Favorite Writer/Author Quote?
rabble rouser
2006-03-24 14:27:41 UTC
Favorite Writer/Author Quote?
Eight answers:
Jesus W.
2006-03-24 15:05:30 UTC
"The State of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind"-

Wayne Dyer

great true.

2016-05-20 08:40:18 UTC
Hey i think these are some pretty good ones. Fight club ''If i had a tumor i called it marla'' ''Only after disaster can we be resurrected'' ''Hey, you created me. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!'' Cowboy bebop ''Hunger is the best spice they say'' '' I'm Jet Black, 36 years old. I'm often told I don't look 36, but you shouldn't judge people based on appearances... or on how much hair they have. This is my Favo:)! "Everything has a beginning and an end. Life is just a cycle of starts and stops. There are ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable, we have to face them. It's what being human is all about.'' Ah what the heck one more :P this one is great to. ''Spike Spiegel: Look at my eyes, Faye. One of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I've been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. So, I thought I could only see patches of reality, never the whole picture. I felt like I was watching a dream I could never wake up from. Before I knew it, the dream was over.'' Hope you liked them. Best of luck, Dylan
2006-03-24 14:41:21 UTC
"We can not direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails"

"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."

~ Mother Teresa ~

Nancy Drew was a best mystery writer.

"Join the union, girls, and together say, 'Equal Pay for Equal Work!'"

-- Susan B. Anthony, in The Revolution, March 18, 1869

"Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination."

~ Voltaire ~

"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

-- Albert Einstein

"In political matters feeling often decides more correctly than reason."

-- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 173
2006-03-24 14:49:00 UTC
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most

of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if

nothing has happened.

- Sir Winston Churchill
2006-03-24 14:31:50 UTC
A Man who reads, does not have an advantage over one who does'nt, Mark Twain.
2006-03-24 20:11:10 UTC
To know what you prefer, instead of humbly saying "Amen" to what the world tells you you ought to prefer, is to keep your soul alive. - Robert Louis Stevenson
2006-03-24 14:47:41 UTC
"Only the ignorant regret the inevitable."

---Ray Bradbury.
2006-03-24 15:24:36 UTC
"He's fine, he's narrating."

--Michael Chabon, Wonder Boys

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