I like this question, though you are familiar with my policy about picking favourites, right? I'll not name just one...
There are some awesome words beginning with "ob," have you noticed?
In addition to your own obfuscation, there's:
obstreperous (marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness)
obsequious (marked by exhibiting a fawning attentiveness)
obnubilate (to becloud or obscure)
I also like obscure pejorative terms, the more outdated, the better.
Piltdown man (OK, it's 2 words but you need both... it refers to a supposed early homanid, discovered in an English town of the same name, which was later revealed to be a hoax... it's perfect in place of the more commonly used Neanderthal or caveman)
poltroon (a spiritless, craven coward)
philistine *a personal favourite* (someone disdainful of intellectual or artistic values)
Then there are those words that beautifully capture that which cannot otherwise be defined...
amorphous (having no definite form; being without definite character or nature)
usufruct (the legal right to use or enjoy something, usually belonging to another)
I'd be curious to know how many people have ever even seen that last one before. I first came across it in an excellent book I read about environmental history (yet another college-boy reference, sorry) and I never forgot it.
Cheers, Patz. Great question!