Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a kleenex named twig. Twig wasnt your ordinary kleenex that wiped the drizzling snot coming from ones nose. He could walk, and talk, and do all sorts of human like things. Twig lived underneath a gazebo, along with a cupcake, a biscuit, a piece of spree candy, and a jar of jiffy peanut butter. One ordinary day Twig wokeup underneath his gazebo, and noticed a small snippet of a parsnip next to his bed. He quickly grabbed it, and placed it in his handbag for safe keeping, he would eat it later. Twig then walked out of his gazebo and started on his daily walk. He was about 1/4 of a mile into his walk when he looked down, only to find a gumdrop laying by a corner of his tissue body. "My lucky day!!" Twig yelled, agog with excitement. He then picked it up, placed it in his handbag along with the parsnip, and continued on his way. Then, about a mile later, he came up to a baracuda who had, somehow, been takin out of its aquarium. "Oh my!" Twig shouted, as he ran up to the baracuda. He then scooped him up, and ran twords the nearest body of water he could find. While doing this, the baracuda gave Twig a peapod. He said it was a recompense for helping them. Just as Twig placed the peapod into his handbag, along with the parsnip, and the gumdrop, he came up to a river. Quickly, he tossed the baracuda, whos name was sergeant, into the river. But sadly, he had tossed him to far, and the baracuda hit his head on the sluice gate, and died. Suddenly, Twig found himself having a small case of logorrhea. "Why!?", "How could i do that". But he eventually got over it when he was windswept and landed right on the tip of a pantograph. "OOWWW" showted twig. But he eventually got over it, and relized he had always wanted his body pierced. So he continued on his way, and came up to a small iridescent larkspur. "Oh my!" Twig shouted, "Its beautiful!". He then got distracted by the huge blimpe crossing by in the sky. He then continued on his way, still looking at the blimpe in the sky, and walked right into a electric solenoid coil, which gave him quite a shock, but he eventually got over it. So, continuing on his way Twig eventually came up to a small fig, and like his other small treats, he flung it into the bottom of his handbag. As he was doing this, a small chigger bug, that had once been resting on the gumdrop in his pocket, woke up, and walked out of his handbag, and onto Twigs ear. Twig, very quickly, pulled out his claymore (yeah, he has one) and chopped the chigger into 442 pieces. Then put them into his handbag for later. He then came up to a small festive meal. But passed it by, because he wasnt hungry. He then arrived at his gazebo, just in time to watch the sunset, and go back to sleep. The End!!!!
..wow, that was fun.