Some of the answers are very close but here is more detail from a dictionary. There was just to much info to type it all so here it is...
tube [toob, tyoob]
n (plural tubes)
1. cylinder for transporting or storing liquids: a long hollow cylinder used to transport or store liquids
2. collapsible container with cap: a collapsible, generally cylindrical container sealed at one end and closed with a cap at the other. It is used for packaging semiliquid substances such as toothpaste.
3. anatomy cylindrical body organ: a hollow cylindrical organ that transports liquids or gases around the body
4. anatomy Same as fallopian tube
(informal) (usually used in the plural)
5. rail underground railway: the underground railway system in London (informal)
6. rail underground train: a train on an underground railway system (informal)
7. cycling Same as inner tube
8. electronics Same as cathode-ray tube
9. tv Same as television (sense 1)
10. botany channel in plant: a narrow enclosed channel in a plant, e.g. the organ in a germinating pollen grain that conveys the male gametes to the ovule
11. botany flower part: a roughly cylindrical fusion of the petals of a flower such as a daffodil
12. electronics Same as vacuum tube
13. music body of wind instrument: the hollow cylinder that forms the main body of a wind instrument, through which the player's breath passes
14. surfing part of wave: the tunnel formed when a large rolling wave prepares to break
vt (past and past participle tubed, present participle tub·ing, 3rd person present singular tubes)
1. fit something with tube: to supply or fit something with a tube
2. enclose something in tube: to put something in a tube
[Early 17th century. Via French < Latin tubus ]
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
pipe [pīp]
n (plural pipes)
1. tube for transporting liquid or gas: a long cylindrical tube that water, oil, gas, or other such material passes through
2. tube of any kind: an object in tubular form
3. device for smoking tobacco: a small bowl with a hollow stem coming from it, used for smoking tobacco or other substances. Pipes are usually made of wood or clay.
The tobacco is burned in the bowl and the smoke drawn into the mouth through the stem.
4. amount in smoker's pipe: the amount of tobacco or other substance that the bowl of a smoker's pipe holds
5. hollow body part: a tubular part or organ in a plant or animal, especially one in an animal's respiratory system
6. tubular musical instrument played by blowing: a tubular musical instrument that is played by blowing air into it
7. tubular part of musical organ: an upright tubular part of a musical organ that produces sound when air is blown into it
8. wind instrument of Middle Ages: a three-holed wind instrument of the Middle Ages, played with one hand while the other hand beats on a small drum
9. sailor's whistle: a small whistle used for signaling orders to a ship's crew, usually by a boatswain
10. high-pitched noise: a high-pitched or shrill noise, e.g. a birdcall
11. geology cylinder-shaped geologic formation: a vertical cylinder-shaped geologic formation, e.g. a vein of ore
12. geology passage through which lava flows: a vertical passage through which molten lava flows
13. metallurgy hole in cast metal: a conical cavity in the middle of a piece of metal, produced by gas escaping as the metal cools
or pipes, npl
1. music bagpipes: a pair of bagpipes
2. vocal cords: the vocal cords or voice, especially when used to sing (slang)
3. human bowel or respiratory passages: the passages of the human respiratory or intestinal system (slang)
v (past and past participle piped, present participle pip·ing, 3rd person present singular pipes)
1. vt carry something by pipe: to carry something, especially water, gas, or a semisolid, by means of a pipe, pipeline, or system of pipes
The company pipes crude oil to the refinery.
2. vti install or equip with pipes: to equip something with pipes, or install pipes and their connections in something
3. vt play tune on pipe: to play a tune on a musical pipe
4. vt send piped music through place: to play prerecorded music in a public place or workplace to create a soothing atmosphere
5. vt signal something using pipe: to signal the arrival or departure of somebody or something using a pipe
6. vt order crew using boatswain's pipe: to give orders to a ship's crew using a boatswain's pipe
7. vt decorate garment with piping: to add decorative piping to a garment
8. vt decorate food with piping: to add decorative piping to food, especially by forcing it out of a bag that has a nozzle designed to create the various decorative forms
9. vti make high-pitched noise: to make a high-pitched or shrill noise, or speak or say something in a squeaky voice
[ Old English pīpe , via Germanic < assumed Vulgar Latin pipa < Latin pipare "to peep, cheep," an imitation of the sound]
-pipe·ful, , n
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.