2013-04-27 03:02:51 UTC
Pasta: is it pronounced like pausta I heard Americans say it like that on tv or do you say it like pasta?
Experiment: Some Americans pronounce experiment like exspearmint?
Vitamins: do you pronounce it such as v'i'tamins or vit'amins like Brits do?
Vehicles: Is it vee'hic'cles or vehicals like I say?
Garage: I heard some Americans say gah'rauge or is it garige like that?
Doctor: I think Americans say it like dauhcter, is it like doc like (docks) ter?
Mobile: how do you pronounce that, is it mo'bole' or mo'bile?
Leisure: is it lee'shure as we pronounce it lez'shure
Laboratory: lab'ra'tory or I don't know how to pronunce it the American way
Route: do all you say it like wroawt (not sure if that makes sense to Americans lol) but you get the idea or is it root?
Zebra: like a zebra animal, is it zeebra or zed'bra like we say as z is zed not zee her?
Cecil: it is a name but we would say Se (like sell) cill like a window sill.
Herbs: is it it like 'erbs or her'bs?
Centrifugal: I say it like centrie'phewgul
Aluminum: I say aloo'minum because that's how Americans spell it which is cooler or aloo'min'ium
Data: some Americans say dah'ta and I say dayta
Tomatoes: so it is pronounced like tomay'toes or to'mart'oes like Brits say it
Alicia: like alic'ia or a-lee-see-ah like Americans say it?
Faucet: I would pronunce it as for'set but I think Americans say faucet like that?
Haitians: do you say it like hay'shiauns or hate'ians?
Remote: I say it as remote like in a remote location, I'm not sure if us pronounce it differently
California: cali'for'nia I think Americans say it the same.
Vase: I say vaurse. I think that's wrong haha
Cucumber: some American say cow umber right? I say cue'***'ber and cue is pronounced like your waiting in a que or a pool table thing
Fanta: I heard some Americans pronunce it like faun'tuah and that we say it like fan'ter and ter sounds like tuh
Million: some Americans say mill'i'u'on and I say it like mill'ie'on
Cliff: some Americans say it like cluff, a guy interviewing Harry potter said Daniel rad'cluff' but British pronunce it cliff like a cliff hanger.
Order: do Americans say orr'der or auder
Fun: do Americans say it like ferhn like a fern tree or fun like sun as I say it?
Over all I think Americans pronunce t's like dee's like I'm audi I know it should be I'm outty because you say that when you leave but it summarises how Americans pronunce things which I love lol
What other words do you Americans pronounce different that I have missed out and how do you pronunce the words I put?