Dodge City, Kansas
Circa 1873
"Sunshine and Mary's Adventure"
Subtitle..."The Desert"
Mary Bragg, Sunshine's girlfriend from her home state of Virginia, had come out West for a visit with her old chum. After a few days in Dodge, Mary was anxious to see more of "Cowboy Country," as she termed it. It was in this spirit that she and Sunshine had planned a journey to Rattlesnake Bluff, a town known for it's rodeos and a good three day ride from Dodge.
As they waited for the stagecoach to arrive in town, U.S.Marshal Matt Dillon, Sunshine's boyfriend, went over the checklist with her....AGAIN. "Okay, then...You arrive in Rattlesnake Bluff on Wednesday. You have a room booked at the Grand Hotel. I expect a telegram from you THAT evening, letting me know of your safe arrival." Sunshine listened obediently, nodding her head at the appropiate times.
As the stage made it's way down Front Street they grabbed eachother and had one final kiss. Mary looked on in awe.
Settled aboard the coach, they waved good bye and took off on their adventure.
Mary: "By the SOUND of things last night, and by that "balcony scene," I'm amazed you're actually here with me!!" she chuckled.
Sunshine:" I know. I know. We are VERY open .....and sometimes LOUD" (A reference to the evening before) "with our affection." She leaned back and closed her eyes, remembering the feel of Matt's lips on hers. Mary just smiled and closed her eyes, in herself....."Someday I hope I find a love like this."
The trip was uneventual the first two days . This all was about to change. One day short of their arrival due date, the front wheel came off the coach, lurching it violently to the left. Sunshine and Mary were thrown against the door which flew open. After a hair-raising few minutes, the coach came to a halt. The frightened horses had broken free and run off, leaving the dead driver, and Sunshine and Mary , both unconscious.
Sunshine was the first to regain her wits. She scoped out the scene and was gathering the canteen and rifle of the driver when Mary "came to." She cradled Mary's head as she gave her some of the water.
Sunshine:"Mary....We need to be very careful and conserve this water. We're at least 15 miles from Rattlesnake Bluff." She buried the driver and gathered what was essential, while Mary got to her feet and surveyed the landscape.
Mary: "Ohhhhh, Sunny !! We're in a desert!! We're going to die !!"
Sunshine assured her that all they needed to do was to stick together, conserve water and head Northwest.
The unrelenting sun took it's toll as they trudged through the desolate territory. Every 20 minutes, Sunshine uncorked the canteen and allowed Mary and herself a wee sip, hardly satisfying but enough to wet their parched lips. More than once she found herself buoying Mary's spirits, when , truth be known, her own spirits were beginning to falter.
Mary looked off to her right and let out a scream.
Sunshine looked up at her.
Sunshine:"MARY! NO! COME BACK! " She knew that even if it wasn't a mirage, it might not be suitable drinking water. In her effort to catch up to Mary, she dropped the canteen. The top which had not been carefully fastened, came off. By the time Mary had reconciled herself to the fact that it was NOT water she had seen, but only the insubstantial illusion of the mind, the water rom the canister had completely run out . Sunshine picked up the empty canteen and stared at Mary.
Sunshine:"I'm sorry, Mary. Thanks to my carelessness we have no more water."
Mary started crying as Sunshine chidded herself.
As night was falling and the desert world began to settle down, Sunshine and Mary huddled together. As hot as the daylight hours had been, the evening cold was just as powerful.
They spent the entire night holding eachother. Mary cried intermittedly, moaning for a warm bed. Sunshine comforted herself with the vision of Matt wrapping her in the warm blankets of his arms.
She fell into a fitful sleep, envisoning herself as a bird....With the freedom to leave this desert wasteland and fly at her will, to safe, green pastures.