Which is correct - "master of ceremony" or "master of ceremonies"? What is the plural form?
2008-03-09 19:19:58 UTC
If a lady is the host of the program, do we still refer to her as the master of cermony/ies? How about if the hosts are a lady and a gentleman?
21 answers:
Hill Doll Jodie
2008-03-09 19:23:04 UTC
as weird as it sounds something tells me ceremony.
2016-10-05 07:00:34 UTC
Masters Of Ceremony
2008-03-09 20:05:03 UTC
CORRECT is "Master of CeremonIES". This 'person' is the one who administers (for lack of a better term) the PROGRAM / AGENDA! USUALLY, there are a number of 'speakers' at any 'CEREMONY', and EACH of the 'speakers' is "Introduced"... by the 'Master of Ceremonies'...

PLURAL : ?? If you have more than ONE "M.C.", it would be MasterS of ... The only thing I can think of like that is with some of the 'AWARD' shows, where they actually have "Co-Hosts"! (NO-ONE can 'help' what 'BROADWAY', or 'HOLLYWOOD' does... Isn't there a 'Program called 'Planet Hollywood'?)

Think of it this way...

Think about any 'CEREMONY' that you plan to attend! For example, Graduation from High-School is ONE CEREMONY! There are usually a LOT of things that HAPPEN... (And, these are probably NOT in the correct ORDER!) The Class marches IN. The Principal (I'm more worried about how to spell THAT word) says a few words. I don't KNOW anymore, but there USED to be a "Holy Man' (so I don't offend anyone) who offers a 'Blessing' on the Class! The School Band usually gets a chance to 'perform! There is a 'Speech' by the 'Salutatorian'(sp?), and the 'Valedictorian'! And, Usually, there is some "Prominent" person - some Dignitary - who gives a 'motivational / congratulatory' speech/ message! Toward the END of "THE Ceremony", the Principal, with some help, passes out the Diplomas, as the Graduates walk across the stage! I know there is some more "talk", but I don't remember who does the 'talking', and THEN, the kids throw their 'past-boards' up in the air! (And then, they try to find at least ONE, so they can return the outfit they rented, without having to pay for missing parts!)

ALL of THAT, falls under ONE 'ceremony', and under ONE M.C.!!!

It's much the same in the Military - Graduation from 'BOOT-CAMP', or 'AIT', etc! Graduation from COLLEGE, or UNIVERSITY!

Hope this helps!

***** If a lady is the host of the program, do we still refer to her as the master of cermony/ies? How about if the hosts are a lady and a gentleman?

* If a 'lady' is (YOUR WORDS) "the host", then YES, SHE is the Master of Ceremonies!

* Again, (YOUR WORDS), if you are going to have "the hosts are a lady and a gentleman?"... then you have CO-HOSTS!!!

If it makes it any easier, SOME programs will say: " Your HOST, and MASTER of CEREMONIES..."

Again, I Hope this helps!
2016-04-07 14:52:18 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

That is a subject of much debate. Some go by the organization and if the organization has issued a Masters title to the person as in (Shihan, Renshi, kyoshi, ..... etc.). Some people believe that you can never truly become a master during your life. I like the answer an instructor gave. A student asked his instructor how he would know when he was a master. The instructor replied, "You will know you are a master when a group of true masters get together for a meal, and you are invited". As far as I'm concerned if there is more to learn, or your techniques can still be improved, then you have not mastered your art. Edit: I still feel that I have much to learn, and have not reached my physical or mental limits. I also thing that I never will. But I keep working at it. ...
2008-03-09 19:23:25 UTC
If there are 2 hosts, I think it's Masters of Ceremony. It's not the ceremony that's plural.
2013-12-13 02:47:06 UTC
Hi the correct way depends on the contest if you are talkin about one ceremony just say the master of the ceremony, for more tan one Master of ceremonies

Best regards

2008-03-09 20:53:43 UTC
Masters of Ceremony.

Mistress of Ceremony.

Host and Hostess.
2015-08-13 14:02:32 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Which is correct - "master of ceremony" or "master of ceremonies"? What is the plural form?

If a lady is the host of the program, do we still refer to her as the master of cermony/ies? How about if the hosts are a lady and a gentleman?
Rey Vergel
2015-08-29 00:18:01 UTC
if there is only one person hosting the occasion it would be Master of Ceremonies, if there are two persons MAsters of Ceremonies...Graduation Day is one ceremony but the events in the Graduation day are different which make it all the reason for us to say,"MAster/MAsters of Ceremonies
Aussie Beach Bum
2008-03-09 19:25:39 UTC
One person is a Master of Ceremonies (That is what MC stands for - even if only one ceremony) the plural, i.e. more than one host, regardless of gender, is Masters of Ceremonies.
2008-03-09 19:34:40 UTC
If there is more than one ceremony it is

"Master of ceremonIES"

If there is more than one (emcee) it is

"Masters of Ceremonies"

If the emcee is a woman, it is

"Mistress of Ceremonies"


mis·tress of cer·e·mo·nies: noun


A woman managing event: a woman in charge of the proceedings at an event or entertainment

If it is a man and a woman, they would be introduced like this: " Ladies and gentlemen, here is your Master and Mistress of Ceremonies....."
2008-03-09 19:23:56 UTC
Master of ceremonies is correct. If you need to make it plural, masters of ceremonies is correct.
2008-03-09 19:24:46 UTC
I've never encountered your hypothetical situation: but I would say "Master of Ceremonies" or "Masters of Ceremony."
2008-03-09 20:13:46 UTC
"Master of ceremonies" is the correct form. I have never seen it used in the plural, but I expect the plural would be "Masters of ceremonies."

Harleigh Kyson Jr.
2008-03-09 19:23:38 UTC
well if there are two events happening its called "the master of ceremonies". if its just one then its "the master of ceremony".
2008-03-09 19:24:50 UTC
if they're only doing this 1 . then they are the masters of the ceremony If either or have done one b4 and r 2gether then they are the masters of ceremonies
2008-03-09 19:26:43 UTC
the more usual form is "master of ceremonies"

if there's more than one MC, they are "masters of ceremonies"

the female form is actually "mistress of ceremonies" (!)

if there's one male and one female it's "masters of ceremonies" or "master and mistress of ceremonies"

usually shortened to "MCs" to make things go quicker ;-)
2015-05-14 21:31:50 UTC
correct master ceremony master ceremonies plural form:
2014-11-19 16:22:14 UTC
mistress of ceremony for a woman
2008-03-09 19:23:10 UTC
you can just say MC or Hostess for the evening. Hosts Host hostess, its easy and a litle more classy.
2008-03-09 19:22:24 UTC

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