that's: Frakes says the Star Trek franchise " needed a change " and I guess that's what they got.
password: In this example, the hard to guess password is qwerty.
it's: Now, he would guess, itâs probably in the top five or ten.
mod: I guess the mods will delete this thread and ban me tomorrow, after the April Fool amnesty expires.
Converse of object
educate: Whether this was out of love or out of a desire to be rid of me I can only make an educated guess.
hazard: I'll hazard a guess that the answer is no.
Adjective modifier
anyone's: But beyond that is anyone's guess, although Devonshire did let slip that injury doubt Brian Connor would be considered, if fit.
anybody's: What the future holds for the Crown Princess and her family is anybody's guess.
wild: We derived a similar figures from analysis of pedestrian collisions ( here ). " A bit of a wild guess.
lucky: But he won the chocolate ( with a score of 1 - a lucky guess, but hey, who cares?
informed: Once you've opened the image you can make an informed guess about what that profile should be.
Noun used with modifier
anyones: Whether it's a protest against the cup or the club is anyones guess.
anybody: Where the Rainbow Six series goes from here is anybody's guess.
anyone: Where these stories come from is anyone's guess.
Used with why or when
who: There have always been a lot of virgin birth myths floating around, guess who made 'em up?
that: Always said Abbie was like me, poor kid I guess that just shows how much they are enjoying being there... sigh.
what: Can you guess what my top telly show is?
which: No prizes for guessing which route William Gibson's gone down.
whose: Guess whose music they play... Forever Coltrane hope to record a CD at the end of May.
where: I guess where she moved to there were plenty of forks.