Prime Minister Daiv Cameron had no option to command opponents with his refusal to take steps to halt the takeover.
this are some definition of the word bid:
bid (bid)
transitive verb bade or bid, bidden bid′·den or bid, bidding bid′·ding, bid
Obsolete to beseech or implore
to command, ask, or tell: do as you are bidden
to offer (a certain amount) as the price or fee that one will pay or accept
to declare openly: to bid defiance
to express in greeting or taking leave: bid farewell to your friends
☆ Informal to offer membership to: the fraternity may bid five new men
Now Chiefly Dial. to invite
Card Games to state (the number of tricks or points one proposes to take and, in bridge, whether one proposes to play the hand with a specified suit as trump or with no suit as trump) in an effort to win the right to name trump