was not to be despised at unless you are getting mocked or laughed at.

The "jeje/jaja" trend continued for years, people started using "eiow" for "hello" just because it sounds cute. Truth be told, my second yahoo mail was, Ive been using it for more than 5 years now, and each passing day i'm wanting to replace that email address. Also in RO(Ragnarok Online) using sticky caps was normal; used for creating you're character, whether for design or most likely because someone already used the name you desire; MMORPG players still use sticky caps for that reason. ex: MooNie; MooNiE; for me it looked better that the normal MOONIE/moonie.

It was months/years after that i saw "jeje/or pa-cute eiow" used on cellphones through texting. Although the shortcut version of text and smiley trends had to cool down first, and even after people started using "jeje" through text, people still did not hate them(the test message itself), or at least i didn't.

Then the "jeje" friendster days came, using "jejeje", "eiowz" and the days of elongating words and using sticky caps started. Heck first time i saw a few of those lines, it looked like a set of coded words to me, the unforgettable one was "ccclcl rne!"(you got that one? it was simply "add me!"). As other famed social networking sites came, the trend followed.

What i think?

A group of people/friends probably saw too much "coded" bulletin posts, shout outs, profile and contact informations, and decided to make a fan page saying they hate people who hates gangsters who used "jeje" words. They could have done it just to make fun of "jeje" words and people, or they could have simply somehow liked the idea of deciphering "codes"(lol).

For the real answer.

"Jejemon" came from "jeje" words, and "mon" from Pokemon(Pocket Monsters).

Male "jejemons" wears clothes at least 1.5x their normal size. Uses too much scarfs as accessories, or even use them as t-shirt, may have too much bling blings, white knee-high socks without any reason(you see, PH is freakin hot as hell, and its even el nino.) and they also use hand signs, again this is like a code to me.

Female "jejemons"? cant explain this as much, well they're like sluts/whores.

I do not think it is, or it will ever be a "Filipino pop culture" like jologs, which can be said to anyone who you think dresses up bad; Jejemons only targets gangsters who acts like they did not go to school or even had parents to teach them. The term should only be used for gangsters, because i for one uses bigger shirts than my normal size, Ive always hated fitted shirts/jeans , i do not hate hip hop/rap songs, but does not consider myself as a gangster. it sounds like anti-jejemons are also anti-hip hop even though they are not the same thing.

Now to clear something up, using text words are not the same as jeje words, text language was developed to make things easier, shorter words = shorter text = less time to key in messages;

where as jeje words.... i see no reason why they use longer words(Unless you're messaging someone who likes solving codes and deciphering stuffs). So i dont think using text words makes you a "jejemon" unless you use jeje words.
2010-04-23 07:01:41 UTC
Just another meme. Ignore them, for they're attention seekers, but I think hating them would be "racist"

since many consider them as different beings. But all in all, who gives a s***?
2010-04-23 13:07:14 UTC
sa tingin ko ung term na jejemon ay galing sa combination ng 'jeje'- kung paano sila tumawa, 'mon'-mula sa show na pokemon/digimon.. hahahha, sa tingin ko lang naman.. :)
2010-04-23 09:10:35 UTC
"JEJEMON" its a simple word for "jeje monsters"..these are the people types jeje instead of hehe or jaja instead of haha..
2010-04-23 03:09:40 UTC
dapat ipa sapak kay pacman yang mga yan! para matauhan!! kulang lang sa kalog ang utak nila siguro! "jajaja" ayyyyy, hahaha pala! :P matagal na rin ako nakakatanggap ng mga ganitong message eh, hindi ko maintindihan lalo na kapag mahaba na ung message!

imagine mga tol, kung makakagawa sila ng keyboard ng PC na ganon ang mga spelling? hehe disaster!!
2010-04-24 22:56:11 UTC
Mexicans, and some Latin american country uses jajaja as for us is hahaha. They are not the cause of the jejemons.

And I think that it is our own fault for it to rise.
2010-04-23 03:57:49 UTC
jejemons are them that are using unusual word - "jejejeje!". they belong unto this group!
2010-04-25 08:43:12 UTC
anu ba yan? bagong salita ba yan? ngayon ko lang narinig yan ah, lahat atah ng sumagot puro english hehehehe.... well at least magaling ang mg pinoy mag english may spell checker naman na kasi eh... nyahahaha! pansin nyo ba?
2010-04-24 05:44:14 UTC
well its all answered here...
2010-04-23 09:08:03 UTC
jejemon???... what a term!? ... that is self made. Think appropriate word please. Be careful, it may affect new vocabulary term. DO NOT CREATE OWN... (only my opinion tnx).
2010-04-24 04:53:09 UTC
mga jologs na pacute = jejemonsters! ampf! EeHOWww phhoOeeEe... THEY SUCK the whole planet
2010-04-23 05:31:04 UTC
Person that use the incorrect spelling of words and alternating letters in their words for example :

eOw pFoeh .,., aMoxtaH pFoeh ??.,. jEjE lOlz :))

also most of them are trying hard gangsters.

That what I know about them
2010-04-23 03:51:25 UTC
filipinos are just being creative on their own words to make this world a better place, since you americans is nothing but a **** head, idiots who makes this worlds a worsts place to live
bernard c
2010-04-23 11:09:02 UTC
jejemon.....wala yan exprisyon lang yan nga mga taga bohol instead of "hehehe" they spell it as jejeje...ano ba naman kayo ginawan nyo lang ng estorya.......
2010-04-23 07:27:29 UTC
gibo loves jejemon heheheheheeheheheh........
2010-04-23 02:15:15 UTC
Well, it is just like you are talking to a brain damage imbecile. Why don't these people elevate themselves to a level of maturity? I hate receiving this kind of text. Not cool.
2010-04-23 01:16:26 UTC
If this "Jejemon" talk is the latest "emerging Filipino pop culture," I hope it dies a quick death.
2010-04-24 16:44:48 UTC
In a text if somebody texted you with a "JEJEJE" message. actually it means "HEHEHE" it just a short cut in a cp phone bec. when you press "HEHE" you have to press "H" Twice since "JEJE" - J is just one press then E its more a shortcut but it sounds stupid.
2010-04-23 07:09:31 UTC



2010-04-24 02:10:10 UTC
They're just people who make their text messages like tHi$ and type like thIs because they think it's cute and pleasing to one's eye.
2010-04-24 01:40:41 UTC
i heard that "jeje words" came from known universities by the "conios" 4-5 years ago.

(sorry for my english mistakes...)
2010-04-23 17:28:57 UTC
i am not familiar with this new term, but i still hope we stick to the actual spelling and actual word. keeps our vocabulary intact :) just a thought :)
sonny sonny
2010-04-23 03:35:21 UTC
jejemon is popular because of jejomon binay.....jejeje
2010-04-23 02:11:53 UTC
It's actually a Filipino version of LOL. The correct word for it is hehehe but some type it as jejeje.
2010-04-24 19:10:46 UTC
dati may POKEMON... ngayon naman... JEJEMON... ano susunod? JOLOGS TALAGA NG MGA NAGJEJEJEMON!!!
2010-04-24 12:23:54 UTC
correction lang po sa nagsasabing "latin americans, particularly brazilians, use this annoying" yadayada. i'm half brazilian and brazilians don't use "jeje" since we'd pronounce it as "zheh-zheh". we simply use "haha" or "hehe"... check the reference below, even some brazilians don't know what "jeje" means.

beijao **
oG fLaco
2010-04-23 15:22:02 UTC
joLogs!! bwahahahaha... why do pipol have to send a text message Like that? Its like "pa-cute".. crap
2010-04-23 02:36:22 UTC
jejemon???? i dont want to waste my time with that non sense word....
2010-04-25 05:33:13 UTC
It's a gay-ified leet language.
2010-04-23 17:51:36 UTC
jejejeje is like hehehe this word substitution is made by pangpangeño. because they have difficulty in saying the "H" alphabet.
2010-04-23 07:04:11 UTC
i don't like them too but i believe they won't cause me any harm.. as the saying goes "walang basagan ng trip". and its unfair to call them imbecile or retards.. they are filipinos too.. peace man!
2010-04-25 08:12:28 UTC
All "jejemon" should die. They are f**king retarded.
Maggie ♥
2010-04-23 05:53:12 UTC
stop hating people. it's the way they were. you just hate them because hating them means you're not one of them meaning you're cool. come on. let them live and use their load the way they want to use it. i hate jejemons but i hate matapobre's more. :D kala mo mga kung sino. che. di kayo kano! duh.
2010-04-24 06:50:12 UTC
Only MORONS and STUPID people use this "jejemon" .
daniel V
2010-04-23 11:38:49 UTC
these are the people who exaggerate their way of typing and texting : " e0w pf0uH!!! p3de +@U mIt M3a???" . for me , it looks annoying, they're just regressing their abilities on how to speak and write.
2010-04-25 06:52:07 UTC
jejejejemon words was only exclusive 4 emo's
2010-04-23 12:01:53 UTC
stupidity! that's why new filipino generation are very slow in spelling
2010-04-23 06:25:27 UTC - a very nice article written by my previous professor.
2010-04-24 00:13:15 UTC
hahahahah! hilarious!!! jejejeje

and cant understand what the hell they are talking about.

is it like a pokemon mating with mr binay?
2010-04-24 22:04:53 UTC
gangstas who are very adept in l33t codes[but they dont know the meaning of l33t..they just use it to be cool and unique]
2010-04-23 22:50:04 UTC
jejeje is used by hispanics. when my friends ask me why i spell it like that, i tell them because it sounds like your hehehe. hehehe in spanish language is pronounced as e e e.
2010-04-25 05:09:14 UTC
jejeje means laughing as in hahaha
2010-04-24 23:41:43 UTC
using j rather than h..because if you will type J it is just one press in the standard keyboard...rather than H that you have to press twice...? laziness...thats all..
2010-04-24 21:45:22 UTC
epal nyo wala kayong magawa
2010-04-23 04:30:22 UTC
Are you sure that all Filipinos are like that?
2010-04-25 00:23:18 UTC
exCuse laNg huH,,, ShoUT OuT LaNg…,,, PakelAm m0 Sa P@gTyP3 ko, cRitiX ka! MgA #@!#@#@ NiNyo CriTiX Kayo!!!
2010-04-23 02:52:10 UTC
That's supposed to be Jejomar Binay!
2010-04-23 01:33:13 UTC
evolution o mutation ng mall hiphops
2014-05-05 19:53:45 UTC
2010-04-23 08:18:15 UTC
Don't bother knowing it it's a waste of time.

It will disappear soon. :D
2010-04-25 05:32:22 UTC

2010-04-23 23:16:38 UTC
a term coined BY THE IDIOTS, FOR THE IDIOTS. seriously, the hell they care.
2010-04-23 21:34:22 UTC
trip trip lang ng mga bata yan... pagbigyan nyo na (:... jejeje
2010-04-23 19:04:08 UTC
instead of typing "hehe", we used the word jejeje-pacute lang..for a change!!!!jejeje!!!
2010-04-23 08:44:53 UTC
I think it's just adding "Flirt" on the messages.

"Respect others as they respect you too."
2010-04-23 07:55:39 UTC
it's cute, funny way of expressing self... not to be taken seriously. one can always choose to be different, you know.
Svas Tra
2010-04-24 21:41:13 UTC
e0w Foueh?
2010-04-23 09:18:47 UTC
the term, "hHelloWhhxZzZ pHHoOwwhhzzzz jhejhejejeje" is annoying! you could just say "Hello po". its more formal.
2010-04-23 06:31:40 UTC
grabi po kayo mkapanghusga sa pinoy na jejemon ang gamit sa chat, text atbp, bakit nuknukan ba kayo ng pagkaperpekto sa english language, pinanganak ba kayong english ang salita?? nd ba kau ngkamali, NI MINSAN?? ang kung tawag twagin ninyo na lang na "idiot" wlang pinag aralan at kung anu anu pa??? BAKIT ZOBRA ANG TALINO MU SA UTAK, KUNG GANUN SA HALIP NA HUSGAHAN MU SILA, BAKIT HINDI MU NA LANG TURUAN NG TAMA... oh sadya ka lang, NAGMAMARUNONG O DI NAMAN KEA NGMAMAYABANG....... PUWEEEEEEEEEH...... MGA TAONG KALA MU KUNG SINO NA PORKET NAGKADUNONG LANG EIHY IBA NA ANG TINGIN SA SARILI. PWEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!
2010-04-25 07:23:23 UTC
2010-04-23 17:29:23 UTC
they make filipinos idiot for using idiot english words and sentences
2010-04-24 11:28:28 UTC
i used it when i wrote some funny thoughts.
2010-04-24 01:25:11 UTC
Vhak8 pH0whZZ kaU hUmeH8??? dAfat Ch11 nLang taU sa eMba...,,,...^^
2010-04-23 04:12:45 UTC
I also want to know
2010-04-24 09:34:32 UTC
2010-04-24 01:23:39 UTC so nonsense, ithink it is not advisable to use in our culture today...
2010-04-23 02:28:15 UTC
these are one of the indicators that tagalog people's brains are getting dumber and dumber...
2010-04-25 10:32:44 UTC
je je mons are the ones who can spell "PO"(a Filipino word of being polite) in not less than 8 characters

ex: Po- usual way

Pfhouexs- je je mons way

2010-04-23 04:12:48 UTC
wow this is new, alam ko lang POKEMON AT TETEMON
2010-04-23 06:49:07 UTC
this words can't be read by older texters or emails too ,, so they used it for privacy...can't be caugth by their parents... RIGHT??????????
2010-04-23 01:28:06 UTC
@Jan: You must be one of them too! You should have used the word "stupid" instead of "bobs" if you're implying your poor grasp of the English language.
2010-04-24 11:15:55 UTC
jejemon suck!
just asking
2010-04-23 10:27:34 UTC
a complete nonsense. period.
2010-04-25 10:46:30 UTC
@yen ~congratulations, you just did.
Taj Majal
2010-04-24 06:07:24 UTC
what was that?,another JOKLA LANGUAGE?
Goddess of Water
2010-04-23 20:40:08 UTC
duh!!! just another moronic language created by moronic people!!! it really bugs me to my bones whenever people in facebook chat me that way or post in my walls that way... really, it irritates me!!! i hope it will "face-out" just like cellular phones... duh!!! >.<
2010-04-23 01:24:44 UTC
it just happened.
2010-04-25 05:15:37 UTC
2010-04-25 06:50:07 UTC
Proper jejemon pronunciation please? (DYEDYEMON or HEHEMON)
2010-04-23 17:56:09 UTC
this is gibberish...
2010-04-24 23:03:36 UTC
don't ask me!!!
2010-04-24 19:37:17 UTC
JORHE!!!!!!!! JORHE!!!!!!! JORHE!!!!!!.................................JORGE!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.