Do you check your Grammar and Spelling before you submit a question or answer?
2006-02-24 16:53:36 UTC
Do you check your Grammar and Spelling before you submit a question or answer?
33 answers:
2006-02-24 17:01:54 UTC
I don't usually proof-read answers until after I submit them (as there's an edit button it's not such a big deal), but I do check questions pretty carefully as I can't go back and change them later. And when I'm not sure how to spell something I always look it up before I type it!
2016-05-20 07:45:15 UTC
Yes! Only over and over and over... Growing up as a perfectionist with a Speech Pathologist for a mother means I'm pretty obsessive about spelling ~ sometimes I'll spend absolutely ages answering a question/ email, because when I change even a single word I feel like I have to go through and reread the whole thing... yet again! As if my entire world might just collapse if a spelling error goes unchecked! To make matters worse, I'm from Australia, so the Y!A Spell Checker prompt (which I never use anyway) comes up when I don't use American spelling, which makes me even more paranoid! :S ... and now it's complaining about my punctuation! ... Speaking of which, did you mean to have a 'space' between 'submitting' and the question mark in your question? Just wondering! ;P
James D
2006-02-24 17:05:39 UTC
I found so many of the answers a reflection of people's attitudes about things that used to matter. I just wish those that think spelling and grammar are a waste of time would see how that attitude reflects on them. Oh, well...

To answer your question, I always check my spelling. Since I have little tolerance for those who can't spell, I have to live up to my own standards. With grammar, I know I dangle the occasional participle but generally try to be sure my sentences are properly constructed.

After reading Miss-N-Wyo's answer, I admit to keeping Word open as well to spell-check. I'd just be too emabarrassed to be caught making a mistake.
2006-02-24 16:55:41 UTC
Yes, I try not to make grammar and spelling mistakes before submitting a question or answer, but it would be easier if Yahoo! included a spell checker, which could check the questions or answers for spelling mistakes.
2006-02-24 17:03:27 UTC
Yes, people judge your response on the grammer and spelling even if they don't admit it. The ones chosen for best response are usually the ones that are easy to read because they have been correctly written.

I keep word open and when I have a question if I have spelled something right I copy and paste it into word and if it is wrong I copy and paste the correct spelling into my answer - Going a little far - Huh!!
2006-02-24 17:01:48 UTC
No,there is no spell checker included on the answers site.

I have copied my answer spell checked it in text editor and then pasted it into the answer field before submiting the post but I do not always have the time to do that.
2006-02-25 18:32:17 UTC
Always; like others, I occasionally leave a participle or two hanging precariously over the edge, but generally take great pains to get it right.

People whose native language is not English can easily be excused for mangling our mother tongue. But some of the more careless native English speakers on this board are setting a bad example.
2006-02-24 17:03:19 UTC
I do not check my grammar or spelling when answering a question.
2006-02-26 07:12:47 UTC
I always check my spelling. (I just have to right click and the spell check option appears in the pop-up menu).

I will admit to intentionally misspelling words sometimes for effect. I am southern and sometimes the local dialect just expresses my point more accurately.
2006-02-24 17:01:07 UTC
Of course. Oh, by the way, you don't need to capitalize the words "spelling" and "grammar."
2006-02-24 17:09:59 UTC
My frustration is shared by sport_n_spice. In fact, it annoys me so much that I won't answer a question that looks like it's written by an eight year old. Why should I waste my time developing an answer that won't be understood.
2006-02-24 16:55:07 UTC
I probably should, but I never just takes up too much time, and I figure that the person will understand my answer even with a few misspelled words, eh?
2006-02-24 16:59:44 UTC
Most of the times I do, but would be wonderful if we consider that English is not the first language for all users here.
2006-02-24 16:57:25 UTC
Sometimes, I make a lot of typing speed errors, unscramble this one nac L Isepl
2006-02-25 10:21:04 UTC
Yes, I always do because I think I owe this to the others; however, I cannot vouchsafe for unintentional errors.
2006-02-24 17:53:38 UTC
Most of the time I do, but sometimes, I'm in a hurry and don't check.
2006-02-24 17:44:33 UTC
I try to because I would be mortified to have people think I was a poor speller. I wish more people did so we could all be more easily understood.
2006-02-24 17:39:26 UTC
Always, although not everyone does. Some of the misspellings are quite humorous.
2006-02-24 16:56:40 UTC
yes...i always check my spelling and grammar...dont want to look stupid or anything...but i guess that is just me.
2006-02-24 16:58:13 UTC
yep, but sometimes i misspell words on purpose, otherwise i use to big of words and i don't know how to spell
2006-02-24 16:57:21 UTC
Always. It initially distinguishes me from obvious losers and people who don't know anything.
sexy chik
2006-02-24 17:10:53 UTC
yes cause i dont want people think that i cant spell
2006-02-24 16:57:10 UTC
Hellz yas!
2006-02-24 16:58:32 UTC
Sometimes but not always. This time I did not. How did I do?
2006-02-24 16:59:54 UTC
Don't you HATE that?!? It drives me EVERYONE on here is illiterate! Come on, people, let's at least sound intelligent.
2006-02-25 10:19:15 UTC

wise due u thick eye wood due dat
2006-02-24 16:58:30 UTC
Karma CP
2006-02-24 16:55:34 UTC
Sumtimez I do, other times I do'nt... :)

2006-02-24 17:52:35 UTC
I don't need to. I'm a genius.
2006-02-24 16:59:02 UTC
I like learnding. :P
2006-02-24 21:22:33 UTC
no...i am good enough and smart enough and confident enough in my ablibity to tpye.... :P
Gabrielle(AKA) Abby
2006-02-24 17:44:04 UTC
2006-02-24 20:28:42 UTC
no why bother?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.