Data errors that might occur during a cut/copy/move file operation could come from memory errors. Most desktop and laptop computers don’t have ECC memory and memory errors will often go unnoticed. For desktop/laptop use, memory errors may not be frequent enough to cause a serious problem.
In terms of data integrity of the image files themselves, the most likely source of errors would be from the storage media. Magentic media can suffer from "bit rot" (http:// en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Bit_rot). Optical media (at least for consumer-grade equipment) has a significantly lower number of rewrite cycles before media failure. Flash memory wouldn't be a great choice for archiving due to the much shorter shelf life compared to magnetic and optical media. Some articles that may be of interest:
Digital Longevity: the lifespan of digital files
http://www. dpconline .org/graphics/events/ digitallongevity .html
The Optical Storage Technology Association Q & A page:
http:// osta .org/technology/ cdqa13 .htm When I’m archiving and/or backing up important files, I like to use file synchronization software that verifies file integrity. My preferred choice is something based on the rsync protocol (http:// rsync.samba .org/).
RsyncX (OS X) - http:// archive.macosxlabs .org/rsyncx/ rsyncx .html
DeltaCopy (Windows) - http://www. aboutmyip .com/AboutMyXApp/ DeltaCopy .jsp
Unison (Linux/Windows) - http://www. cis.upenn .edu/~bcpierce/unison/
Most file sync programs will compare dates and file sizes and some will also offer a checksum option. A simple CRC (http:// en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check) would be okay, but something like MD5 would be even better. (http:// en.wikipedia .org/wiki/MD5).
Most CD/DVD burning software applications offer a verification step and it’s a good idea to use it when it’s crucial that there are no obvious file integrity errors.
Some more info on rsync, other file sync software and tips:
http:// en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Rsync
http://www. .uk/projects/ synchronizer_review .html#synctoy
http:// rsync .net/