The pronunciation is, I take it, "kah-MEEL", with the accent on the last syllable.
Note that a perfect rhyme ONLY has to match any sounds from the vowel of the last syllable to the end of the word. So, in this case, any word that ends with an accented syllable making the sound "EEL" will work.
Try these:
conceal, deal, ideal, feel, congeal, heal, heel, keel, kneel, meal, anneal, peel, peal, appeal, repeal, real, reel, surreal, seal, spiel, squeal, steal, steel, teal, veal, reveal, weal, wheel, zeal
(There are also probably any number of proper names that rhyme, starting with "Bastille" and "Camille", but that is not what people usually have in mind when they ask for rhyme words.)