his bag whisp sped is hag deep ship hand dab dis bang peer hip dip pee deer
OUT OF whispered: his whisp speed is pee peer ship deer hip dip
OUT OF handbag: bag hag hand dab bang
HOPE THAT HELPS (those are some of the ones I could find.)
2006-10-27 19:10:17 UTC
It depends on how one can make them. You should specify your rules more completely. For example, is it OK to scramble the letters any which way? If you mean finding the hidden words without rearranging or skipping any letters, then the words I can make are (1) whisper, (2) is, (3) red, (4) per, (5) hand, (6) and (in handbag), (7) ha, (8) bag, (9) his, (10) ere, (11) an.
2016-03-19 04:43:52 UTC
I have read that for English swear words, the reason is the French. When France invaded England, William the Conqueror outlawed English. That is most words used except for low life English who were servants and cooks. So many Old English words are considered foul words. For instance, snot means mucous. Mucous is the polite "French" way to say snot. Hence, the expression when one curses is : "Pardon my French."
2006-10-27 19:25:11 UTC
whispered and handbag whip whisper his hip deer peer hip pie pied here deep weep wise sew sewed adder has dare dear pare hare hear hand bag gape band bandage bandaged pane bane wane wind wine bind bend hind dander hard war ward ware pear pare pair beer leer gear nab dab rag rig big rip ripe reed read ride pang hang rang range anger danger wing ring rang sing sang finger garden new hew hard harden warden harp pride pried dries rise risen arise arisen red dread pander pin pine draw drawn dawn
ok I'm bored now---I did no plurals
Megan L.
2006-10-30 06:14:24 UTC
go to http://www.thewordfinder.com/scrabble.php and enter your word and it will give you the possible outputs...
It found 41 words out of "handbag,"
279 words out of "whispered"
2594 words combined
Bjorn S
2006-10-27 19:10:45 UTC
check out this website and type your word under anagram
2006-10-27 20:42:32 UTC
now do you want everyday words or just words?
it is both words together or each separately?
be more specific please
2006-10-27 19:14:59 UTC
his,whisp,spear,hand,bag, gab,and,pend,spend,whip,ship,,drip,wand,sand,spread,head,and many more.