I'll have to settle for two points
I can only answer about two questions with certainty without research.
But I did notice you spelt cogito wrong
right if thats the best three of us can do then I'm going to give it a shot.
1. What street do the Simpsons live on?
Its in Springfield... I'm sticking in Evergreen terrace here as that seems to be popular. LOL
2. What was Socrates wife called?
Mrs Socrates (why I just ahem remembered she was called Xanthippe, which is Greek for yellow horse, and she was a famous shrew. I didn't just look that up here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthippe.)
3. When did Bismarck unify Germany?
1911 (Although now I think of it it might have been that, as Minister-President of Prussia from 1862 to 1890, he engineered the Unification of Germany. coughwikicoughpedia.)
4. Who said - 'Mr Bernard Shaw has no enemies, however he is intensely disliked by all his friends?'
Noel Coward (although Oscar Wilde said it first.)
5. Which novels' alternative title is or 'The modern prometheus'?
The Picture of Dorian Gray,
ha ha ha, I had to put something in.
I had absolutely no idea.
Apparently it was Mary Shelly's Frankincense. About an aromatic monster made of bits of wise man
6. What is Bono's real name?
Sonny Boy Williamson (actually that is a right bad insult to the great Sonny Boy Williamson. His actual real name is Paul David Hewson, no wonder he preferred BONIO)
7. Cogito ergo sum is associated with which philosopher?
Descartes (oh I got one right!)
8. Which author is the most widely published of all time?
Shakespere (I'll be honest I did think about Agatha Christie but I couldn't remember her name. All I could think was that mad bint that wrote detective novels and disappeared once. Anyway I got her mixed up in my head with Enid Blyton. LOL)
9. What was Che Guevara's first name?
Cherry (Ernesto although I prefer Cherry)
10. Cunard the shipping company was previously called what?
White Star (ooh another correct answer)
11. At one point which tree covered the UK?
Oak (really hard question to google)
12. Which Turner prize entrant was famous for her unmade bed?
Tracey Emin (i know this one is right)
13. What year was JFK shot?
1963 (I didn't know they date but its the year my sis was born)
14. What was the last battle fought on British soil?
Battle of Wapping 1996 (Alright I knew it wasn't really a proper battle and I only guessed at the date. The correct answer is Culloden which was fought in 1745 and saw the last gasp of quite a few of my ancestors.)
15. Name Henry VIII's wives ..
Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Parr, Anne of Green Gables, Catherine Tate (do I sound bovvered?) Anne Hathaway, J. K. Rowling, Sigourney Weaver...
I'm confident about this I was watching Richard Starkey last week.
Do I get the prize? :-)