Is Shut up a swear word?
2015-03-08 00:25:29 UTC
Is it? I just think it's plain as this; It's just the two words 'shut' and 'up' put together, but there are girls in my class that think it's a swear word. In fact, half the class was fighting over it during math. I think it's NOT a swear word, what do you think???
199 answers:
2015-03-08 08:51:26 UTC
Well, it's not really a "swear word", it's more just the fact that you're being rude; there is a much nicer way to say things.

For example, if you were to yell "SHUT UP" at like, a 5 year old, they would probably get upset. It's kind of a swear word to them, because they're not allowed to say. Parents are trying to teach them how to be kind and a good child.

In conclusion, it's not a swear but it's not very nice
2015-03-11 01:01:55 UTC
Shut up isn't a swear/curse/cuss word at all. Like you said above, shut and up are just two words out together, nothing bad about that. (Finally someone who has the same logic as I.) Besides shut up is more of a rude sentence, that is grammatically incorrect in meaning. Shut means to close, and up means above. Put the two definitions together, and you get close above. And that makes no sense whatsoever. Whereas today people modify their true meanings to their own convince, which leads to others to see them as curse/cuss/swear words.

So technically it's not a swear word, but a incorrect defined sentence.
2015-03-10 18:05:34 UTC
No, it is more rude than anything. In fact, I do not think Shut Up is considered a swear word at all.
2015-03-09 17:49:24 UTC
No. Swearing involves an evocation, historically something like casting a hex against someone, calling on a personal power or god or fate to do evil to someone, or change their fate. Many untoward expressions or commands or rude observations are mistaken, or lumped together with swears, but while such comments are unnecessary and often crude, are not the same thing. Sometimes in literature, the word is replaced with "oath" in the context of a person shouting oaths at someone. However, lexicography is an evolving thing in a living language, in otherwords, the definitions of words change over time.
2015-03-08 15:47:36 UTC
I don't agree with "Shut up" being considered a swear word nowadays. Sometimes when someone is being especially rude or obnoxious, they DESERVE to be told to "Shut up." Children simply need to be taught the circumstances when it is appropriate to say such a phrase, because it IS extremely rude. For example, saying it to an adult is a big no-no.

When I was a child in elementary school, there was another child mercilessly bullying a special needs child. The teacher wasn't doing anything to help because the things being said would only upset the S.N child and she didn't realize bullying was going on. I got SO fed up that I stood up in the middle of Math class and screamed at him to "SHUT UP and leave S.N child alone!" The teacher was so surprised because i was such a quiet shy girl, that I didn't even get scolded. lol

Shut up, is extremely rude and should only be used to certain situations, but it is definitely not a swear word.
2015-03-10 07:50:51 UTC
It's not a swear word, you just need to be careful of who you tell to shut up and what situation you say it in. It's not as harsh as some things you could say but it's still a bit inappropriate to say to, for example, your grandparents. It's a very mild phrase but some people still take offence to it, just make sure you're with people who can take a joke or aren't too fragile when you say it. People get offended by all sorts of stuff nowadays.
2015-03-08 15:30:06 UTC
No, shut up is not a swear word. It's not a nice word but definitely not a swear word.
2015-03-10 18:12:01 UTC
Technically no I would consider 'shut up' not to be a swear word. However in certain contexts it would be considered to be quite rude and inappropriate. I defiantly wouldn't condone using this word in the classroom and would discuss with the class that while some words are not legitimately classified as a swear word, they can be hurtful and not appropriate to say in the classroom. A child saying to another child "shut your mouth" would be as equally as rude and due to the child prohibiting the other express their opinions.
2015-03-10 00:28:57 UTC
not a swear word Is Shut up
2015-03-09 17:42:02 UTC
No but for younger children (0-6) they consider it a swear word because the younger you are the more polite and rule following you are (do you still ssh at every single whisper) though some older kids (K-5th grade) consider it bad because of teachers and parents. Ultimately kids will grow out of it just like how as kids get older crap, pissed, and more seem natural.

Though that doesn't answer how to convince them you need to do to things.

1) Be polite and start off with be quite and only use it if your really annoyed (AFTER at least 1 be quiet)

2) Explain it's meant to show that you want them to be quiet and are annoyed when you use it.
2015-03-10 20:38:57 UTC
Its just another word for be quiet. Except the words 'Shut Up' shows that your tired of people talking, and your more frustrated.Shut Up is also just a stronger term for be quiet. It is usually not seen as a swear word. It should be seen more as a word that expresses your'e annoyed with the person for talking, or they say something rude that you don't agree with.
2015-03-09 07:27:09 UTC
No - shut up is not a swear word
Smokies Hiker
2015-03-09 10:07:31 UTC
You're right! Shut-up isn't any type of swear word. If it was, kids would have heard their parents "swearing" starting about age 3 or 4.
2015-03-08 15:53:58 UTC
No it is not a swear-word. However using words to hurt someone else is an evil all it's own, and shut-up is one of those words that can hurt other people if used in a rude or insulting way.
2015-03-10 09:20:31 UTC
No, shut up is not a swear word.
2015-03-09 01:35:18 UTC
It speaks about your manner of speaking, is rude. But I'd say it's not far from a swear, but not close either.. In another words, "SHUT UP" is between the middle of these two words > swear and rudeness.
2015-03-11 12:56:42 UTC
When I was 11 and in primary school, I used to say the exact same thing to my teacher when I had to mind the smaller kids who were 5-7 year old's. I told one of them to shut up in a joking way, and they ratted on me.

To younger kids, it is probably a swear word but when you're older it's just considered rude to say it.
2015-03-10 13:17:25 UTC
Not a swear word
2015-03-08 14:13:15 UTC
I don't think it's a swear word but I don't think somebody would be happy if you just shut her up in the middle of talking or converssation, it's very rude or disrespectful depending on how old the individual's age is... it is not a very nice thing to say especially to a child, it's just gonna break her heart, and for adults it will just gonna cause trouble...
Art G
2015-03-10 21:08:40 UTC
No, shut up is not a swear word!
2015-03-09 11:34:15 UTC
It is not a swear word but it can be seen as rude, depending on who you tell to shut up.
2015-03-09 13:11:35 UTC
It's not a swear word, because shut up is two words so actually it's swear "words"
2015-03-09 06:40:10 UTC
Not a swear-word. But it is not a nice way to tell people "to keep their mouth shut". Be more assertive when someone says something you don't like. Say instead, "When you say shut-up, I feel threatened and attacked, because I have the right to voice my opinions as long as I'm not hurting anyone." Make sure you aren't saying something that is hurting someone, which caused them to also feel threatened and attacked and then say "shut-up".
2015-03-08 00:30:46 UTC
Unfortunately, it depends on the person's interpretation of swear or curse word. Shut-up is certainly rude to say to someone (especially as an expression of anger or dislike), and that alone is enough for some people to classify it as a swear word.
2015-03-09 16:30:36 UTC
No, I plain don't like that word, I think that it is a rude word And that people should not use it. Is is a swear word no. Swear words are bad almost like cursing at people.
2015-03-08 00:30:37 UTC
No. It is very rude, but it's not swearing. When you say normal words in a hateful way, they become rude, but not swear words.
Randi J
2015-03-10 07:08:26 UTC
It's not a swear word. It's just not nice. It's kind of a harsh thing to say.
2015-03-09 07:06:42 UTC
Swear words are what we make them. In my opinion, "shut up" is not a swear word; however, my mother says it is so I do not use that phrase. When I am no longer in her jurisdiction, I will not consider it a swear word and hence it will not be so. Those bad words are only bad because we make them so. "Shut up" is probably not considered a swear word unless you make it one in your household, but universally it is usually not considered one.
2015-03-09 15:11:24 UTC
Depends on where you live. The british equivalent: Shut up=Be Quiet. And also younger people say shut up is a bad word. Older you get the more you think shut up isn't a sware word.
2015-03-09 07:54:45 UTC
shut up is not a swear word but it is sort of rude to tell someone
2015-03-10 09:32:43 UTC
It's not a swear word but it can be rude.
2015-03-10 02:50:03 UTC
It's not a swear word for sure. But it definitely is considered rude.
2015-03-08 20:44:33 UTC
I don't think "shut up" is a swear word. But i think, its a bad word because its not nice or polite.
2015-03-08 00:31:13 UTC
No, shut up isn't a swear word.
2015-03-09 13:51:36 UTC
no dont think shut up is a swear word
Asim Iqbal
2015-03-09 10:15:06 UTC
You can only generate opinions from a question being put in such a context. So from my view I would say that it is not a swear word but rather it is a much ruder way of telling someone to simply be quiet.
2015-03-10 12:50:16 UTC
Your face is a swear word.
2015-03-10 23:12:18 UTC
Ohhhh shut up ....of course its not a swear word it is just a very well used phrase, that is short a to the point!!
2015-03-13 00:22:01 UTC
No but for younger children (0-6) they consider it a swear word because the younger you are the more polite and rule following you are (do you still ssh at every single whisper) though some older kids (K-5th grade) consider it bad because of teachers and parents. Ultimately kids will grow out of it just like how as kids get older crap, pissed, and more seem natural.
2015-03-09 10:13:52 UTC
It is not a swear word. If I were you, I will open a dictionary and show them of its meaning. But I think it is not quite good to command a person with "SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP".
2015-03-11 10:28:35 UTC
whoever thinks its a swear word can actually 'shut up' because they dont know what it means

'shut up' is never been a swear word
2015-03-10 15:53:00 UTC
It is not a swear word but it is considered rude to use.
2015-03-09 13:39:47 UTC
No, it's not a swear word. People seriously need to toughen up, it's ridiculous to hear people complaining about how words and phrases like "shut up", "stupid", etc. are swear words. Sometimes people need to hear the truth.
2015-03-11 09:56:44 UTC
No, I don't think it is a swear word. However, it is a rude comment to say to anyone.
2015-03-10 11:12:14 UTC
It depends who you ask! I said 'Jesus Christ' to a teacher and I got a detention so it all depends on who you ask.

In my opinion, no it isn't a swear word. But then if you say something like 'Shut the f*** up, you annoying c***!' then that's different!
2015-03-12 02:53:29 UTC
It's not necessarily a swear word. But it is rude.
2015-03-08 13:01:26 UTC
lol no doesnt come any near it, **** and **** and ***** are swear words. yahoo would ad this ** star sign if it is a swear word therefore there are no star signs on shut up so it is not a swear word
2015-03-11 09:14:58 UTC
Of course not, who the hell thinks shut up is a swear word???
2015-03-09 13:29:00 UTC
It's not a swear word, but it's not really a nice word either.
2015-03-09 02:07:09 UTC
No .. ''Shut up'' is not swearing ..

.. and there are two different meanings when you say it:-

1) You can be telling someone to ''stop talking'' .. or just ''stop making a noise''

2) You can be telling someone that what they've just said is ''amazing''

(like saying ''Get out of here!'' can mean ''Go away'' or ''That's amazing'')

''Shut the F*** up'' is swearing (although if Barbra Streisand can say it on stage it can't be that bad)
Jumping Sun
2015-03-09 23:03:09 UTC
Rude word : yes. Swear word : No.
2015-03-11 15:29:28 UTC
It's not a swear word. It's just a rude way to say 'be quiet'.
2015-03-08 01:32:01 UTC
i say it all the time lol but some people were raised different and shut up was a really rude insulting word so they dont like hearing it but i was raised that shut up just meant to be quite in a more harsh way but it never bothered our family
2015-03-09 02:50:32 UTC
No it's not a swear word but people may find it rude depending to who you say it to and how you say it.
2015-03-08 18:45:51 UTC
No, shut up is not consider to be a swear ward. It is another way to say be quiet or close your mouth when someone is annoying you
2015-03-10 15:42:29 UTC
If it upsets someone; it's a swear word.
2015-03-10 16:57:56 UTC
It is rude, but not a swear word.
2015-03-08 00:40:16 UTC
It depends on the situation and person.. And no, it's not a swear word :)
2015-03-10 08:07:04 UTC
Shut up" is a direct command with a meaning very similar to "be quiet"', but which is commonly perceived as a more forceful command to stop making noise or otherwise communicating, such as talking. The phrase is probably a shortened form of "shut up your mouth" or "shut your mouth up". Its use is generally considered rude.
2015-03-09 12:30:09 UTC
No, it's not a swear word, but it is rude.
2015-03-11 21:39:53 UTC
George Carlin would say it's not a swear word, so I will have to go with his authority.
2015-03-08 11:54:15 UTC
Of course not.

Informally, with equals or toward children, it's fine. It's just viewed as very disrespectful if used toward someone where you're expected to show respect. When I was a child, I remember it being one of the ultimate household crimes to tell one of my parents to shut up.
2015-03-13 15:57:23 UTC
No, "shut up" is technically not a swear word, but either way it's not very appropriate and it is extremely rude to say. I was the #1 one to actually say it in 2nd grade, when they thought it was a cuss. LOL. But to be safe, just say "shh!" or "Be quiet."so much better.
2015-03-10 09:17:49 UTC
it is not a swear word, but can be rude. taht depends in what situation you tell someone to shut up, and way you use to tell it.
2015-03-08 10:11:31 UTC
it's by no means swearing, but let's just say you dont go round saying it to teachers. if you urgently wanted someone to be quiet, you could get by with saying shut up, it just really depends on the circumstance
2015-03-08 21:19:53 UTC
Not a swear word but kind of a unpolite word
2015-03-08 20:21:47 UTC
If a teacher can say it, it's not. For that reason, it isn't a "swear word". However, that doesn't make it any less rude.
2015-03-09 05:10:37 UTC
Look it up! swear-word profane or obscene oath or word

swear use profane or obscene language

shut-up is simply a rude exclamation
2015-03-11 17:12:25 UTC
Not it isnt a swear word
2015-03-09 16:47:17 UTC
If you include other words than it become a swear word.
2015-03-11 00:56:29 UTC
Not a swear word but rather crude.
2015-03-10 13:14:51 UTC
Not a swear word.

That does NOT mean that you should use it loosely, though.
2015-03-10 15:23:20 UTC
While its not an actual swear word, I think its good that young'uns think it is, maybe they won't say it so much
2015-03-10 15:53:32 UTC
only if you put "teh fuxxorz" in between it.

i prefer "shutthefrontdoor!" myself. throws people off...

ANYTHING can be profanity if you put enough emphasis on it. for instance, i could say "FORK YOU!", and you might feel the same as you would with the actual phrase, because that emphasis is there.

i've seen far worse usage of worse that "shut up", but it is the INTENT of the words that give it meaning. i've said the F-word to friends and they shrug it off because they know i don't mean anything offensive by it. it may be hard for you to understand right now, but trust me when i say that it is a whole other world when you graduate...
2015-03-12 00:52:16 UTC
Shut Up is not a swear word but it is definitely not an appreciated word used in any formal and polite conversation.
2015-03-09 03:50:12 UTC
It is not a "swear word", but some people think of it as slang, or very informal, thus would prefer not to hear it. Maybe say "Be quiet" instead.
2015-03-09 11:59:14 UTC
It is not a swear word at all. Who said it was???
2015-03-08 13:17:35 UTC
No, it is not considered a swear word.
2015-03-11 05:23:54 UTC
Like my teachers use to say...Shut up isn't a cuss word but it isn't a nice word.
2015-03-12 06:48:28 UTC
actually, it's not a swear word by itself -- but, the way you say it sometimes, could give it the quality of a swear word!
2015-03-12 09:17:24 UTC
It's not really a swear word, otherwise teachers wouldn't say it to get their students to be silent in class. I think that it's an easier way to get the students to be silent where as if you say "quiet" or "please settle down" They will be more likely to not follow that instruction
2015-03-13 08:22:46 UTC
It is not a swear word.
2015-03-10 17:14:47 UTC
its not a swear word but its mean to say.
Doug Freyburger
2015-03-10 10:08:53 UTC
It is not a swear word. It is not rude when used appropriately. When used appropriate the target is the rude one not the speaker.
2015-03-10 11:37:28 UTC
No, in my case, but some treat it as if it were. I suggest that you don't use it. I know it sounds crazy, but that word can do some serious damage.
2015-03-11 21:05:01 UTC
its not a swear work but is rude to say to someone considering there are more polite ways to tell someone to stop talking
2015-03-10 19:12:41 UTC
2015-03-09 13:26:37 UTC
My teacher tells our class to shut up
2015-03-08 23:02:44 UTC
yesI do not think shut up is a swear word
2015-03-09 06:26:31 UTC
**** you. Now thats a swear word
2015-03-11 12:19:48 UTC
2015-03-11 13:08:33 UTC
Rude word.
2015-03-08 14:53:30 UTC
Once of Merriam Webster's definitions of "swear word" is : an offensive word", so the answer is "yes".
2015-03-10 17:45:05 UTC
It is technically not a bad word because you are telling the person to be quiet but it is a mean way to say it, like when you are angry.
2015-03-08 18:04:05 UTC
Bill B
2015-03-18 19:22:34 UTC
Shut up!
2015-03-10 12:55:42 UTC
nah it is not a swear word
2015-03-09 14:28:01 UTC
Nope. I t can be considered low brow and inconsiderate to say but it is not a swear
2015-03-09 18:30:49 UTC
No. It's usually considered rude to say
2015-03-11 14:03:27 UTC
If I say shut up the police beat me with large axes
2015-03-12 05:35:25 UTC
no, shut the *beep* up is a swear word! LOL
2015-03-09 14:07:05 UTC
No but it's rude and just as offensive to some people.
2015-03-12 13:47:06 UTC
Nope. It's just a rude way of saying 'be quiet'.
2015-03-09 00:23:51 UTC
I consider it as swear word. You can use "keep quiet" instead.
☯ Storm ☯
2015-03-08 00:50:58 UTC

It's (usually) a rude thing to say. But it doesn't count as profanity.
2015-03-09 09:02:50 UTC
It's not a curse word, but it is rude.
2015-03-08 05:28:24 UTC

"Shut up" is an imperative, not an explicative.

There is a difference between being rude and being vulgar.
2015-03-09 16:35:56 UTC
It is kinda rude but definitely not a swear.....
2015-03-10 13:03:31 UTC
Yes, if it's coming from someone younger than you. It's rude!
2015-03-08 13:03:04 UTC
Swearword= curse, cuss, cussword, dirty word, expletive, four-letter word, obscenity, profanity, swear, vulgarism
2015-03-09 08:02:04 UTC
no because first off, it's two asking if it's one word is as dumb as asking if it's swearing.
2015-03-08 23:34:04 UTC
No it vei gud word I use a lot when somebody say bad thing to me I say shet uop ok?! so den they stop tok to me I happi
2015-03-09 15:13:54 UTC
Juts a rude way of saying be quiet
2015-03-08 21:04:00 UTC
no but there are more polite ways of saying shut up though.
2015-03-09 10:57:13 UTC
No, its just a command, just like any other like "Get into that Car". It's just rude. Thats all.
2015-03-09 11:37:09 UTC
No its actually not. It is just impolite to some people. I sometimes say it randomly to my boyfriend and he hates it. Whenever I can I tell him to "be quiet" or to "hush his mouth". Things differ from culture to culture, so it also depends on where that person is from and their upbringing.
2015-03-10 13:12:32 UTC
My parents think otherwise, but no. I say that its intention that counts. If you say "son of a biscuit" it would have the same intention as "son of a B***" just less offense. But then again, we shouldn't punish someone JUST for intention
thegentle Indian
2015-03-13 07:43:26 UTC
No. It is simply a rude way to tell someone to stop talking immediately!
2015-03-11 07:09:18 UTC
Some Mormons consider it to be one but no, it's not.
2015-03-15 19:44:53 UTC
Of course it's not.
2015-03-10 09:39:32 UTC
Two words you say when someone talks TOO MUCH!
2015-03-10 07:08:04 UTC
Nop it might be rude but its not swearing,
2015-03-08 23:35:28 UTC
shut up is two words, they can be used rudely or used as an exclamation!!! so are we rude or ???
2015-03-11 07:18:57 UTC
No, but it is rude to say "shut up" since there are nicer way to say it such as "be quite"
2015-03-10 11:39:40 UTC
Only in Kindergarten.
2015-03-09 07:29:52 UTC
Not sure about that one mate. I wouldn't risk it if I were you. Hope this helps.
2015-03-13 14:15:44 UTC
I think you are in a class of idiots and you should ask to get out.
2015-03-09 00:12:44 UTC
I don't believe so
2015-03-11 22:27:57 UTC
no, it's just a rude way of saying be quiet.
2015-03-11 17:16:08 UTC
no its just rude its another way of saying be quiet but in a meaner way
2015-03-08 21:57:28 UTC
It depends on weather or not you include "THE ****" Between the shut and up!
2015-03-08 05:29:27 UTC
No, it's not, it's just a ruder way to say shush ....
2015-03-09 14:22:04 UTC
No it's not but, as my mum says, it's "not very nice".
2015-03-10 10:54:26 UTC
no. but again it depends on the tone of your voice. just don't repeatedly say it.
2015-03-09 05:35:43 UTC
Lucifer is the one true master of life and he deserves our love.

Satan love me as i know because my anus tells me so. Satan loves the little children he dont hurt them
2015-03-08 11:09:42 UTC
Yes if you say it then you're going to hell
2015-03-08 02:17:32 UTC
Maybe for second graders
2015-03-09 01:10:36 UTC
No, it's just nice. My teacher also says it....
2015-03-09 11:08:43 UTC
it sounds like you need to be focusing about math in math class
2015-03-10 05:02:12 UTC
2015-03-10 06:59:41 UTC
No, but those are also not the kindest words either
2015-03-10 18:01:01 UTC
No, but it doesn't sound nice.
Mr Mistofelees
2015-03-14 01:36:26 UTC
No, I wouldn't say so.
2015-03-08 16:37:25 UTC
No just rude
2015-03-12 08:48:10 UTC
for me its depend upon expression as well as pitch of the voice

its depend upon the way one use it
2015-03-12 01:06:19 UTC
No but it is still rude
2015-03-09 07:09:06 UTC
No, but it is very rude to say that.
2015-03-09 05:35:36 UTC
No, not in any way shape or form.
2015-03-09 15:31:01 UTC
No its just can be rude
2015-03-08 11:55:01 UTC
Are you thinking of stfu?
2015-03-10 13:09:21 UTC
It is not polite
2015-03-11 19:51:34 UTC
It depends on the situation.
P-nuts and Hair-dos
2015-03-08 01:27:30 UTC
I think you should do math in math class and you and your friends are immature.
2015-03-09 17:28:08 UTC
2015-03-10 17:58:38 UTC
no but the words preceeding it usually are
2015-03-09 09:42:02 UTC
2015-03-09 23:35:57 UTC
depends on your tone
2015-03-08 16:06:44 UTC
Wtf? What grade are you in? Why are people in your class conversing about this? All I hear is how high people were last night, who boned who, parties, drugs, motors, etc....
2015-03-09 06:49:21 UTC
Omm No!
2015-03-10 16:45:23 UTC
No it is just not kind
✿ Emily ✿
2015-03-10 18:14:14 UTC
No, just rude.
2015-03-12 15:28:04 UTC
i don't think so
2015-03-09 04:40:01 UTC
ys it is...but depends upon the tone as well
2015-03-09 14:45:24 UTC
No not really
2015-03-12 11:39:36 UTC
no but shut the **** up is.
2015-03-09 08:36:29 UTC
no just rude
2015-03-10 07:59:30 UTC
I don't THINK so... LOL
2015-03-08 18:29:48 UTC
I think it could be.
2015-03-09 16:36:02 UTC
Inez Deborah Emilia
2015-03-08 18:18:37 UTC
2015-03-15 08:42:20 UTC
2015-03-10 22:21:03 UTC
2015-03-09 19:28:30 UTC
No, but it can be rude.
2015-03-12 13:51:54 UTC
do chickens have lips?
2015-03-10 06:16:31 UTC
It's acceptable to say "God dammit!!" or "Jesus Christ" when you smashed your thumb but "**** it" will be censured.................
2015-03-09 00:57:06 UTC
no but stf is
2015-03-09 04:21:14 UTC
no not really
2015-03-09 06:05:17 UTC
2015-03-12 18:17:51 UTC
2015-03-12 09:48:13 UTC
2015-03-10 20:31:01 UTC
2015-03-09 20:00:15 UTC
2015-03-09 15:11:51 UTC
2015-03-09 11:55:20 UTC
2015-03-08 16:12:13 UTC
2015-03-08 12:43:35 UTC
2015-03-08 08:56:21 UTC
2015-03-09 15:59:25 UTC
no. it never will be
2015-03-09 17:43:36 UTC
2015-03-09 10:16:18 UTC
2015-03-09 06:37:52 UTC
2015-03-08 14:36:14 UTC
2015-03-11 17:59:13 UTC
no....kind of rude ....
2015-03-12 15:45:01 UTC
obviously not what the hell//
2015-03-08 20:15:01 UTC
2015-03-11 05:57:19 UTC
2015-03-10 12:44:12 UTC
it is not very polite!

please become silenced.
2015-03-08 20:14:16 UTC
2015-03-12 12:22:05 UTC

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