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Ok, that was a lot to read, just for one question! Since I can't read more than the first set of additional comments when I'm answering, that's all I'll address..... (Edit- ok, so I copy/pasted that refference from Romans.) According to what I've always believed about what being a Christian means (one who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ), I am. You ask if we believe the Bible to be scripture, "God-breathed".... When it was first written, yes, but as we all know, that was a darn long time ago, and a lot of languages ago. Unless He's been updating, correcting errors made by tired monks with bad eyes writing in poor light... well, you get the picture. Have you heard the story about some early translating software?... the program writers plugged in the English saying, "The flesh is weak but the spirit is willing." They had the program translate to Russian and then back to English... "The meat is bad, but the vodka is good."... Translations aren't always exact or accurate. You mention the relationship between faith/grace and works.... Certainly, I can't be saved by my works alone- that would imply that I'm capable of being perfect, without any help from Jesus. My salvation is a team effort, between me and Jesus. He did His part (New Testament), now it's my job to do my part. Here's an analogy.... If I'm in a pit more than about 6 feet deep (I'm only 5'3"), I can't get out alone (works)- I need help (grace). Jesus is on the ground with a rope (grace). I have FAITH that this rope is long enough and strong enough to lift me. I have FAITH that He will drop the rope to me, and raise me up. But that rope hanging in that pit will do not one bit of good unless I do something (works?). I have to take it and use it. I have to wrap it around me and tie it tight. Standing at the bottom of the pit and shouting praises to the rope won't ever save me. Yes, I'm grateful for the rope- there's NO question in my mind that the rope is my salvation, and without it and the One who holds it, I am damned. But to be practical, shouting halelujia isn't going to save me. I need to study ropes, study knots, and learn how to tie the best knot.... In effect, I need to learn how to use the rope to best advantage. Another way to put it- If you're sick and you go to the doctor, that's proof of faith in the doctor's ability to correctly diagnose and treat your illness... The doctor diagnoses your illness, and gives you a prescription for medicine (grace?) that will make you well. What good is that prescription if you never go to the pharmacy? What if you go to the pharmacy and buy the medicine, but never take it?... There is some work that is required on your part to heal you. You have to do SOMETHING (works).... "Rom 8:9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him." Ok- here it specifies that Jesus, Himself, isn't physically/literally inside a "true Christian".... Here's a question for you- Jesus was physically resurrected- His body was perfected, tangible (Luke 24:39- invitation for Apostles to touch His body), capable of ingesting food (Luke 24:42- fish and honeycomb).... Where is that body now? What was the point of a physical resurrection if Jesus is to dwell (metaphysically?) inside all His followers? You question our claim to the title "Christian"... I invite you to come to our services. Attend whatever meetings you like- the women's organization, the men's organization, the youth organizations, the children's meetings. Listen with more than just your ears. Listen with your heart. You may just learn something. BTW- Isn't it kind of judgmental (Matthew 7:1,2) of you to say that there's no such thing as a Christian Mormon? Are you some kind of psychic that you can know what's in my heart?? Also- you already answered your own question.. "There is no such thing as a mormon that passes this test. Their prophet taught that Jesus was tangible and couldn't live inside of you, nor was he omnipresent. So if you answered that you passed this test, you aught to look into a different church, and research your church history." If you already know that to be Mormon is to not be CHristian, then why did you ask the question?... Maybe you wanted to see how many of us you could piss off? Answer- any Mormon who sees your question. Maybe you wanted to see how many of us are "deluded" or "brainwashed" into thinking we actually do follow the teachings of Jesus Christ... Answer- we ALL "brainwashed"- We al believe we follow Jesus Christ.