This is more than a paragraph, actually two, or three or more, but I had fun with it,and, in the spirit of the directions, kept it in one paragraph. One big paragraph.
The year is 2014. Brittany Spears sluggishly pours herself a mug of black coffee and wonders what happened with her life. She was the star,the golden glittery rich one, yet her beauty, her talent, and the contents of her bank account do not impress her sons one jot. They want to live with their dad, Kevin Federline. Years ago, way back in the year 2006, when Brittany kicked Kevin out, Kevin smarted up to the fact that if he wanted to be involved in his sons lives he would have to prove to a judge that he was able and fit for the raising of sons. So Kevin became domesticated. He cleaned, he dusted, he bought 8-track tapes instead of CDs to show he could make a dollar yelp, and he learned to cook. Kevin found he enjoyed cooking enormously and nobody jeered him when they tasted what came out of his kitchen. When Kevin received a lump sum from Brittany in the divorce he used it to enroll himself into the "Culinary Institute Of America" where he graduated with honors at the top of his class. Not only did Keven graduate from "The Institute" they offered him a job there as professor, which he gladly accepted, as having a steady job looked wonderful in the eyes of the court.
When word of his tasty talent erupted around the world, Kevin became known as The Gentleman Chef and was invited to participate in an Iron man competition, the winner of which received the honor of cooking for The King and Queen Of England, Elizabeth having retired in William's favor so she could play with her great-grandchildren. Kevin accepted, thinking cooking for the Royals of England would look good in the eyes of the court. When Kevin made the Mystery Ingredient, Opossum meat, taste like squid, he was declared the winner, and was sent packing to Merry ole England. The meal he cooked there was so tasty that it brought an immediate job offer as the Royal couple's personal chef. Kevin turned it down thinking that living in another country would not look good in the eyes of the court. Wanting to do something for the man who had made their taste buds sing, Kevin was given the Royal Favor of having a title bestowed upon him. Henceforth he was known as Sir Keven Federline, Gentleman Chef. Kevin accepted the title thinking it would look good in the eyes of the court. Back to 2014, Brittany pours herself another cup of coffee and sighs. While the scum she divorced has a prestigious job, and a title, and is smiled upon by the eyes of the court, the highlight of her career so far was performing in an actual cave for a group of Goths and being knocked unconscious by a falling stalactite..which would not have been so bad, but she had been wearing almost see through clothing and was not wearing any underwear,which would not have been so bad, but she fell into a pool of cave water which made her almost see through clothing, very see through, which would not have been so bad, but in the audience was Perez Hilton which would not have been so bad, but he had a camera, which would not be so bad but he had a front row seat, which would not be so bad but he is the author of a gossip site which has a huge following. That episode did not look good in the eyes of the court. And she is still trying to live down the episode involving the brothel and the activities she was photographed doing there...the eyes of the court glared a mighty glare. But that sordid story is for another day.