Who am I to decide what is beautiful to someone other than myself?
Here's some words that rhyme with "you" :
accrue, adieu, ah choo!, anew, askew, avenue
Babaloo, ballyhoo, bamboo, barbecue, blue, boo, BOO!, boo hoo, brew, buckaroo, bugaboo,
Cat Ballou, canoe, caribou, cashew, chew, choo choo, clew, clue, Cockatoo, coo, Corfu, coup, crew, Cthulhu, cue, curlew,
daring-do, dew, Dippity Do, do, drew, due,
ecru, ecu, emu, endue, ensue, eschew, et tu !,
few, flew, flue, frou frou,
glue, gnu, goo, grew,
haiku, hairdo, Hebrew, Hindu, hue,
igloo, ILGWU, interview, imbue, into, issue,
Kangaroo, Katmandu, kazoo, knew, kookoo, Kung Fu,
Lao Tzu, lieu, Little Boy Blue, Looky Loo, Lulu,
Malibu, maribou, menu, merci beau coups, mew, milieu, Mister Magoo, milieu, Mister Sulu, mon dieu, moo,
Motley Crue, Mount. Meru, Mountain Dew, muumuu.
Namu, new,
Oahu, Omoo, onto, ooh!, ormolu, overview,
Pay Per View, peek-a-boo, Peru, pew, preview, pursue, purview,
ragout, Ragu, renew, rescue, retinue, review, Roo, roue, roux, R2D2, rue,
Sabu, Scooby Do, screw, shampoo, Shamu, Shiatsu, Shi Tzu, shoe, shoo, shrew, sinew, slew, slough, snafu, sou, spew, stew, strew, sue, Sweet Sue, switcheroo,
taboo, tattoo, threw, through, to, tofu. too, two, true, true blue, tutu,
Uhuru, ulu, undo, Urdu,
value, venue, view, Vindaloo, virtue,
Yahoo, Yazoo, Yew, Yoohoo,
Zasu (Pitts), zebu, zoo,