All inventions and discoveries have resulted from curiosity.
Curiosity , intrinsically , is positive.
When people talk of curiosity killing the cat , it is not really curiosity , but inquisitiveness which can kill a cat.
Inquisitiveness is a desire to know without having anything in mind ! Curiosity is a desire to know because something puzzles you , and you have a vague idea or a hypothesis about how it might be.
Columbus might have reached America by accident , but he started off with a goal in mind ; he did not just get into a ship and set sail !
Curiosity , in the true sense can never be unfavourable ; consider that my wanting to know what my neighbour is doing can seem unfavourable , but what if my profession is that of a detective , and I have hired to find out exactly that ? Certainly , now , my curiosity is no longer unfavourable !
Almost every person whose name figures in the Guinness Book of World records , because of their superhuman feats , is there because they wanted to see how far they could stretch themselves beyond the known limits , physical and mental. If they had played it safe , they would not be there !