Yes. I had an employee who, unbeknownst to me, marched over to HR with a ream of printed emails, and proceeded to tell them horror story after horror story about me. Somehow he got it in his head that I was playing games, excluding him from important meetings, giving the good work to everyone else. He thought I was plotting against him and trying to drive him crazy.
He told HR I had been harassing him. That's a very hot button in big corporate, so they took it very seriously, until he started describing what I had done. The two things I remember HR telling me he complained about were that I invited him out to lunch, and that I talked to him. There was other stuff that wasn't as memorable, nor quite as unbelievably absurd, but plenty of absurdity did spew forth.
Ultimately his complaint backfired. HR found him to be insubordinate and instructed my management put him on a performance plan (a warning, with a plan to improve). He started to accuse me again of stuff and act irrational, but before HR gave me the okay to fire him he left on his own.
It was a painful and horrible experience.