1. Donkey,s Jaw - don't know
2.Barny Rubble
A metaphor for crack, (cocaine) birthed on the inner-city streets of Tacoma, WA during the rise and fall of the grunge and hip-hop eras in the early 1990s. Made popular in early 2005 by Seattle-based emo-rap group the Sensitivity Boosters, by their hit single "Barney Rubble."
"Barney Rubble: A metaphor for crack / Put it in your pipe, grrl, don't ever get wack."
COCKNEY - trouble; part of the so-callen "rhyming slang" from London. Often the second, rhyming part is left off to confuse outsiders even more.
"Ohh, we're in barney rubble"
3.Cill Black. - don't know
4. Gregory Peck:
Cockney rhyming slang: Gregory Peck - neck. (Becoming out dated now though.)
"Get that down yer Gregory"
Cheque" - as in Gregory Peck.
another example of Rhyming slang being used for 2 different words (this slang is also used for "neck")
"There's no way I'm gonna accept anything but cash from you son, your last Gregory bounced like a superball"
5.New Delhi - don't know
6.Mince pies:
Cockney rhyming slang for "eyes".
"Feast your mince pies on that!
7. Plates of meat:
Cockney rhyming slang for 'feet'.
"I'm run off me plates of meat."
8. Boat Race:
A team-based drinking contest. Opposing teams (usu. 5 members each) sit opposite eachother along a table. At the gun, the first member of each team drinks their beverage (usu. beer) as quickly as possible. Upon completion, each player slams his/her mug to the table, signifying that the next teammate can begin their drink, like a relay race. At the end of the table, the last team member (called 'the Anchor') must complete two drinks before play proceeds back through each team (the 'return trip') until the first player of the winning team finishes his/her second drink.
"We were doing boat races last night at the Student Union building, but Pete had four shots before we started and he couldn't finish the return trip"
Cockney Rhyming slang for "face"
"as in shes got "harry" on her "boat" meaning she's got spunk on her face!"
9. Two bob bits:
means to have an infection of the stomach which in turn gives you diarrhea or sloppy poo poo.
"Hey Dave, I hear that you have a touch of the old two bob bits!"
10. Radio Rental:
Mental. Disturbed. Cool in a messed up way. Has also gained currency as simply: foolish.
Orig. Rhyming Slang (UK), not necessarily only used by davids.
Back in the day when consumer electronics were very expensive, often needed maintainance/repair and we were poor, Radio Rental was a large British company which rented... TV sets. (Doh!)
Often shortened to just Radio.
"Wow! Totally, like RRRRRRRRaaaaaaaaaaadioooo oo RRRRRReeeental!"
"Shut it radio"
11. Skin Diver:
No anser. I would think unprotected sex.
12. **** and Hen:
No answer but hen can be:
One eighth of an ounce of marijuana.
As in short for Henry The Eighth
"Hey Tom can you pick me up a hen"
A Trinidadian Term used to Describe someone who is Gay.
"Look at this bloody Hen"
Hennessy (an alcoholic beverage)
"My friends brought a bottle of Hen to the party"
A norwegian expresion:
"Hen" is the word for the female sex organ