People don't like me, that's the problem. Guys don't like me because im a girl, and girls don't like me because im not into the hole happy life things. Such as unicorns and the color pink. Or pop music. I went to 8th grade this year and its my first time ever at a school. People don't know me enough to like me. But a lot of people know me, every day i sit by my self to eat lunch or wait for the bell to ring. I sit by a tree or at my desk quietly. And when i try to get into a conversation that people are talking about near me they ignore me. Then they complain that im to quiet and that makes me a freak. Iv only had one friend in my life so im not much of a talking person. Now people are labling me to being this emotionl person (aka emo) i dont want to be that. It scares people away from me and i dont need help scareing them away. I dont know what i should do, my teachers are now geting mad at me bacause they dont hear me talk to anyone. Only them and only answer questions they ask. And she says i should see a docter about that. I think she thinks im like depressed or crazy or something but im not. I just dont have friends so what should i do?