What's a five letter word that begins with "h"?
2007-07-24 11:24:29 UTC
don't ask. it's complicated.
66 answers:
2007-07-24 11:26:08 UTC
2007-07-24 21:17:49 UTC







first name

halma - a first name; a board game, the origin of "Othello"; in ancient Greece, a long jump with hand weights

halms - plural of "halm", a haulm


halos - plural of "halo", a ring of light

halse - the throat; the neck; the windpipe

halsy - a first name

halts - stops

halva - a Turkish confection

halve - to divide in half

halya - a first name

halye - a first name

hamal - a first name; a porter in eastern countries; a star in the constellation Aries

haman - a first name; in the Bible, a murderous official exposed by Esther and hanged; an Iranian bathhouse

hamar - a first name

hamel - a first name

hames - plural of "hame", a part of a horse collar; an unpleasant job

hamet - a first name

hamid - a first name

hamif - a first name

hamil - a first name

hammy - overtly theatrical; overacted

hamus - a hook or curved process

hamza - a first name; an Arabic diacritical mark

hanae - a first name

hanan - a first name

hanap - an ornate pewter drinking goblet

hance - a haunch; a lintel; a curved rise from a lower to upper part

hanch - snap

hands - plural of "hand", a glove filler; a crewman; a unit of length of 4 inches

handy - convenient

hanef - a first name

hange - pluck

hangi - a traditional Maori fire-pit oven

hangs - suspends

hania - a first name

hanif - a first name; a pre-Islamic hermit of Arabia

hanim - a first name

hanin - a first name

hanja - a first name

hanji - Chinese ideograms

hanka - a first name

hanks - fastens a sail; plural of "hank", a clump

hanky - a handkerchief; used in the phrase "hanky panky" meaning mischief

hanly - a first name

hanna - a first name

hanne - a first name

hanni - a first name

hanno - a first name

hanny - a first name

hanoi - the capital city of Vietnam

hansa - a medieval merchant guild

hanse - variant of "Hansa", a medieval merchant guild

hansh - a first name

hansl - a first name

hanta - the Hantaan virus, which causes a hemorrhagic fever

hants - a first name; Hampshire; haunts

hanum - khanum

hanus - a first name

haole - a Hawaiian term for a non-native

haoma - a sacred drink used in Zoroasterian rituals; a leafless vine

haona - a first name

haori - a loose outer garment worn in Japan

hapai - to carry; pregnant

hapax - "hapax legomenon", a word that occurs only once in a text, unlike "hapax"

haply - by chance

happy - a first name; cheerful

hapto - a system of nomenclature for chemical compounds

hapuu - a Hawaiian tree fern

haram - things (food, activities, and so on) proscribed by the Islamic religion

harar - a city in eastern Ethiopia

haras - a group of horses

hards - flax refuse

hardw - a store often seen in B Kliban cartoons

hardy - a first name; robust

hared - sprinted

harel - a first name

harem - a collection of wives or concubines

hares - plural of "hare", a wild rabbit

harim - a first name; a harem

harin - a first name

haris - a first name

harks - listens to

harle - flax fiber

harli - a first name

harls - plural of "harl", a feathered fishing lure

harly - a first name

harms - hurts

harns - plural of "harn", a coarse linen fabric; a brain

harod - a first name

haron - a first name

haros - plural of "haro", a cry announcing a claim to legal redress

harpa - the genus type of the Harpdiae

harpo - a first name; the mute Marx brother

harps - repeatedly brings up; plural of "harp", a musical instrument

harpy - a fabulous predatory monster; a golden eagle; an extortionist

harri - a first name

harro - a first name

harrs - plural of "harr", a cold sea fog

harry - a first name; to chase; to harass

harsh - brutal; severe


harts - plural of "hart", a male red deer

harum - used in the phrase "harum scarum", to mean a riot, disruption, or disorder

harun - a first name

harve - a first name

hasad - a first name

hasan - a first name

hasen - a first name

hashy - of, containing, or similar to hash; clever

hasib - a first name

hasid - a member of a pious Jewish sect

hasin - a first name

hasks - plural of "hask", a basket made of rushes or wicker

hasky - coarse and dry

hasna - slang for "hasn't"

hason - a first name

hasps - plural of "hasp", a clasp or fastening

hasso - a first name

hasta - slang for "have you"

haste - hurry

hasty - a first name; hurried

hatch - to gestate; an opening

hated - despised

hatem - a first name

hater - one who despises

hates - despises

hatha - a form of Yoga that emphasizes breathing and posture

hathi - a wild Indian elephant

hatim - a first name

hatsa - a language

hatsy - a first name

hatti - a first name

hatto - a first name; a bishop who was eaten by rats

hatty - a first name

hauds - holds

haugh - a low-lying meadow

hauld - hold

haulm - plant stubble remaining after harvest

hauls - carries

hault - haughty

haums - plural of "haum", a halm

haunt - to frequent; to importune

haurl - harl; rough-cast

hausa - a northern Nigerian

hause - a narrow passage between mountains

haust - to suck; to drain

haute - high; high-class; pretentious

havah - a first name

havas - news agency

havel - a river in Germany

haven - a first name; a refuge

haver - a first name; one who has; to blather; to equivocate; the oat

haves - wealthy ones

havin - a first name

havna - haven't

havoc - chaos

havre - Le Havre, a seaport in northwest France

hawed - turned left

hawer - one who haws in speech

hawks - sells; coughs up; plural of "hawk", a bird of prey

hawky - hawklike

hawly - a first name

hawms - lounges about

hawok - a kind of Californian Indian money made of shell buttons

hawse - part of a ship's bows; a narrow passage between mountains

hayah - a first name

haydn - a first name

hayed - converted into hay

hayer - one who hays

hayes - a first name

hayey - covered in, like, or containing hay

hayfa - a first name

hayim - a first name

hayle - a first name

hayli - a first name

hayly - a first name

hayse - a first name

hayti - a variant of "Haiti", a Caribbean country

hazal - a first name

hazan - a cantor of a synagogue

hazed - bullied

hazel - a first name; a light brown color; a nut tree

hazen - a first name

hazer - one who hazes

hazes - plural of "haze", a mist

hazle - haze; to make dry

hazor - a Canaanite city destroyed by Joshua

hazri - an Indian breakfast

hazyl - a first name

heads - points in a direction; plural of "head", a president; a latrine; a coin face

heady - intoxicating

heald - a warp guide in a loom

heall - a first name

heals - repairs; recovers

heams - plural of "heam", an animal's afterbirth

heaps - plural of "heap", a pile

heapy - grouped into piles

heard - listened

hearn - a first name

hears - listens

heart - a center; a body organ

heast - hest

heath - a first name; shrubs; common land

heats - warms up; plural of "heat", a stage of a competition

heave - to raise; to haul; to vomit

heavy - weighty; dense

hebei - a city in China; a Chinese dialect

heben - ebony

heber - a first name

hebes - plural of "hebe", an Olympic cup bearer; a blooming young woman; an ethnic slur

hecht - hight

hecks - plural of "heck"; a fish weir; a rack; a river bend

hecte - an ancient Greek coin worth 1/6 of a stater

hedda - a first name

heddi - a first name

heddy - a first name

heder - a Jewish school; a male sheep

hedge - to enclose; a row of bushes; to cover both sides of a bet

hedgy - including hedges; like a hedge

hedia - a first name

hedly - a first name

hedva - a first name

heebs - plural of "heeb", a slur

heeds - obeys

heeld - hield

heels - supplies with a heel; plural of "heel"

heerd - heard

heern - heard

heers - plural of "heer", a unit of length of cloth of 600 yards

heesh - hashish

heeze - to hoist or raise

hefei - a town in China

hefts - lifts up

hefty - large; weighty

heian - referring to a period of Japanese history

heiau - a pre-Christian Hawaiian temple

heida - a first name

heide - a first name

heidi - a first name

heigh - an exclamation used to call attention

heika - a style of Japanese flower arranging using tall vases

heike - a first name

heils - salutes

heiny - children's slang for the buttocks

heinz - a first name

heirs - plural of "heir", an inheritor

heist - a robbery

heith - a first name

hejab - good or bad hejab is appropriate or inappropriate Muslim dress

hejaz - a former kingdom in western Arabia, now part of Saudi Arabia

hejra - hejira

hekat - an ancient Egyptian measurement of volume, about a gallon

helek - 1/1080 part of a day in the Hebrew calendar

helen - a first name

heles - conceals

helga - a first name

helge - a first name

helgi - a first name; in Norse mythology, the son of Hjorvard and the valkyrie Svava

helio - a first name; a heliograph

helix - a spiral, usually three dimensional

helki - a first name

hella - a first name; very

helle - a first name; in Greek myth, a girl who drowned in the Hellespont stealing the golden fleece

helli - a first name

hello - a greeting

hells - behaves raucously; plural of "hell", a gambling house

helly - hellish

helma - a first name

helms - plural of "helm", a tiller; steering gear

helon - a first name

helos - plural of "helo", a helicopter

helot - a slave in ancient Sparta

helps - aids; assists

helsa - a first name

helve - an axe handle

helyn - a first name

hemad - toward the hemal side

hemal - haemal; of blood

hemen - British dialect for "them"

hemes - plural of "heme", a component of hemoglobin

hemic - of the blood

hemin - a chloride of heme

hemol - an iron-containing product derived from hemoglobin

hemps - plural of "hemp", a tall herb

hempy - containing hemp; deserving of the hangman's rope

henad - a monad

henan - a language; a province in China

hence - therefore

hends - seizes

hendy - clever; handy

henge - a Neolithic stone monument

henia - a first name

henie - a first name

henka - a first name

henna - a dye; a shrub

henni - a first name

henny - a first name

henri - a first name

henry - a first name; an electrical unit of inductance

hents - grasps; comprehends

henya - a first name

hepar - a liver-colored sulfur compound

herat - a city in northwest Afghanistan

herbs - plural of "herb", a flowering plant with non-woody stem

herby - a first name; containing herbs

herds - plural of "herd", a drove

herem - the most severe form of excommunication in Judaism

heres - plural of "here", an heir

herin - a first name

heriz - a pattern style for woven rugs

herky - used in the phrase "herky jerky" to mean by fits and starts

herle - a heron

herls - plural of "herl", a feather barb

herma - a type of statue

herms - plural of "herm", an outstanding type of statue; a hermaphrodite

hermy - a first name

herne - of the style of Herne, Germany; a corner

herns - plural of "hern", a heron

herod - a first name; a tyrant

heron - a wading bird

heros - plural of "hero", a hoagie sandwich

herps - the herpes virus

herry - to harry

herse - a portcullis; a frame for drying skins to use as parchment

hersh - a first name

hersz - a first name

herta - a first name

hertz - a first name; a unit of frequency, one cycle per second

herut - an Israeli political party

herva - a first name

herve - a first name; a kind of cheese

hervy - a first name

herye - to praise

herzl - a first name

hesse - a German state

hesti - a first name

hests - plural of "hest", command

hesty - a first name

heths - plural of "heth", a Hebrew letter

hetta - a first name

hetti - a first name

hetty - a first name

heuch - a steep cliff

heugh - a steep cliff; a precipice

hevea - a rubber tree; an indigenous language of French Guiana

heven - a first name

hewed - cut down; fashioned

hewer - a cutter

hewet - a first name

hewgh - an imitation of the whistling sound of an arrow

hewie - a first name

hewit - a first name

hexad - a group of six

hexed - cast a spell

hexer - a spell caster

hexes - casts a spell; plural of "hex", a hexagon

hexyl - a hydrocarbon radical

hheth - the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet

hiant - gaping

hiatt - a first name

hibah - a first name

hican - a tree that is a hybrid of hickory and pecan

hicht - height

hichu - ichu

hicks - plural of "hick", a rustic

hiddy - hideous

hided - having a hide

hidee - a first name

hideo - a first name

hider - one who conceals oneself or some thing

hides - conceals; plural of "hide", a pelt; a unit of area of about 100 acres

hieda - a first name

hiede - a first name

hield - to tilt or lean

hiems - winter

hieng - a mountain people of Cambodia

hifis - plural of "hifi", an audio reproduction set

higgs - a particle supposed to account for inertia

highs - plural of "high", a lofty level

hight - to command; to call or name

hijab - a veil or head scarf for a Muslim woman

hijra - the migration of Mohammed and his followers from Mecca to Medina; an Indian eunuch

hiked - tramped; increased

hiker - one who hikes

hikes - increases; walks

hilar - pertaining to a hilum, the mark or scar on a seed produced by separation

hilch - to hobble

hilda - a first name

hilde - a first name

hildi - a first name

hildo - a first name

hildy - a first name

hilel - a first name

hille - a first name

hillo - a greeting

hills - plural of "hill", a rounded elevation

hilly - a first name; undulating

hilma - a first name

hilsa - a valuable herring of India

hilts - plural of "hilt", a haft; a handle

hilum - the eye of a bean

hilus - a hilum; a hollow on the surface of an organ

himba - an African tribe of Namibia

himbo - a male bimbo

himps - limps

hinau - a New Zealand timber tree

hinda - a first name

hindi - a language and culture of India

hinds - plural of "hind", a rustic; a deer

hindu - the predominant ethnic group and culture of India

hindy - a first name

hiney - children's slang for the buttocks

hinge - to depend; a mechanical joint allowing movement

hinin - a member of a Japanese outcast group

hinks - plural of "hink", a reaping hook

hinky - suspicious; fishy

hinny - the offspring of a stallion and a she-***

hinto - a first name

hints - plural of "hint", an indication or clue

hinun - a first name

hipes - plural of "hipe", a wrestling throw

hippa - emerita; a genus of sand bugs

hippo - a hippopotamus

hippy - having big hips; a variant of "hippie"

hipsy - a drink of wine, water and brandy

hiram - a first name

hirch - hirtch

hirci - armpit hair

hired - employed

hirer - an employer

hires - employs

hirom - a first name

hirsh - a first name

hirst - a first name; a barren unproductive patch of land

hisks - breathes with difficulty

hispa - a genus of beetles

hissy - hissing, spiteful, angry, as in a "hissy fit"

hists - hoists

hitch - a first name; to join; a drawback

hithe - a haven

hitty - a first name

hived - stored

hiver - an apiarist or bee keeper

hives - an allergic rash; plural of "hive", a bee home

hlota - a language

hmong - a Laotian ethnic group

hoagy - a first name; a submarine sandwich; a hero sandwich; a grinder

hoang - a first name

hoard - to amass

hoars - plural of "hoar", a white coating

hoary - venerable; silvery

hoast - a cough; to cough

hobby - a pasttime

hobey - a first name

hobie - a first name; a kind of sailboat

hobit - mortar


hobos - plural of "hobo", a wanderer who will work for food

hoboy - a hautboy

hocks - pawns; plural of "hock", a wine

hocly - the hock, or penultimate card, in faro

hocus - to cheat; to falsify something; part of the magical phrase "hocus pocus"

hodad - a nonsurfer; a boastful amateur

hodag - a mythical beast of Wisconsin and Minnesota, reputedly fierce and melancholy

hoder - in Norse myth, a blind god, tricked by Loki into killing Baldur with a mistletoe arrow

hodge - a rustic or bumpkin; in the phrase "hodge podge", a miscellany

hodja - khoja, an Islamic teacher

hodur - in Norse myth, a blind god, tricked by Loki into killing Baldur with a mistletoe arrow

hoers - plural of "hoer", one who hoes

hoful - careful

hogan - a first name; a strong liquor; a Navaho dwelling

hogen - strong liquor

hoggs - plural of "hogg", a young sheep

hoggy - or or similar to a hog

hogos - plural of "hogo", a strong flavor or smell

hohes - plural of "hohe", assiniboin

hohum - boring; routine

hoick - to change direction abruptly

hoiks - plural of "hoik", an upward turn

hoise - to hoist

hoist - to lift up

hoits - plural of "hoit", a leap; a caper

hoity - part of the phrase "hoity toity" meaning haughtiness

hokan - an American Indian language stock

hokas - plural of "hokan", an American Indian language stock

hoker - censure; abuse

hokes - gives false value to

hokey - contrived; false; part of the phrase "hokey pokey", a dance

holic - a first name

hokie - a castrated turkey; a Virginia Tech football player

hokku - a haiku that is the first link of a renga

hokum - hooey; sentimental claptrap

holda - a first name

holde - a first name

holds - maintains; grasps; plural of "hold", a ship's cargo room

holed - sank the ball in golf

holer - one who makes a hole; one who sinks a ball in golf

holes - plural of "hole", a lacuna; a void; a cavity

holey - full of holes

holia - a humpback salmon

holic - a first name

holks - digs; burrows; hollows out

holla - a greeting

holle - a first name

holli - a first name

hollo - a greeting

holly - a first name; an evergreen

holma - a cathedral town in Uganda

holms - plural of "holm", an island in a river; an evergreen oak

holon - a hypothetical charged, spinless particle; something that is regarded as a whole

holps - an archaic form of "helps"

holts - plural of "holt", a grove

holub - a first name

holus - part of the phrase "holus bolus", all in a lump

holwe - hollow

homam - a constellation

homed - returned to one's home

homer - a first name; a home run; an ancient Greek poet; a homing pigeon; a unit of volume of 8 bushels

homes - plural of "home", a residence; a shelter

homey - homelike; someone from the same neighborhood


homie - someone from the same neighborhood

homme - French for "man"

homos - a variant of "hummus"; plural of "homo", a homosexual

honan - a fine silk; the Chinese province of Hunan

honda - a part of a lariat

hondo - a first name; the Japanese island of Honshu; a low-lying brook or stream

honed - sharpened

honer - a sharpener

hones - sharpens

honey - a first name; a bee product; dear

hongs - plural of "hong", a Chinese factory

honks - hoots

honky - a slur for a white person; part of the phrase "honky tonk" for a music joint

honna - a first name

honon - a first name

honor - a first name; to treat with respect

honte - hunt

honza - a first name

hooch - fire water; a Vietnamese hut

hoods - plural of "hood", a cowl; a gangster; a neighborhood

hooer - an exaggerated pronunciation of "whore"

hooey - hokum; blarney; bunkum; rot; blather; codswallop

hoofs - dances; plural of "hoof", a horny covering that protects the toes of certain mammals

hooha - an uproarious commotion

hooka - a Turkish pipe

hooks - plural of "hook", a bend; a barb

hooky - full of barbs; full of musical "hooks"; what you play when you skip school

hooly - carefully

hoons - plural of "hoon", a lout

hoops - the game of basketball; plural of "hoop", a ring

hoose - to wheeze; a lung disease of cattle

hoosh - a thick soup or stew

hoots - honks; boos; what Scots say just before "Mon"

hoove - a cattle disease

hooze - to wheeze; a lung disease of cattle

hopak - a gopak, a lively Ukrainian dance

hoped - wished for

hopeh - Hopei, a city in China

hopei - a city in China

hoper - one who hopes

hopes - wishes for

hopey - a first name

hopie - a first name

hopis - plural of "Hopi", an American Indian

hoppo - a Chinese overseer or customs agent

hoppy - flavored with hops

horae - in classical mythology, the hours; a book of hours

horah - variant of "hora", an Israeli dance

horal - hourly; of the hours

horas - plural of "hora", an Israeli dance

horaz - a first name

horde - a swarm

horeb - a biblical mountain

horme - activity directed toward a goal

horns - plural of "horn", a hard bonelike projection

horny - randy; callous; having horns; like horn

horsa - a first name; chief of the Jutes, brother of Hengst

horse - a steed; heroin

horst - a first name; an upraised block between two faults

horsy - equine; like a horse; of a horse

horta - a port town in Faial, one of the Azores Islands

horus - in Egyptian mythology, the son of Osiris

hosea - a first name

hosed - sprayed with water; very drunk

hosel - part of a golf club

hosen - plural of "hose", a stocking

hoser - one who uses a hose; a good guy

hoses - sprays with water

hoshi - a first name

hoska - narcotics; contraband

hosni - a first name

hosny - a first name

hosta - a plantain lily

hosts - entertains socially; plural of "host", a large number; the Eucharistic wafer

hotan - Hotien, a city in China

hotch - to wiggle; to hitch; in the phrase "hotch potch", a miscellany

hotel - an inn

hoten - promised

hotly - in a hot or angry manner

hotsy - dramatic, strong, prominent

hotty - an attractive person or celebrity

houff - a haunt or resort

hough - a hamstring

hound - a dog; to follow

houri - a nymph of Paradise; a small Arabian boat

hours - plural of "hour", a unit of time

house - a domicile; a residence

hovan - a first name

hovas - plural of "hova", a Malagash, a native of Madagascar

hoved - heaved

hovel - a dilapidated house

hoven - afflicted with bloat

hover - to float in the air

hoves - heaves

howbe - howbeit

howdy - a greeting; a midwife

howea - a genus of feather palms

howel - a first name; a cooper's tool

howes - plural of "howe", a hollow; a glen

howey - a first name

howff - a haunt or resort

howfs - plural of "howf", a place frequently visited

howie - a first name

howin - a first name

howks - digs; burrows

howls - yowls

howre - an obsolete spelling of "hour"

howry - dirty, nasty

howso - howsoever

hoxne - a town in England, where Saint Edmund was murdered

hoyas - plural of "hoya", a genus of climbing plants; a Georgetown hoopster

hoyle - a rule book for games

hrolf - a first name

hsien - in China, an administrative subdivision of a prefecture or department

huabi - huave, an Indian people of Oaxaca, Mexico

huaca - any object inhabited by a god or spirit

huaco - a pre-Columbian relic of Peru

huari - an Indian people of eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil

huave - an Indian people of Oaxaca, Mexico

hubba - an interjection, usually "hubba hubba", expressing lusty appreciation; crack cocaine; a unit of weight in Calcutta

hubby - a husband

hubei - a language

huber - a first name

hubey - a first name

hubie - a first name

hucho - a genus of large riverine fish

hucks - plural of "huck", a German trout; a hip

huela - a language

huels - plural of "huel", a Cornish mine

huers - plural of "huer", a fish scout watching for shoals

huffs - breathes heavily

huffy - petulant; offended

huger - larger

hughy - a first name

hugin - in Norse mythology, one of two raven companions of Odin, representing thought

hugli - the Hooghly river in north east India

hugos - plural of "Hugo", a science fiction award

huias - plural of "huia", a New Zealand starling

hulas - plural of "hula", a Hawaiian dance

hulch - a hunch

hulda - a first name

hulks - appears impressively large; old ships

hulky - unwieldy; massive

hullo - a greeting

hulls - plural of "hull", a shell; the base of a ship

hully - husky; a very fat person; in the phrase "hully gully", a dance

human - of the species Homo

humet - in heraldry, an abbreviated fesse

humic - wet; dank; of humus

humid - damp; moist

humin - a dark insoluble substance formed in various chemical reactions

humit - the units in which combined humidity and temperature readings are made

hummy - satisfied; content

humor - to indulge; a mood; comic matter; one of four constituents of character

humpf - an exclamation of disbelief

humph - a first name; an exclamation of disbelief

humps - plural of "hump", a hillock; a bump; what hump?

humpy - a first name; an Australian native hut; full of humps; an ideal surfing wave; bad tempered

humus - a rich soil

hunan - a Chinese province and home of a fiery cuisine

hunch - intuition; to slump; a hump

hunde - a language

hundi - a negotiable instrument of trade, used in India

hungo - Hungarian

hungu - a language

hunko - someone who is short and stocky

hunks - plural of "hunk", a chunk; an attractive man

hunky - chunky; an ethnic slur; in the phrase "hunky dory", very satisfactory

hunny - a first name

hunts - stalks; searches for

hunya - fighting rams

huong - a first name

hupas - plural of "hupa", a North American Indian tribe in northwest California

hupeh - a province in east central China

hupei - a province in east central China

huram - a first name

hurds - flax refuse

hurdy - in the phrase "hurdy gurdy", a portable musical instrument played by a crank

hurls - flings; vomits

hurly - a first name; confusion; in the phrase "hurly burly", chaos or uproar

huron - an American Indian tribe

hurra - a celebratory exclamation

hurri - hurrian

hurry - to rush

hurst - a first name; a grove

hurts - causes pain; damages

husam - a first name

husht - an interjection urging silence

husis - plural of "husi", a fine sheer Philippine fabric

husks - plural of "husk", an outer hull

husky - heavy-set; throaty-sounding; a sled dog

husos - plural of "huso", the great sturgeon

hussy - a housewife; a brazen girl

hutch - a coop; a dish cabinet

hutia - the West Indian hog rat

hutty - an elephant

hutus - plural of "Hutu", a member of a Central African ethnic group

huxly - a first name

huzza - a celebratory exclamation

huzzy - a hussy; a brazen woman

hwans - plural of "hwan", a monetary unit of Korea

hwyls - plural of "hwyl", an emotional outburst

hyads - a cluster of stars; the daughters of Atlas

hyatt - a first name

hydel - hydroelectric

hydra - a nine-headed snake; the constellation of the water monster; a fresh water polyp

hydro - a spa

hyena - a scavenging feline

hying - present participle of "hie"

hykes - plural of "hyke", a loose Arab garment

hylas - plural of "hyla", a tree frog

hylda - a first name

hyleg - the ruling planet in a horoscope

hylic - materialistic; corporeal

hyman - a first name

hymen - a first name; the Roman god of marriage; a membrane that partially occludes the vagina

hymie - a first name

hymns - plural of "hymn", a sacred song

hynda - a first name

hyoid - the tongue bone, literally, something shaped like the Greek letter upsilon

hyped - promoted extravagantly

hyper - very excitable; above

hypes - promotes extravagantly; plural of "hype", a wrestling throw

hypha - a threadlike element of a fungus

hypos - plural of "hypo", a hypodermic needle

hyrax - a rock rabbit

hyrum - a first name

hyson - a Chinese green tea

hythe - a haven

Miss. American Nightmare
2007-07-24 11:27:00 UTC
2007-07-24 11:31:54 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:58 UTC
2017-03-01 04:51:04 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:41 UTC
2007-07-24 12:35:38 UTC
5 letter words starting with h

334 words
2007-07-24 11:26:52 UTC
2007-07-24 11:28:53 UTC
2007-07-24 11:34:58 UTC
House, hairy, hotel, horse, happy
♪ Pamela ♫
2007-07-24 11:26:14 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:00 UTC






Ericka L
2007-07-24 11:29:16 UTC
2007-07-24 11:31:29 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:04 UTC
2007-07-24 11:38:34 UTC
I had a little time on my hands. =)

Does Plur count?





He-man (not sure if Hyphens counted)





















2007-07-24 11:28:19 UTC
hover, homer, heard, Heron, honey, homey
2007-07-24 11:32:02 UTC
2007-07-24 11:31:24 UTC
2007-07-24 11:29:59 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:48 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:00 UTC
jon d
2007-07-24 11:26:23 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:14 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:06 UTC
2007-07-24 11:29:30 UTC
honda, hopes, helps, hurry, hello, hames, hamlet, helis, hippy, hoppy, etc.
2007-07-24 11:26:52 UTC
♥ ♥Be Happi♥ ♥
2007-07-24 11:36:12 UTC
house, honey, hardly, happy
the w
2007-07-24 11:26:32 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:29 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:28 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:20 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:59 UTC
2007-07-24 11:31:20 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:21 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:56 UTC
hater, hates, happy
2007-07-24 11:26:45 UTC
house, harry, hairy, hunts

Jonny B
2007-07-24 11:26:22 UTC
2007-07-28 07:39:08 UTC
2007-07-24 11:29:36 UTC








--i hope this helps you!!--

Sandy Sandals
2007-07-24 11:28:54 UTC





this could go on for a while....
2007-07-24 11:27:25 UTC
heath, haven, horde, hover, hides, humps, harem, honey
2007-07-24 11:32:32 UTC
2007-07-24 11:27:09 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:49 UTC
In flu3nce
2007-07-24 11:26:00 UTC
2007-07-24 11:28:06 UTC
chris m
2007-07-24 11:27:00 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:58 UTC
that's easy, hippo
2007-07-25 02:02:56 UTC







Hatty harem





Left Bank Hook
2007-07-24 11:41:35 UTC


2007-07-24 11:27:22 UTC



2007-07-24 11:30:41 UTC












2007-07-24 11:27:04 UTC
2007-07-24 11:26:02 UTC
2007-07-24 11:28:14 UTC





Michaela Lawson
2007-07-24 12:46:28 UTC




umm...that's all I can think of in ten seconds...
2007-07-24 11:46:04 UTC
haven, horse, human...
2007-07-24 11:26:42 UTC







2007-07-24 11:30:25 UTC









2007-07-24 11:27:33 UTC

.. why can't i ask?
2007-07-24 11:27:09 UTC
horny .....erm i cant think of any else
2007-07-24 11:26:59 UTC
2007-07-24 13:37:06 UTC










2007-07-24 11:27:23 UTC



This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.