what is the difference between droite et droit?
Jennifer S
2006-10-23 21:02:15 UTC
if you could, give a simple example in french and explain how the sentence would be incorrect if the other word was used.

i'm completely unable to understand why i'm sometimes using droite and using droit at other times. both seem to mean "right".
Four answers:
2006-10-23 21:10:12 UTC
J'écris avec ma main droite.

I write with my right hand.

* droite means right (as in right or left)

Le magasin est du côté droit de la rue.

The store is on the right-hand side of the street.

*droit means right-hand (used in directions)

Explanation: if you say droit, you are typically speaking of something such as your hand or foot, where as droite is right-hand side. I know it is confusing, but I hope that this helps.
2017-01-15 13:35:26 UTC
What Is Droit
2006-10-23 21:08:46 UTC
in french, the e at the end means it is feminine. and droit is masculine.
2006-10-24 10:21:20 UTC
One is the masculine form and the other feminine.

"C'est la route droite"

"route" is feminine so you make the corresponding adjective feminine.

"C'est le livre droit"

"livre" is masculine.

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