Got this from Wiki:
Mer or MER may refer to:
-mer, an affix used in several words
meridional direction abbreviated
Mer language (disambiguation)
Mer, Loir-et-Cher, a commune in the Loir-et-Cher département of France
Mer (Primeval), a fictional creature from the ITV science fiction series Primeval
La Mer (Debussy), an orchestral composition by the French impressionist composer Claude Debussy
Mers, a people of the Kathiawar region in Saurashtra, India
Fruits de mer, a seafood dish.
Mer, a variant of the open-source Maemo operating system for internet tablets.
Merpersons such as a Merman or Mermaid.
Mer, a collective term for the elven Races of The Elder Scrolls, from the series of computer games
Mer, French term for the sea, used in compounds such as mermaid, merman, merwoman, merbabies, merfolk
Mer, local name for Murray Island in the Torres Straits near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Mer, a diminutive form of the name Meredith
Mars Exploration Rover, one of two robotic rovers exploring the surface of Mars
Movement for European Reform, a pan-European political grouping
Modulation error ratio, a measure in communications for evaluation of digital transmission equipment
MER, Merrill Lynch's former NYSE stock symbol
Management Expense Ratio
Market Exchange Rate
Middle East Report, a publication of the Middle East Research and Information Project
Main Equipment Room