2009-12-27 02:17:09 UTC
So are you thinking that you want to be part of the Saving Asia Foundation? Then hop on board by following us, invite your friends; be part of the revolution and spread the word. If you're passionate about saving these children from forced prostitution then send the SAF a kind-hearted donation. Give from the heart, let’s make slavery history. We’re always greeting new members, so why don’t you get involved; interact with us online by leaving a comment. Show your charisma and support, because that’s what it’s all about giving these children a voice. If you are devoted to join our victorious team; then let me explain a little bit about what we’re doing. We are trying to change what’s happening in Asia, and that being forced prostitution on children.
Our objective is to save every child from forced prostitution throughout South East Asia. At the moment we are trying to raise enough money to fund a fully developed website to raise awareness about child abuse in Asian countries. So why don’t you follow us and increase insight, and know that you’re enriching a child’s life. We have got to start sending the right message through to governments around the world. This is an enormous issue the world has got to face, and most people are looking the other way. So I say turn around and fight for the human rights; we’re all equal in this universe! This maybe a delicate issue but it’s something you don’t want to ignore; because nothing compares to a child’s heart.
Sex trafficking is getting bigger and bigger every year: because the government is doing very little to prevent it. It’s good that the FBI has stepped in; but they are more concerned about sex trafficking in America. Since Asia is a big place you just can’t police organized crime on a large scale and people are just taking advantage of it. Rich men from Australia, America and all over Europe are the ones that fuel these devilish acts on nature. Some men pay upwards of two hundred thousand dollars to have sex with a fourteen year old virgin. It just shows you that people will do all kinds of things if they got the money; even if it meant destroying an innocent child’s life to satisfy them self.
In an effort to save these children we need funding so please give charitably. I promise you that every cent that gets donated will be put towards the goal of a website regarding this issue. Once I have reached the first goal being a website; I'm planning to build a refuge in South East Asia. I'm just praying all the time; that forced prostitution will be history; will you pray with me now? Jesus, I believe that every child on earth is our future. And we pray that you will save each and every child from forced prostitution/slavery. I pray that you will heal their bodies and take away their pain Lord. We ask that you give them strength and a will to live. Thank you Lord we love you in Jesus name, Amen.